Discover Your Site’s SEO Strengths and Weaknesses Free Mini SEO

Imagine missing a significant amount of traffic, customers, and sales due to improper technical SEO setup of your store. Whether you’re a small business owner or managing a large eCommerce platform, discovering your site’s SEO weaknesses is the first step towards achieving higher search rankings and increased traffic.

Why should you consider a SEO Audit?

Perhaps your website did not initially follow Search Engine Optimization (SEO) best practices. Even if it did, these practices are constantly evolving. Therefore, it’s crucial to conduct regular checkups to ensure you still use the maximum potential from search engines, regardless of your site’s technical stability.

The Benefits of Our Mini SEO Audit

Identify critical issues and growth opportunities

Get a list of action items you can start executing immediately

Experience the value of our SEO expertise at no cost

Feel confident with further expert support available if needed

What’s Included in Your Free Technical SEO Mini Audit

Audit Chapters Mini Audit Full Audit
Google Search Console Check
Google Search Console Setup
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Security issues & Manual actions
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Traffic drop check against known algorithm update dates
Traffic drop check against known algorithm update dates
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“GSC” Crawl stats report
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Redirects & redirect chains
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404 pages
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“GSC” Page indexing reports
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Duplicate content and other indexing issues (canonical & robots meta tags)
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Meta data, Headings and ALT tags
Duplicate, unoptimized or missing title tags, headings & ALT tags
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Page experience & Page Speed
Core Web Vitals Assessment
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HTTPS usability
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Structured Data Markup
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Specific checks
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Internal linking opportunities
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Website structure
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URL structure
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SEO audit checkmark

* The Mini SEO Audit consists of a basic checkup, while a full audit examines each stage in depth.

How it works?

Getting started with your free mini SEO audit is simple and straightforward. First, sign up on our landing page to express your interest. Shortly after, our team will reach out to you to request restricted user access to your Google Search Console account. This access allows us to gather essential data about your website’s performance. Once granted, we will conduct mini audit identifying potential areas of improvement. Within a few days, you’ll receive a report highlighting findings and recommendations. This report will help you understand if your business is underperforming on search engines or if everything is running smoothly.


Gain Clarity on Your Online Presence

Improving your SEO capabilities is a long-term investment and needs a solid technical foundation. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to find out how to enhance your website’s performance. 

Sign up for your free Mini SEO Audit and discover the path to better search rankings and increased traffic with us.

Do you want to find out how well your eCommerce website performs on search engines?

Get in touch! Our free Mini SEO Audit will provide clarity on your SEO performance.

100% privacy guaranteed.
Check how we can help your business!