UX/UI Design

Welcome to our Magento UX/UI design category, where we share the knowledge acquired while providing our Magento web design services.

Discover the latest trends, best practices, and innovative approaches that shape the eCommerce world.

We cover a variety of topics, from usability and accessibility to visual design.

Mastering Magento Site Search: Strategies for Enhanced User Experience

Magento 2 search strategies for improved UX

In addition to the main navigation, search is typically the second most popular strategy for finding products on eCommerce websites. Customers often use the search function when they know exactly what they are looking for or when the main navigation does not yield the expected results.

How do you design and configure the search engine of your Magento site for the best usability? Keep on reading!

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Automotive Website UX Challenges Resolved

automotive parts website design

Automotive parts website design has its challenges and they are revolving around parts search & fitment. Being in this industry for a long time, we’ve learned so much from observing an infinite number of visitors, converters, and returned buyers. We will be sharing our best practices in this blog post so keep reading!

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Top 5 things to keep in mind when approaching an eCommerce website redesign

Top 5 things to think about while designing

So you’ve decided to do a complete site redesign or came to a conclusion your metrics don’t behave as you thought they would? Have you finally decided to implement that feature you’re sure will skyrocket your conversions?

Here are some common eCommerce design pitfalls we often see in the wild you think about when considering taking the next step in growing your eCommerce business.

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eCommerce Returns Management – a simple solution from the Fashion industry

Returns management

Returns can be a major headache for eCommerce retailers. While in-store purchases don’t get returned so often, there are estimates that customers return up to 40% of goods bought online.

This is especially the case in the Fashion & Apparel industry. Online store customers can’t touch the product, hold it nor feel it during online shopping.

Some customers deliberately resort to the practice of over-ordering. This increases the quantity of returns and their negative environmental footprint.

Since the Covid-19 pandemic turned the online store into the only sales channel for many retailers, the problem with returns is more critical than ever.

In this blog post, we’ll demonstrate how one of our clients improved their returns management by developing a custom Returns Portal on the Magento platform.

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5 UX improvements for Magento checkout page design

5 UX improvements for Magento checkout page design

Magento 2 checkout page is the crucial page of your Magento 2 store. It is the final stage of the checkout flow and only motivated users interested in purchasing your products will reach this step.

Many still remember the complicated 6-step Magento 1 checkout. Compared to that, checkout in Magento 2 has been significantly improved. Yet, there are some usability problems that we encountered during our analyzes, and there’s always room for improvement.

In this blog post, we’ll suggest design improvements for 5 known usability issues on the checkout page in Magento 2

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Best practices for Magento cart page design

Best practices for Magento cart page design

The shopping cart sits near the end of the shopping flow – just a step before the actual checkout and payment process. It’s the place where totals, discounts, taxes, and shipping costs get calculated. Most importantly, it is a magical place where the final purchase decision often happens.

Besides providing an order overview, the cart page is also an ideal place to show some vital purchase information that can weigh in the purchase decision. It can also offer products for impulse shopping to increase the average cart value.

However, we often see shopping cart pages having high abandonment rates. There are many disappointments customers can face on the cart page and leave the store before completing the purchase. Here are some tips for Magento cart page design to lower those abandonment rates and push your customers to the checkout!

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Best practices for Magento product page design

Best practices for Magento product page design

Product pages are the center stages of any web store. They carry significant weight in the purchase decision, and they are often the landing pages for people coming from search engines. It’s, therefore, important that product pages perform flawlessly for the customers.

Magento’s product page layout comes with several key elements, such as product name, product gallery, descriptions, pricing, CTAs, reviews, and upsells. Still, it leaves plenty of room for enhancements that can be incorporated into the product page design.

We’ll cover some of the fundamentals of Magento product page design and see how we can utilize existing elements and expand them to achieve more benefits for both your customers and your eCommerce business!

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Best practices for Magento category page design

Best practices for Magento category page design

Category pages serve as a bridge between the homepage and the product pages, bringing the customers one step closer to finding the right products.

They are an essential step in a customer purchase path for customers browsing the store using the main navigation as opposed to search. They are also among the top pages customers will land on. It means that a lot of users will start their browsing and shopping process here. This makes them even more critical.

Read on to see the best practices for category page design in Magento.

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Best practices for Magento homepage design

Best practices for Magento homepage design

Did you know that customers are more likely to land on a category or a product page of your Magento store than on the homepage? Nevertheless, the homepage remains an essential part of an eCommerce store for many customers who start their shopping process. It also acts as an anchor to refer back to throughout the shopping experience.

The homepage introduces the website, explains what it sells, and sets some expectations. It should convey brand values, inspire customers to explore, display product ranges – and accomplish that without visual clutter.

It acts as a shop window to an online store, so cramming things inside might result in a lower perceived value. You wouldn’t clutter your shop window, would you?

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Best practices for Magento theme design

Best practices for Magento theme design

This article is the first from a series of articles that will address the concepts and best practices for creating Magento theme design. In this one, we’re talking about prerequisites for designing a custom Magento theme, the difference between custom and off-the-shelf themes and the decoupled approach for Magento theme design and development.

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Common UX annoyances and misconceptions in mobile eCommerce

Common UX annoyances and misconceptions in mobile eCommerce

It’s been over a decade we’ve been surfing using our mobile phones. Gone are the days we browsed the internet on mobile phones in a hurry, used it to kill some time while waiting (or riding) the bus or to check the weather for the day.

Over the years, our mobile phones became fierce rivals to our desktop device, and they are slowly and surely taking over.

In 2018, mobile sales accounted for nearly 40% of all retail eCommerce in the US, and projections are, that this will surpass 50% by 2021.

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eCommerce UX Scorecard – what is it and how to use it?

eCommerce UX Scorecard – what is it and how to use it?

Are your optimizing for conversions? How do you measure the impact of UX design and incremental changes on an eCommerce website? What are the key metrics (KPIs) you should track to effectively monitor your website’s performance?

Is there a one-size-fits-all type of a report that can give you good enough clues on just how successful are all the efforts you (or an agency you are working with) are putting in? To see the results your optimization efforts brought in?

Here is a really good solution we’re introducing in working with our clients. An eCommerce UX Scorecard – check it out!

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First designers from Croatia trained by Nielsen Norman Group

Nielsen Norman UX certified designers Inchoo

With great pride, we can announce that our designers Marko and Zoran have earned their UX certification after a demanding and exhausting program with the leaders in user experience, Nielsen Norman Group! And we must state that they are the first designers from Croatia who can proudly wear their NN/g UX certification badge.

Want to know more about the whole training and certification program, and the key benefits it brings to our designers and our clients?

Read on!

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(Why) should your designer be Magento certified?

(Why) should your designer be Magento certified?

If you have been involved in building your eCommerce website on Magento, you’ve probably come across some frictions between designers, frontend developers and online marketing team (I’ll leave out all other possible connections for the time being). Why?

Because, more often than not, the UX/UI designers on the project are “outsiders” who may have some great work behind them, but lack eCommerce and, in particular, Magento knowledge.

Now, is that even important? Should a designer understand the platform they’re designing for? And, let’s push that even further – should your designer be Magento certified?

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eCommerce UX – measuring the business value of UX investments


As a website owner, you’ve probably invested a lot of time and money in development, UI design, marketing etc. But what was the last time you asked yourself questions like: “How easy is for users to find what they are looking for? What frustrates them? How do they feel and will they come back?”

Online shopping went through a dramatic transformation in the last few years. The responsive design is adopted and it is needless to say mobile is important in 2018, so what’s the next big thing?

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Navigation – structure, usability and trends

Navigation – structure, usability and trends

Whether it’s a website, an app navigation, your mobile phone menu or the menu in your car – navigation is one of the fundamental features of every digital product. By providing clear and well-structured navigation, you relieve your users of confusion. This makes it easy for them to find what they’re looking for. If users can’t find their way around your product it will frustrate them.

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The process of improving online store usability and design your customers will enjoy

The process of improving online store usability and design your customers will enjoy

The only point of contact your customer has with your online store, is the designed interface. Ever wondered exactly what they think of it? Long gone are the days when the design was purely a visual discipline. It shifted into a responsibility, where designers are also to be valued for their understanding of the product being built. Design doesn’t just paint the building, it builds the stairs to an overall better usability and collaboration of everyone included. It is necessary to update our processes with thorough understanding of end users, colleagues and stakeholders to make responsible and risk-reduced design decisions. Change through user testing is what keeps the design process relevant and competitive.

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How to keep design library in sync across the team? Welcome Sketch Libraries!

How to keep design library in sync across the team? Welcome Sketch Libraries!

The buzz these days is all about design systems, but design system by itself is not enough to ensure consistency through all designs. When working with design systems, the main challenges are ongoing maintenance and informing everyone about the changes.

For a long time, there wasn’t a thorough solution for designers who design in Sketch which would provide easy access to the latest styles and propagate changed assets to team members. Yeah, we had the ability to share symbols via plugins for a while (Craft’s Library), but there were too many problems, and sharing library is too important to rely on a third-party plugin.

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Version control systems in UI design

Version control systems in UI design

Our design team switched to working in Sketch a while ago but it wasn’t until version 43 we really started seeing some opportunities to change our workflows more significantly. It was also an opportunity for more designers to work on the same project as well as collaborate with developers more easily. If you’re looking for professional Magento web design services, feel free to check out our Magento Web Design Service for more information.

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Wireframing a successful design for your online store

Wireframing a successful design for your online store

As designers, we’re often faced with a lot of questions about our process. We never just dive into design and bask in the glory of amazing typography and brilliant color schemes because without the phases that precede it – it just wouldn’t even begin to be possible.

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Your Magento shop deserves a custom tailored theme!

Your Magento shop deserves a custom tailored theme!

Getting your store up is a process. One which starts with a revelation that, if you want to make things work in the long run, you’ll need a webshop. An online place for reaching new and informing existing customers. For them, it’s a brand new channel where they can buy your products. For you, it’s a strategic decision. Why? Because the idea behind that action is growing your business.

But, apart from choosing the platform or the hosting, you should also think about the visual appeal of your store. In this interview, Marko Briševac, one of Inchoo designers, answers the most frequent questions we get from prospective clients. Read more to find out what’s it all about!

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Development and design under the same roof

Development and design under the same roof

Building a web shop on Magento is challenging. When you see a feature that looks “so simple that you could do it”, it was usually not as simple to build it as you think. To create that “simple” thing designer had to spend a great amount of time finding the right solution. After all, creating a feature which draws on that kind of comment means translating something very unorganized and complex to something simple and understandable. On the other hand, developer had to spend a lot of hours translating that solution into code. Designer and developer can find that beautiful solution by communicating, which is crucial in this case. And that kind of communication, the one which yields incredible and neat results, would be much harder if a designer and developer are not placed in the same location.

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Can Sketch help us improve our design workflow?

Can Sketch help us improve our design workflow?

Designers are constantly trying to develop a healthy design process by experimenting with tools in an attempt to find the one that works best.

I’ve been using Photoshop as my primary design tool for almost 10 years, and the fact that Photoshop wasn’t created for UI design was never a real problem. Why? Because Adobe was always throwing new features to support UI design. The main problem is that Photoshop’s engine was never optimized for UI design, it is huge, memory-consuming, and many designers weren’t pleased with it’s performance.

The more large files you work on, the more you can get stuck and that was the main reason to look out for new and better alternatives to an existing design workflow.

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The practical value of Design Thinking

The practical value of Design Thinking

Recently, we got inspired by the Magento team’s Design Thinking presentation held at the Magento Imagine 2016 conference. Unfortunately, we weren’t there but it feels like we might as well have been. Seeing how the Magento team worked on improving the Magento 2.0. interface in the presentation slides struck a chord with us. It affirmed a lot of the methods we were already using and got us thinking even more.

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The Struggle For Ideal Design

The Struggle For Ideal Design

Many already attempted to define ideal design – and many have already confused design with aestheticism. That’s why we’re bringing you an overview of what design stands for and its primary role, problem solving. We also went over the fact that design is supposed to please the customer visually and trigger an emotion in him, so here’s how you combine all of that.

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Our process of designing a Magento web store

Our process of designing a Magento web store

Do you know in how many steps designing a Magento web store is divided? There is so much “invisible” work behind the final design of a Magento web store and in the following text I will try to explain how and why we do what we do.

Visual aspects are, of course, a very important part, but our design lies behind a big number of data, user research and understanding how users interact with a web store.  

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Behind the scenes of Inchoo Design team: a talk with Katarina Dijakovic

Behind the scenes of Inchoo Design team: a talk with Katarina Dijakovic

Have you noticed the fresh look on our blog posts? Recently our Inchoo design team has been putting a lot of effort into our featured images, but also working on a great portfolio through various projects along with evolving Inchoo’s identity. Our usability audit is now just one of their services because with the newest addition to the team, Katarina Dijakovic, they’re more versatile than ever.

That’s why we decided to talk to Katarina and learn a bit about what inspires her, what keeps her going and how she found herself in eCommerce.

Here you have an interview with her – about technicalities, design hacks and about what she thinks of design in eCommerce now when there’s a certain mileage in her Inchoo shoes.

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