Magento 2

Magento Development at InchooWelcome to our Magento 2 post category, your go-to resource for everything related to Magento 2 platform (Custom Magento Development, Magento 2 Migration and Inchoo Flavored Magento).

Stay ahead of the eCommerce trends with our comprehensive articles and expert insights collection. From customization and extensions to performance optimization, we’re here to empower you with knowledge.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a curious business owner, we’ve got you covered. Join our awesome community and learn Magento 2 with us!

Mastering Magento Site Search: Strategies for Enhanced User Experience

Magento 2 search strategies for improved UX

In addition to the main navigation, search is typically the second most popular strategy for finding products on eCommerce websites. Customers often use the search function when they know exactly what they are looking for or when the main navigation does not yield the expected results.

How do you design and configure the search engine of your Magento site for the best usability? Keep on reading!

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Is Hyvä Your Next Magento Frontend Solution?

Inchoo meets Hyvä

Magento, a global name in the eCommerce platform arena, has been the backbone for countless online stores since the year of Inchoo’s inception – 2008. Yet, despite its robust backend capabilities, Magento’s frontend has historically been its Achilles’ heel. In this article, we’ll delve into why Hyvä theme has emerged as the premier choice for many Magento stores.

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Reindex only required indexers in Magento 2 from CLI

Reindex only required indexers

Don’t you just love it when you change some config option or switch to another branch or something similar and all of a sudden, a warning message pops up in Admin, saying:

One or more indexers are invalid. Make sure your Magento cron job is running.

Well, if you “love” it as much as I do, I’m going to show you how to address the particular indexer(s) without any hassle of knowing which one caused the warning to appear in the first place.

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Add static content in Magento Checkout address form

static content m2 checkout inchoo feat

If you are reading this, you are probably looking for an easy way to add static content to the Checkout address fieldset.

If you open the Magento Checkout module, you will notice technology complexity of the Magento Checkout. When you consider Knockout, HTML, PHTML, XML, JS – such a mix of technologies can often make a simple straightforward task seem super complicated.

Usually, if you need to edit something on the Checkout, you need to create a custom module, which will override the Layout Processor. This approach makes sense if the Checkout modification is complex and there needs to be some kind of a dynamic.

But for simple tasks, such as updating input placeholders, adding the notes to the inputs or adding the text between inputs – custom modules are an overkill.

Let me share with you a simple frontend solution for situations when we need to add some text or an image banner, for example between the Last Name input and the Company input.

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eCommerce Returns Management – a simple solution from the Fashion industry

Returns management

Returns can be a major headache for eCommerce retailers. While in-store purchases don’t get returned so often, there are estimates that customers return up to 40% of goods bought online.

This is especially the case in the Fashion & Apparel industry. Online store customers can’t touch the product, hold it nor feel it during online shopping.

Some customers deliberately resort to the practice of over-ordering. This increases the quantity of returns and their negative environmental footprint.

Since the Covid-19 pandemic turned the online store into the only sales channel for many retailers, the problem with returns is more critical than ever.

In this blog post, we’ll demonstrate how one of our clients improved their returns management by developing a custom Returns Portal on the Magento platform.

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SEO vs. PPC: Structured data markup for product variants

SEO vs PPC Structured Data Markup For Product Variants

You did it – you finally did it! You’ve implemented all recommended types and properties throughout your Magento store only to see Google Merchant Center warning you for “Insufficient match of microdata price information”. Let’s admit it – we’ve all been there at least once.

Although we don’t usually face this issue on simple product pages (since product markup on these pages is pretty straightforward), we can often find it on product variants.

Since setting up correct structured data markup on grouped and configurable products isn’t always easy as it seems, I’ve prepared this short guide that should serve you for both SEO and PPC purposes.

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Moving the Add to Cart validation error message on product page

Moving the Add to Cart validation error message on product page

One quite often overlooked, but very important issue might happen because of design changes in the Add to Cart section on the Product Detail Page (PDP) in Magento 2.

This section is very likely to vary from project to project, but regardless of the scope of work and the volume of these changes, error validation on the Quantity field must not cause any issues whatsoever.

In this article, I will show you what needs to be done in such a case, which should be very easy and straightforward to implement in your custom theme.

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Schema Markup for eCommerce Websites

Schema Markup for eCommerce Websites

Each time someone searches a particular product online, they end up on a SERP that (in most cases) includes a gazillion results.

Since the chances of browsing through all of these links are little to none, it’s essential to make your business stand out.

The best way to do it is to add structured data markup throughout your online store.

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What’s New in Magento 2.4? Features and Benefits for Merchants Explained

What's New in Magento 2.4? Extra Features and Benefits For Merchants Explained

Released on 28 July 2020, the new Magento 2.4 comes with a long list of new features, bug fixes and security enhancements to the world’s no.1 e-Commerce platform.

What is new in Magento 2.4?

  • New and improved default search engine
  • Improved Media Gallery
  • New feature Seller-Assisted Shopping
  • New feature Purchase Approval Workflows (only for Magento Commerce)
  • Two-factor authentication for improved security
  • Higher technical requirements overall
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Magento 2 Webhook Notifications


Webhooks are used to indicate when an important event has occurred, usually by sending a notification in the form of a message to a specified webhook URL or endpoint. This can be really useful for certain events, like when a customer makes an order or leaves a comment.

It can also be a really handy way for developers to get instantly notified when an exception occurs, providing them with the information they need to quickly locate and fix the issue.

In this article, I will show you how to create a module that allows you to configure your very own webhooks for Magento 2, utilizing the Incoming Webhooks feature from Slack.

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Is now the time to invest in PWA for your Magento website? Top questions for merchants answered.

Is now the time to invest in PWA for your Magento website? Top questions for merchants answered.

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) are the next big thing in eCommerce. This topic has been on everyone’s lips and under everyone’s fingertips from the initial conversations around Magento 2 frontend and the introduction of the headless concept.

If you are a merchant considering this new frontend concept, you may be wondering what the fuss is all about, whether it makes sense to invest in PWAs, and how big of an investment should you plan? Here is a quick rundown of the main questions and answers for anyone still on the fence about PWAs in Magento, from a merchant’s perspective.

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How to programmatically create customers in Magento 2.3.x

How to programmatically create customers in Magento 2.3.x

There are several ways to create customers in Magento 2. A customer can create an account on their own using the sign-up form, a customer can be created through the admin interface, and there is even a built-in Magento 2 import feature that can mass import a huge number of customers from a CSV file, provided that the customer data in the CSV is import-ready.

But what if we have thousands of customers whose data still needs to be processed before they can be created? The best way to do this would be to create the customers programmatically.

In this article, we are going to cover the topic of creating customers programmatically, and to this purpose, we are going to create a simple Magento 2 module which is going to have a custom console command and a couple of models that are going to be used to read, process and create customers.

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Lazy load your images and iframes

lazyload images and iframes

Lazy loading is an effective way to improve your frontend performance. And that’s especially important on eCommerce websites. In this article, you will read (and learn) how to reduce page load time by loading your

  1. images on scroll and
  2. iframes on demand.

Let’s get started with lazy load!

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Best practices for Magento homepage design

Best practices for Magento homepage design

Did you know that customers are more likely to land on a category or a product page of your Magento store than on the homepage? Nevertheless, the homepage remains an essential part of an eCommerce store for many customers who start their shopping process. It also acts as an anchor to refer back to throughout the shopping experience.

The homepage introduces the website, explains what it sells, and sets some expectations. It should convey brand values, inspire customers to explore, display product ranges – and accomplish that without visual clutter.

It acts as a shop window to an online store, so cramming things inside might result in a lower perceived value. You wouldn’t clutter your shop window, would you?

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How to set up taxes in Magento 2

setup taxes magento 2

We are happy to share with you the ultimate guide on how to set up and manage taxes in Magento 2. Everything you need as a merchant, consultant or developer, you’ll find right here.

This guide is based on Magento 2.3.X, however, there were no significant changes in previous versions of Magento 2 when it comes to sales tax setup, so it should be backward compatible as well.

The setup presented in this guide works the same way in Magento 2 Commerce (Enterprise), Magento 2 Open Source (Community), and Magento Commerce Cloud.

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Best practices for Magento theme design

Best practices for Magento theme design

This article is the first from a series of articles that will address the concepts and best practices for creating Magento theme design. In this one, we’re talking about prerequisites for designing a custom Magento theme, the difference between custom and off-the-shelf themes and the decoupled approach for Magento theme design and development.

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Declarative Schema feature in Magento 2

Declarative Schema

First of all, what is declarative schema in Magento 2? It is a new way of working with database without developers having to write various scripts for each new module version. It was introduced in 2018 with Magento 2.3 and it’s one of the major changes. In this article you will learn how to use declarative schema and apply data patches.

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Magento 2 logging

Magento 2 logging

Logging is an important part of every development process. Logs provide insight into system processes of Magento 2 and are a great tool for tracking errors, significant events, exceptions and many more. In order for the logging library to be properly implemented with Magento 2, it must comply with PSR-3 standard.

Magento 2 comes with built-in logging solution based on Monolog Library which will be analyzed further in this article.

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Magento 2 Customer Groups Configuration

Magento 2 Customer Groups Configuration

Have you ever wondered how to apply different rules, discounts or tax rates only to a selected group of users? You’ve come to the right place! In this article, you will find out what customer groups are used for in Magento and how to use them.

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How did we standardize Magento 2 frontend development?

How did we standardize Magento 2 frontend development?

Many Frontend developers in the Magento community felt a certain level of pain when they started working on their first Magento 2 project. So did we! “This is just a start. I will be faster on the next one“, was a common statement. However, new projects arrived and frontend development was still not as fast as it was with Magento 1.

To improve the speed, efficiency, joy of work and team synergy, our frontend team decided to refine our development processes. After a few completed projects, we got an idea of how to do things better and quicker. Modernizing the approach we’ve been using.

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How to save custom data in cache in Magento 2

How to save custom data in cache in Magento 2

Recently I was working on rendering images on a custom template. More precisely, I created a widget for inserting pictures that serve as a picture loader. And by default, the administrator has to input some parameters (width, height, alt) and if he decides, he could upload another image.

Reference for creating a widget tutorial could be seen here. The exciting part of the task was when the widget is saved on some of the Magento pages and loaded on i.e. ‘About Us’, image or images and parameter values have to be saved in the cache.

So when you visit ‘About Us’ another time, image content will be served instantly.

In this article, we’re going to save simple custom data inside the cache and load it when Magento renders the template.

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SEO Checklist for Magento 2 Migration

SEO Checklist: Magento 2 Migration

Whether you’re considering building a new store on Magento 2, or you have already started the transition, there are (more than) a few things to keep in mind to ensure your traffic and (more importantly) revenue don’t get lost during the migration.

Migration to Magento 2 is stressful for every store owner, but the change is inevitable. We have already prepared a list of the most common SEO mistakes during the migration, but we wanted to do more, so we decided to create this SEO checklist to make your transition as smooth as possible.

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Top challenges and best practices in ERP and eCommerce integration

Top challenges and best practices in ERP and eCommerce integration

For every serious eCommerce business, there comes a time to invest in implementing an ERP solution. For every serious business that already operates with an ERP system, there comes a time to open up a new sales channel, an eCommerce website.

In each of those cases, they need strong support from both ERP and eCommerce sides, and finding quality partners that can work together can be a hassle.

We are happy to have found a top notch ERP solutions integrator we can happily work with and recommend to our clients. We talked to Josip Penavić of Adacta, Gold ERP and CRM Microsoft Partner. Read on to learn firsthand some of the challenges and best practices of integrating eCommerce website with an ERP system.

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Calling out all Magento developers who want to improve their testing skills – visit MageTestFest!

Inchoo Magetestfest testing Magento

Magento. Software Testing. Party. That pretty much sums up 4 crazy days that are expecting developers who’ll go to MageTestFest. Florence (Italy) will host developers who are ready to get blown away by knowledge and expertise of speakers who worked hard to be able to stand in front of us all and share valuable insights! We know the value of this specialized event, that’s why we’re sending our Stjepan Udovicic and Tomislav Nikcevski to get in-depth knowledge and tips & tricks of testing.

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