Digital Marketing

Digital MarketingWelcome to the Digital Marketing post category, your trusted source for all things related to SEO (Search Engine Optimization). As a full-service eCommerce agency, we understand the significance of effective marketing strategies in driving online success.

Our team is dedicated to helping you navigate the intricacies of SEO to maximize your online visibility and reach. We understand that achieving top rankings in search engine results can be a complex tasks. That’s why we provide you with valuable resources, informative articles, and practical tips to demystify these disciplines and help you achieve your online marketing goals.

Magento, Social Media, and You: How Does It All Connect?


Love it or hate it, today’s online users are all about social media. That’s why, for you as a merchant, every click counts, and every interaction matters. Using it, you gain a valuable marketing channel to connect with your audience, amplify your brand presence, and drive sales. Who would want to miss such an opportunity?

Social Media Usage on Magento Stores

Among the numerous social networks available, certain platforms have carved a niche for themselves within the Magento community. According to Store Leads, Magento merchants leverage these social media platforms to grow their businesses. Let’s dive right in.

Social Media Usage on Magento

Facebook: Bridging Communities

A staggering 43.8% of Magento stores utilize Facebook, placing it at the forefront of their social media marketing strategies. Although it seems as if Facebook is outdated, especially from the perspective of younger generations, this is far from the truth in regards to eCommerce. In addition to being the most popular social media platform for Magento merchants, Facebook accounts for 85% of all Shopify orders placed via social media.

Even though Magento usually has a merchant base different from Shopify, we can imagine Facebook is of significant importance to them as well. Why is that so? Facebook makes it easier for you to sell, from direct integrations for your Magento store, social login, and shoppable posts to options for creating engaging posts or targeted ads.

Facebook offers merchants a versatile toolkit for captivating audiences, fostering communities, and driving store traffic. Most importantly, Facebook has 2.9 billion active users, reaching almost every possible target audience.

One more powerful advantage are Facebook groups. They bring together a large number of people interested in similar topics. Those groups can be joined, where you can post (if the rules of the group enable it), or you can create your own group where you can grow a community interested in what you or your brand has to say.

Instagram: Visual Storytelling

With a strong 36.0%, Instagram has emerged as the go-to platform for visual content. It’s not that we didn’t include pictures in our posts before Instagram, but they were not that quality-oriented (to say the least).


Today, we’re on another level, and Instagram serves its purpose as the social media platform for showcasing products through pictures in a lifestyle context. Just like Facebook, Instagram has features such as integration with Magento, shoppable posts, social login, and Instagram Checkout, and you can also create engaging posts or targeted ads.

Along with other social media platforms, like YouTube, it created influencing and made it popular. Today, influencers represent the bridge between your brand and your target audience. In most cases, brands are choosing influencers in niches tightly related to their products. That is because of the assumption their followers believe them and would most likely buy the product if they confirmed it was great.

How they confirm that the product is great can vary, but in most cases, it can be negotiated when arranging the partnership and can vary from one brand or influencer to another. Through this kind of collaboration your brand accumulates reviews, lifestyle photos, and user-generated content, allowing you to build closer relationships with your buyers.

YouTube: The Power of Video

Video reigns on YouTube, and 18.6% of Magento stores recognize its potential. YouTube was one of the first platforms dedicated to video content, making many “YouTubers” or YouTube stars many of whom later became influencers. Among them, other video types were popular as well, from product demonstrations, behind-the-scenes glimpses, vlogs, DIY’s or educational videos, and more.

Despite the high value of reviews written in words and illustrated with pictures, YouTube videos bring even more to the table. With their favorite influencer review, customers can see the product more realistically. They can assess better if it would suit them or their needs and order with more certainty and less fear.

Today, you can leverage YouTube to educate, entertain, and engage your audience as well. With the ability to reach a vast audience and optimize search content, YouTube is a powerful platform to foster brand loyalty and drive traffic back to Magento stores.
Shoppable ads and YouTube integration enable viewers to explore and easily buy products directly from video content. However, you must meet the YouTubes minimum requirements in order to be eligible to promote your products.

X: Real-Time Engagement

While Twitter’s usage among Magento stores is at fifth place, it remains a vital channel for real-time engagement and customer service. With its fast-paced nature and concise format, merchants leverage Twitter to share updates, address customer queries, and participate in trending conversations. With Twitter, merchants can gain deeper connections with their audience through meaningful interactions and agility.

Your business just got a new environment-saving strategy? You partnered up with another business or influencer? Hop on to X and post about it. There’s no better way to reach millions of users. You can also run ad campaigns on Twitter and target an audience based on other users they follow and the content they tweet. So, if you’re looking to expand your paid advertising options, Twitter could be the logical next step for your business.

Twitter also provides the Shops option that enhances eCommerce on the platform. It allows you to display up to five products at the top of your profile, providing users with quick access to product information and the option to make purchases without leaving the app.

WhatsApp: Transform Engagement into Sales

Up to now, we have discussed the platforms most Magento merchants use for their business. Based on the number of users, it is evident that few Magento merchants use WhatsApp.

WhatsApp Business has two products: the Business App and the Business Platform.

The WhatsApp Business App is meant for solopreneurs and small businesses, while the WhatsApp Business Platform serves enterprise customers (medium and large-sized businesses).

Now, let’s continue on to why more eCommerce businesses should use WhatsApp. Its 98% message open rate and 45-60% click-through rate make WhatsApp the most actionable platform to market eCommerce businesses. The platform is valuable for dealing with abandoned carts, one-time customers, people clicking your ads but not converting, or even users refusing to accept COD orders, doubling your shipping charges.

TikTok: Video, But Make It Short

TikTok, known for its short-form videos, has become an extremely popular eCommerce platform, especially among the younger generations. TikTok’s shoppable features, including in-feed ads and branded hashtags, offer businesses a dynamic way to drive product discovery. Most importantly, its algorithm is designed to surface content that, regardless of the creator’s following or popularity, gives the opportunity to create viral videos to almost anyone with an account and mobile phone for free. Like the previously mentioned platforms, TikTok allows you to purchase items directly.

TikTok is the starting point of 43% of Gen Z users’ online product searches, surpassing Google in the Q1 2023 Consumer Trends Report. In recent years, hashtags like #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt have shown TikTok’s ability to influence purchases, especially amongst younger consumers.

In total, the hashtag has received over three billion views as users share affordable or life-changing products. It reminds us that we trust fellow consumers and peers who can provide trustworthy results, recommend what works and what doesn’t, and lead us to new discoveries. This is why this is definitely a platform you shouldn’t overlook.

Choosing Wisely

While some platforms dominate the social media landscape for Magento merchants, it’s essential to tailor strategies that align with your business objectives and target audience preferences. By understanding each platform’s unique strengths, you can unlock new avenues for growth, engagement, and success in the dynamic world of eCommerce. However, choosing many platforms may cause you to struggle if you fail to determine the right ones. Be creative and choose wisely!

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5 Step SEO Self-Assessment Guide

5 Step SEO Self-Assessment Guide

SEO can be overwhelming and challenging to navigate, but the right tools can provide clear direction and assistance. Google Search Console is a great tool for web owners to monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot their website’s presence in Google search results. Everyone can use it, including developers, experienced web owners, and those who are not entirely sure what it is used for.

If you identify yourself as part of the latter group, don’t worry. This SEO self-assessment guide is specifically tailored for users unfamiliar with this tool’s capabilities. Here are five steps you can easily take to address any potential issues with your organic performance.

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How Do I Assess the Quality of My Landing Pages in an eCommerce PPC Audit?

How do I assess the quality of my landing pages in a PPC audit for eCommerce_

When it comes to eCommerce, the performance of your PPC campaigns heavily relies on the quality of your landing pages. Assessing their quality is important to ensure they effectively convert visitors into customers. That is a key factor in every PPC audit for an eCommerce business. Regular optimization of your landing pages boosts conversions and improves user experience, leading to a better return on investment. Here is a short guide on how to assess the quality of your landing pages.

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How to Prepare PPC Campaigns for Christmas

How to prepare PPC strategy for Christmas

After the most significant sales days and the madness of Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday, we haven’t even had time to take a breather, and the Holiday season is already upon us. Numerous brands release colorful new ads during Christmas, offering users products and special deals. If you’re worried that you won’t know how to stand out from the crowd, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. The following article contains valuable tips we have prepared to help you stay on top of your game during this hectic period.

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The Top 5 eCommerce PPC Mistakes to Avoid

PPC Mistakes to Avoid

We already talked about the main reasons to prioritize PPC Audit, and we also published a quick guide for PPC Audit. Sometimes, one of the most valuable lessons, along with the previously mentioned ones, is also what to avoid. That leads us to today’s topic, where we dive into the most commonly found PPC mistakes while auditing clients’ campaigns. Having done many of them, we decided to detect the mistakes we see repeating among clients, for which we did a PPC audit. And also to help you avoid making the same with your campaigns.

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8 Key PPC Strategies for Black Friday

Black Friday Ads

The biggest sale of the year is just around the corner. It’s not only a great chance for users to save money on their favorite brands but also a golden opportunity for businesses to boost sales and revenue. With some effort with your PPC campaigns, you can catch more conversions and users and achieve results in a short period of time. If you still didn’t start to prepare for it, now is the time! This blog post will reveal our strategies for Black Friday, and early planning is definitely the first one.

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Why Should eCommerce Business Owners Prioritize PPC Audit?

Why Should eCommerce Business Owners Prioritize PPC Audit?

In the fast-paced world of eCommerce, where every click and conversion counts, ensuring your pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns are performing at their best is critical. Before we jump into the ‘why,’ let’s take a moment to understand the ‘what.’ A PPC audit is an in-depth analysis of your PPC campaigns. It’s the equivalent of examining a high-performance engine, ensuring it runs at peak efficiency. Achieving success with your digital advertising goes hand in hand with it.

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Google Ads for Amazon Products


Google Ads for Amazon products is definitely not a new advertising strategy but has recently become more popular among Amazon sellers. As the Amazon marketplace becomes more competitive, sellers are looking for new ways to find customers and drive traffic directly to their listings without battling it out on crowded Amazon search results pages.

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Assess the Health of Your Advertising Campaigns

Assess the Health of Your Advertising Campaigns

What is a PPC Audit?

A PPC audit is an analysis of PPC efforts to determine whether the account is being optimized correctly and to achieve a better return on investment in advertising by improving low-performing elements.

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Google PPC Vs. Amazon PPC: Key Differences

Google PPC Vs Amazon PPC: Key Differences Featured Image

Amazon is a leading retail eCommerce company with a US market share of almost 40% in 2022. At the same time, Google is the biggest search engine, with 93% of the search engine market share worldwide. Unsurprisingly, both companies have an advertising platform that plays a massive role in the online advertising market. We decided to share the knowledge learned from our experience providing eCommerce PPC Services. In this article, we’ll touch on key differences in how advertising works on each platform, and the pros and cons.

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Avoid Account Suspensions With Google Merchant Center Feed Rules

How to use Merchant Center Feed Rules to Avoid Account Suspension

Let’s face it; if you’re running shopping ads, the reality is that you’ve probably gone through product disapprovals and maybe even account suspension warnings in Google Merchant Center. Sometimes the solutions are straightforward and easy, but oftentimes – that isn’t the case. It requires a lot of patience and work, and since the clock until account suspension is ticking, it can get really frustrating and stressful. That’s where Google Merchant Center feed rules can come in handy and provide a quick fix until the core of the issue is completely resolved.

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Guide: How to Create GA4 Audience

Guide: How to Create GA4 Audience

As the 1st of July approaches, now is the last call to set up Google Analytics 4. For those still unfamiliar with the new property, it may be confusing when it comes to creating segments, audiences, etc. If you want to know more about GA4 audiences and how to set them up so they can be useful, keep reading.

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Magento 2 SEO Expert Advice Straight To Your Fingertips

Employees that are in interview

Everyone already knows that in order to bring traffic to your site, you have to work hard. Having put so much effort into a site, who would want it to turn into a ghost town? We’re betting no one… If you agree, your options go in two ways (more or less), you can pay for your traffic or work on optimization a bit harder. Both PPC and SEO bring their value. That means you need the best of both worlds.

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What To Track For CRO of Your Automotive Website

What to track for CRO of your Automotive Website

When it comes to automotive sites (eg. webshops that sell vehicle parts), it’s good to track additional events that can give more insights into visitor behavior, their actions, and needs. In this article, we will summarize and explain additional tracking events that we use in automotive eCommerce sites as a foundation for conversion rate optimization of those sites.

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Why Should You Add Google Tag Manager to Your Magento?

What's a Google Tag Manager

Almost every webshop owner heard about Google Analytics, if not using it already as many of them do. And it’s obvious why the Google Analytics tool is so widely used. It’s free, it’s easy to connect to the webshop, and relatively easy to use. It can give the webshop owner/merchant insightful data on user behavior and answers to many questions like who their visitors are and what’s going on in their webshop in general. But, the full benefit of Google Analytics comes together with the use of Google Tag Manager.

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A Complete Automotive SEO Guide


As we all know, marketing is important for every possible business but especially for competitive industries like the automotive industry. Besides old fashion marketing channels, we can’t forget digital marketing and especially Search Engine Optimization. Having so much experience specifically in automotive eCommerce development, design, and digital marketing, we’ve prepared an ultimate SEO guide for everyone who finds themself at the start of this journey.

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Difference Between GA4 and Universal Analytics [GA4 vs UA]

Google Analytics 4 vs Universal Analytics

When was the last time when you embraced big change easily? Even more so if it was forced upon you? As it happens Google has made it clear that we won’t have an option but to migrate to Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Of course, this is true if we plan to continue using their analytics tool. There’s really no point debating whether this is good or bad. It’s happening nevertheless.

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What is Measurement Plan and Why Your Webshop Really Needs One?

What is Measurement Plan and Why Your Webshop Really Needs One?

Big data has revolutionized the way businesses work. One of the biggest advantages of online stores is the ability to track anything customers do. You can even track what customers almost do at your store. A recent Forrester survey shows that 70% of data decision-makers gather data faster than they can analyze and use it. Still, 67% constantly need more data. This trend will likely accelerate in the years ahead. As a decision-maker, it can be pretty daunting trying to make sense of all that data. Most important thing is to create proper data infrastructure – starting with a measurement plan, but what is a measurement plan?

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Manually Enable Enhanced Conversions in GTM

Include user-provided data from your website

If you’re trying to manually activate Google Ads enhanced conversions with Google Tag Manager there’s a chance you’ll be stuck at the 4th step in the Instructions for manually Enabling enhanced conversions in the Google Tag Manager tag that says: Click Include user-provided data from your website. Well, that happened to me (and to my unknown friend here :)) when I tried to activate enhanced conversion in several GTM containers. Some tags in some containers did have that option but some didn’t. 

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How to upgrade to Google Analytics 4?


There are many how-to blog posts out there, so this will not be yet another one. Instead of the technical step-by-step guidance, I’ll share my experience with implementing Google Analytics 4 with Google Tag Manager (GTM) on Magento 2 store and what to keep in mind when activating the GA4 property.

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Google shopping optimization: How to scale while maintaining ROAS

Google shopping optimization: How to scale while maintaining ROAS

While optimizing my clients’ campaigns, I often find myself browsing other people’s blog posts and researching their campaign optimization tactics. 

One of my recent hybrid tactics proved to work pretty well on some of my accounts, so I wanted to share it with you. It’s about scaling the shopping campaigns with automated bidding while keeping the same ROAS. I hope some of you will find it helpful to create your own hybrid tactic.

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Auto Applying Ad Suggestions in Microsoft Ads

Auto Applying Ad Suggestions in Microsoft Ads

Well, it did happen. After Google implemented auto applying ad suggestions, the time now has come for Microsoft to do the same. Of course, this is something that Microsoft is telling us is a good thing for your campaigns.

Now, you may ask yourself why is this a good thing?

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