MVC Magento 2

Model–View–Controller (MVC) is a software architecture. Magento 2 is a skyscraper when we talk about architecture. Following articles describe various of topics related to Magento 2 MVC.

Magento 2 Controllers

Magento 2 Controllers

Controllers in Magento 2, like on other PHP MVC frameworks, are important part of Mvc flow. In Magento 2 there are lots of changes in controllers, for example; how they are structured and how they work compared with Magento 1. If you are familiar with Magento 1 controllers, then you know they can have multiple actions (class methods). In Magento 2 controllers have only one method (execute) that will be called by front controller. This article covers controller basics, matching flow, controller types (admin and frontend), changes on existing controllers, instructions to create custom controllers and an example how to create a few controllers.

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