Change any page title in Magento

Change any page title in Magento

Here’s a quicky one 🙂 How do you change page title of every Magento page if some titles are hardcoded into controller?

Since some controllers in Magento likes to force page titles like

$this->getLayout()->getBlock('head')->setTitle($this->__('My Account'));

we can’t go with setTitle through layout, since controller is setting title right before rendering.

There is a simple solution for this, use another variable for title display 🙂

In page/html/head.phtml template replace default




or if you don’t wish to use title prefix/sufix added from Magento admin, simply with


and now just set “forced” title for pages through layout files


Example for My Account page in layout/customer.xml:
<reference name=”head”>
<action method=”setForcedTitle”><title>Account Dashboard</title></action>



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