Meet Magento Greece – Inchooers on building faster Magento stores

Meet Magento Greece – Inchooers on building faster Magento stores

Our Hrvoje Jurišić successfully added another flag on our Meet Magento map. We found out what will he talk about while representing Inchoo colours at Meet Magento Greece.

For starters, Hrvoje, tell us something about yourself. What do you do at Inchoo, and what do you do outside of work? How did you end up applying for Greece?

Hrvoje: I am a frontend developer, team leader and project manager… At Inchoo, my team and I work closely with the merchants, helping them build stores that sell more.

As a big comic strips fan, I mostly spend my free time reading comics and filling the gaps in my collection.

Greece is a beautiful country, and there is a Meet Magento conference there, so why not apply? 🙂

What will be your topic and what will you cover?

Hrvoje: My talk at Meet Magento GR will cover the topic of Frontend speed optimisation. Most of the Responsive Websites made today are not performing well, especially on mobile devices. The problem is so big that even RWD has earned a stigma of “not being good for perfomance”.

To be able to build a performant RWD store, developer needs to understand why is that important in the first place. But also the people who are investing in the web stores and approving budgets, because at the end of the day, if website is slow, you will lose money.

How much time you have to present it – is it enough, what would be the ideal person listening to you talk? What kind of knowledge is necessary to have for starters?

Hrvoje: Speaking slots are 30 minutes long, and it is more than enough time to send the message and the emotion to the audience. My talk is, in fact, for everyone in the business who want to sell online or develop online stores.

I won’t give out any useful links (for now). I’d like you to be there and learn on spot with the rest of the community. It’s a great way to fill in the gaps – and network! 🙂


Is this your first experience of that kind (being a lecturer) and how do you feel? What do you expect to teach and to learn?

Hrvoje: I am really happy that I’ll have a chance to attend MM in Athens. I already gave several talks on conferences worldwide in the past,  and I am always a bit nervous before I go on stage. But as soon as I’m there, it’s all gone.

One thing I enjoy the most on Meet Magento conferences is meeting new people, who all share at least one common thing: making a living in Magento ecosystem.

What would be your main message for everyone coming to Greece for MM?

Hrvoje: My main message for all good folks at MM Greece listening to my speech is to think about the end user.  Respect the customer. If you do that, you will build usable, fast and beautiful designed stores.

What could be better than that to have a guarantee of both learning and quality time?

See you at Meet Magento Greece!

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