I got one fairly simple request to develop a custom shipping calculation for Magento that will use some special calculation using UPS API. Right now, Magento only calculates weight and the client needs something more advanced. I worked on similar stuff before, so I guessed this will not be much different. First step was to find an API for UPS. Well, this post is all about the search for API. I’ll update it when I manage to find it.

UPS is a well known shipping provider, the largest express carrier and package delivery company in the world. I’m a not-so-well-known eCommerce developer. UPS has development API and most eCommerce platforms use it.

Although the API seems good and stable, finding documentation for it became an adventure game with cloudy finish. I’m not sure why don’t they just publish it somewhere on the web like the rest of similar providers do. Instead they hide it who knows where and although I applied for developer account, I still didn’t get a simple username and password to even log in.

A little add-on:
Almost immediately after I wrote this post, 2 good people sent me the documentation and I wish to thank them for that.

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