Introducing new design – a responsive story

Introducing new design – a responsive story

Ladies and gentlemen, our dear visitors, fans and followers. With great joy, I would like to introduce you to our new website redesign – Inchoo v4. I hope that this refreshment will keep the spirit of previous sites and provide better user experience for all device types. Yes, this means that the site is now responsive. The purpose will remain intact – to benefit Magento community by sharing knowledge and presenting our services.


Inchoo v1

The story of this website started in year 2008. when Inchoo opened its doors. At that lovely time, I was a sole employee and was working closely with US company Surgeworks. The choice for website platform didn’t require a lot of research. WordPress was a logical choice. I remember that the first website “design”, if we can call it like that, was created only in two days. The goal was to create something quick, place it online and change it very soon. Of course, that design stayed for one year. We got feedback from the community that design was so underground and some of our followers even said they liked it. We still use this logo on a company stamp 😉
Inchoo v1

Inchoo v2

In May 2009, a version 2 arrived that was designed by Željko Prša. It was a big step forward. We abandoned black background, introduced logo update and set the colours for visual identity that are in use for good. With over 20.000 monthly sessions at that time, the website started to get some notable traction. Majority of visitors were coming from US and Europe. Magento was just picking up in other areas. Many people still remember “Get a quote” contact form that was persistent in the footer.
Inchoo v2

Inchoo v3

At the beginning of 2011, when World Men’s Handball Championship started in Sweden, we launched a new website, version 3. The goal of this design was to provide unique, personal, friendly website mood maintaining the high quality of the content. The site was a big success. Everyone loved it. Special thanks go to Lyssandro Reis, who was a designer and Hrvoje Jurisic who was an artists who brought life to the character illustrations. Starting with 75.000 sessions / month, the audience was getting bigger each month in 2011. Growth of our business was almost aligned with the growth of traffic.
Inchoo v3

Inchoo v4 – back to present

I can’t believe that over 3.5 years passed since the last redesign. It is an eternity in website age. Last year we introduced visual identity redesign. At that post, in September 2013, we announced that we started a work on our new website. It did take long. With over 200.000 current monthly sessions, it was time for refreshment. Design trends changed in the last 3 years and the spectre of devices you are using to get here moved us to create a responsive strategy. Besides, how can we offer RWD service if our site will not apply such strategy?

Inchoo V4 Work Area
I would like to use this opportunity to thank Rafael and Renato from Startae, Brasil who were in charge for the design strategy. Besides them, big thanks goes to Maja, Ivan, Vanja D, Vanja B, Dino, Marko, Aron, Vice, Hrvoje and all the others who contributed to bring the life to this site. I know some of us will miss the old design, but we see this one as a step forward in transformation of the company to a full service agency. I hope you will like it.

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