Mix of Magento, Redis, Solr, OOP Design, barbecue, ATV driving, archery and geocaching is a short description of 6th Inchoo Learning Day (ILD).
Friday, October 18th 2013, was the day we decided to get out of office and set ourselves on a journey to Baranja (part of Croatia). First stop – education part of ILD combined with wine and dine at family-owned wine cellar Kolar in homely village named Suza. Warm welcome with Slavonian breakfast that included tea and coffee, were exactly what we needed to rise and shine.

After that refreshment, all of us gathered on wooden benches in great acoustic interior and listened carefully what our lecturers had to say. Tomislav Bilic (CEO) opened analysis of recent Customer satisfaction surveys.

After that, Ivan Weiler introduced us with the secrets that Magento 2 is bringing. Everybody listened with great attention of the changes that are ahead of us. Afterwards, a brave one, Kristijan Glibo, presented OOP design patterns in pure PHP followed by one of Inchoo’s elders, Tomas Novoselic and presentation about Redis. Next one was Domagoj Potkoc who coped with Solr and Magento EE and then we listened to Hrvoje Jurisic talk about Responsive design with emphasis on mobile-first approach.
6 lectures, 30 minutes each and applauding at the end exhausted us to the point where only good meat can come to rescue. And so it was, barbecue and shepherd’s stew joined teams with their friends – red and white wine from the cellar we were in. Great combination recharged us and got us ready for the adventure part of the day.

Next stop was village called Karanac, about 15 minutes drive away. “Three wise men” is the name of the household that prepared all kind of different activities for us. 4 of our teams competed in throwing horseshoe, archery, driving ATV, geocaching and thinking outside the box to solve problems that will earn them points.
It was fun, we laughed, tried different things, experienced the unexpected and the day went by in the second. Great thing, besides what we learned in educational part, was hanging out with Inchooers that sometimes we don’t see for a few days (because every team has it’s room), so it was a kind of a team-building.

Looking forward to the next ILD, till then, we have pictures and great memories to share.
For the full experience, check out our Facebook album.