Meet Magento Croatia 2017 official review (with presentations and photos)

Meet Magento Croatia 2017 official review (with presentations and photos)

After all the feedback we’ve received from #MM17HR delegates, we can proudly say that we are more than satisfied with first Meet Magento Croatia event. On March 17th and 18th, for the first time in Croatia, in Inchoo’s hometown Osijek, we were honored to welcome over 200 delegates from 18 countries and 5 continents!

Why Meet Magento Croatia?

Croatian eCommerce market has been growing for the last several years. Because of that, we find that the timing was right to introduce this kind of conference, where eCommerce and Magento topics can be presented side by side to bring valuable information and networking to all Meet Magento Croatia participants on business and development tracks. To be honest, we were preparing the event for 120-130 people (150 was a number we would’ve been happy with), but when we reached 200 on our delegates list, we knew this was going to be huge!

First of all, a big shout out to 35 speakers that brought enthusiasm, knowledge and information that made delegates take notes and feel at ease asking questions! And you know, we organisers love to see when the audience is active! It shows us that we picked the right speakers and topics for you.

We are happy that we could start a conference a day early, on March 16th, where we had a special add on the agenda – Magento 2 workshop with Magento architects. Magento Contribution Day, as Magento officially calls it, was a perfect chance to work side by side with Magento core team and contribute to Magento 2 improvement. Thank you Max, Igor and Ievgen!

Day 1

The official opening of Meet Magento Croatia was on March 17th, where we had mayor and vice-mayor of the City of Osijek welcoming all of #MM17HR participants alongside with Lydia Schaffranek from Meet Magento Association and Ben Marks (you know, that guy who doesn’t let you edit the core).

The day passed with delegates being immersed in great development topics, such as Magento 2 Architecture, best practices and tools to improve security of Magento shops, state of Magento 2 frontend, PHPSpec, Shell Scripts and Cron jobs, Messing up Dependency Injections and properly overriding Magento 2 core functionalities. Business track was on fire with best practices of using psychology, newsletters and analytics to increase sales, some of the global and regional eCommerce trends (virtual marketplaces) and several great Magento Case Study examples.

The day ended with a great party where everyone loosened up (not that they were very formal before) and danced the night away!

Day 2

We were lucky that the party didn’t take too much of a toll on the crowd showing up our Saturday (March 18th) for Day 2 of #MM17HR, because it started very early with another #MagentoRun. Inchoo’s CEO, Tomislav Bilic also hit the ground running, but with his talk about the bumpy road of growing a team, followed by topics as revamping Magento 1 RWD theme to improve performance, dynamic scanning with OWASP ZAP, Versioning and Backwards Compatibility and Magento Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery. Business track had merchants listen about the latest in card payments and fraud, hosting for eCommerce and Magento shops, all nicely seasoned with a pinch of legal advice for Croatian merchants.

The agenda was sputtering with great panel discussions about eCommerce Managers, win-win environment for clients and development agencies and a sort of AMA type of interaction, where Ben Marks, Max Yekaterynenko and Jisse Reitsma were questioned about Magento 2 and its future. And just to be clear: no, we didn’t pay the audience to ask the tough questions! 🙂


We know you are eager to continue the learning process started at the conference and if you didn’t have the time to write down just that special tip that is all so important – we have you covered.
Here you can find most of the presentations. If you’d like to expand on this knowledge and advice from our speakers, feel free to get in touch with them directly!

Check out the photos HERE!

Now, after you know all the details, check out the photos from the conference! Feel free to spread the Magento Community word, like, share and tag yourself or anybody you know!

Hope to see you at Meet Magento Croatia 2018!

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