Adding a new language in Magento

Adding a new language in Magento

As anything in Magento adding a new language is something that requires a certain procedure which we will explain right now and for future reference.

Follow these easy steps and enjoy your multilingual site:

  • 1. Download the desired translation thru Magento connect via admin.
  • 2. Once installed Go to: System -> Manage Stores -> Create store view. Enter the data and save.
  • 3. Now go to: Configuration -> Current Configuration Scope (Select your language from the dropdown) and on the right side under “Locale options” choose the desired language.

Note: Be sure to clear the cache before trying to use your new language.

That’s it, now when you go to the frontend of the site, you’ll notice a dropdown menu allowing the language switching.

Did you clear the cache?

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  1. if magento to support TAMIL language??
    yes meabs how??
    where i can download language packages?

  2. did all this and nothing! I get a language drop box on main page, the link works but it’s all in english. I went to app/local/ and opened some of them up and they are all eng, “eng” so I tried editing them manualy but when I upload my changed versions and view the site there are no changes. Any advice?
    Yes I cleared the cache, how do you do that excactly?

  3. In a new Magento shop, is it better to add all the categories and products before or after adding languages?

  4. Hi, wondered if you could help, I can’t find Configuration -> Current Configuration Scope using Magento ver.


  5. I want to change the price range like this

    Under $2,000
    $2,000 – $10,000
    $10,000 – $30,000
    Over $30,000

    any suggestion

  6. Or you could use his code in app/design/frontend/default/[your_template]/template/page/switch/flags.phtml:

    getStores())>1): ?>

    getStores() as $_lang): ?>
    <a href="getCurrentUrl() ?>”><img src="getSkinUrl(‘images/flag_’ . $this->htmlEscape($_lang->getCode()) . ‘.png’) ?>” alt=”htmlEscape($_lang->getName()) ?>”/>

  7. place in the theme/template/header.phtml

    getChildHtml(‘store_language’) ?>


    create a new file

    getStores())>1): ?>

    __(‘Your Language’) ?>:

    getStores() as $_lang): ?>
    getId() == $this->getCurrentStoreId()) ? ‘selected=”selected”‘ : ” ?>
    <option style="background-image:url('getSkinUrl(‘images/flag_’.$_lang->getCode().’.gif’) ?>’);” value=”getCurrentUrl() ?>” >
    htmlEscape($_lang->getName()) ?>

    and in the page.xml where there is language.phtml replace it with flags.phtml

  8. hi there,
    Anup could you please send me the code to display flags instead of dropdown.
    And if somebody can write the step by step procedure to create multilingual site.because everywhere i got onething that “just install translator”, to create multilingual site instead i m trying to find the exact procedure.I m totally confused wether i need to create category menu for each language or wether it will automatically trnaslate it to the current selected language.

    please anyone of you guys out there…plzzzz

  9. for displaying flags instead of the dropdown add this to your app/design/frontend/default/your_theme/layout/page.xml
    inside this block…

    ……….some code…………………………….

    and comment out

  10. For those special times when Magento Connect doesn’t work try the following:

    1. Go to
    2. Click on the “Select” link by the desired language
    3. It takes you to the translations page where you can choose the version and theme. Here you click on “Submit” button
    4. You are now at the language page and have the option to download the “Full package” via the link provided.

    Hope this helps.

  11. Unable to install transelation extension. Its failed to install through magento connect manager. Can you clarify me

  12. hi, unfortunately I was not able to install transelation extension. Its failed to install through magento connect manager. Can you clarify me

    thank you very much

  13. did all this and nothing! I get a language drop box on main page, the link works but it’s all in english. I went to app/local/ and opened some of them up and they are all eng, “eng” so I tried editing them manualy but when I upload my changed versions and view the site there are no changes. Any advice?
    Yes I cleared the cache, how do you do that excactly?

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