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  1. How to add customer account login/register into custom controller form.
    1. customer account login if login successfully then want to show custom form fields.
    2. If click register then directly showing register form.

  2. This should go in the “Layout Update XML” field of the design tab of the cms page used for the home page not in an xml file. Additionally you did not provide a method to have the block removed after login. So pretty much useless. Nice click bate though.

  3. not working for me here is my code that i can see any help as to were i insert the line thanks 🙂

    CMS Content Wrapper

  4. Nice trick thanks. Though there is one problem with practical implementation. The login/register block keeps showing after the login.

    Logged in users should see some other information instead. Can you advice how to do that?

  5. 1. The quotation marks need to be changed to ” and not the ones shown on the page.
    2. If you show full path of customer.xml and other files, it may be more convenient for beginners.

    Remaining, it worked. Thanks a lot.

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