Magento Master, Óscar Recio from Interactiv4 is coming to #MM18HR and will be talking about “Zero Downtime in Magento 2, It’s Possible?”

Oscar Recio

This year, Óscar Recio got his recognition and award as a Magento Master in the Maker category which makes him the 1st Spanish to receive this prestigious award. Besides being “the Kingfish” in the Magento community, he is also a Magento Technical Director at Interactiv4 which is why his presentation will be “Zero Downtime in Magento 2, It’s Possible?”. During the interview, he talked about his journey to becoming the person he is today, what impact did the Magento Master title had on his life and about the topic that he is going to cover on the Meet Magento stage.

Hi Oscar! Since you will be talking about the things you do and how you do them, how about a little warm-up by telling us a bit more about yourself.

Well, my interest in computer science started at age 12, and by the time I was 14 I have already programmed my first website. My eCommerce journey actually started with my first job where I’ve helped many companies launch their online businesses.

Apart from work, my life revolves around my family, I have a girlfriend, actually, a fiance 😀 and a dog whose name is Mac, and yes, I am a fanboy.

From the way you gave a short summary of your presentation, one could guess that you just really love Magento. Could you tell us where is that passion coming from?

As I said, my first job was eCommerce developer and at that moment I realized that I love the world of online sales. It’s an exciting world where any mistake is worth money and that’s a challenge. You have to take many details into account but above all, you have to understand the client needs, because it is important that their experience is exceptional.

The passion for computer science, in general, came to me when I saw one of the computers my father had in his office. It came as a shock when I was able to interact with a machine and have an immediate answer to what I was doing.

I would like to congratulate you on the Magento Master title you got this year and ask you in which way has that title impacted your life and what does it mean to you?

It impacted me and my life in many aspects, now I have to solve all of the problems in the office, kidding.

It is a category that makes you see Magento in a different way, it sorts of make you more responsible with what you say and do since it means (at least for me) that you have to be an example for an entire community. In the end, there is only 20 Magento Masters worldwide so we just have to approach it as a responsibility, which is something that I actually enjoy on a daily basis.

What advice would you give to other developers in the Magento community who are seeking to do better and have a tendency to go down the path you did?

Summed in one word, it is consistency. I will not lie to you, you must dedicate many hours. Also, you should never give up. Everything worthwhile has a price. But the reward you get is greater than any sacrifice. I am not talking about the materialistic awards or prizes, but about the status quo of the knowledge that you acquire during the journey.

For those who will not be able to participate at MM18HR, could you at least hint us the answer behind the question in the title of the presentation?

It will be a shame for those who will not be able to come, they will miss a very interesting talk. I will talk about the challenges and processes that we have faced while deploying eCommerce based on Magento and that in a way that it is not a headache for us and a profit loss for the clients. I would compare a downtime in eCommerce with the one of closing your store in the 5th avenue during a rush hour.

For the closing words, I would like to thank my friends at Inchoo for giving me the opportunity to speak at #MM18HR. I am sure that we will have a fun time and will be able to resolve some doubts behind on how to deploy Magento.

Are you pumped up about joining us on 28th and 29th of September at Meet Magento conference but you haven’t booked your spot yet? Don’t worry, we got you covered!

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