Programatically add bundle product to cart in Magento

Programatically add bundle product to cart in Magento

Sometimes, clients requirements exceed the defaults built into the Magento. Recently we came across a task that among other things required manipulation of bundle products in Magento. In order to help my coworker Tomas I wrote this little code snippet that programatically adds bundle product to cart.

$params = array(
'product' => 164,
'related_product' => null,
'bundle_option' => array(
21 => 58,
20 => 55,
11 => 28,
12 => array(
0 => 31,
13 => array(
0 => 32,
1 => 35,
'options' => array(
3 => 'olaaaaaaaa',
'qty' => 2,
$cart = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart');
$product = new Mage_Catalog_Model_Product();
$cart->addProduct($product, $params);
$message = $this->__('Custom message: %s was successfully added to your shopping cart.', $product->getName());

The above source code might need a bit explanation. There are two major things to keep an eye on bundle product view page, custom options and bundle items.

Custom options are set in the array

'options' => array(
3 => 'olaaaaaaaa',

And bundle item options are set in array

'bundle_option' => array(
21 => 58,
20 => 55,
11 => 28,
12 => array(
0 => 31,
13 => array(
0 => 32,
1 => 35,

Check out the screenshot for additional info.

In summary “all” you need to do is to send the proper field name-values as a params. You can then use this code from within controller or as a fast fix from within view file.

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