Removing Product Comparison in Magento
As many things in Magento, removing product comparison is not available thru the admin interface. Thus, leaving us with the only option of getting down and dirty with theme files editing.
This guide is pretty straightforward and is based on the Magento ver.
Before beginning of this procedure please Go to: System-> Cache Management and disable cache. You can turn it on after you’re done.
Step 1 – reports.xml
Open: app/design/frontend/deafult/Your Theme name/layout/reports.xml and delete the following lines:
Step 2 – catalog.xml
Open app/design/frontend/deafult/Your Theme name/layout/catalog.xml and delete the following line:
Save the files and refresh the page you we’re checking. Product comparison should not be there but if you click on any of the products you ‘ll see that the “Add to compare” text link is still there.
The way to remove it:
Step 3 – addto.phtml
Open up app/design/frontend/default/Your Theme name/template/catalog/product/view/addto.phtml and delete the following line:
< ?php if($_compareUrl=$this->helper('catalog/product_compare')->getAddUrl($_product) ): ?>
<li><span class="pipe">|</span> <a href="<?php echo $_compareUrl ?>">< ?php echo $this->__('Add to Compare') ?></a></li>
< ?php endif; ?>
Oh, of course theif you don’t want to actually delete the code can always use the following:
That’s it. You should now be free of product comparison for ever and ever 🙂