Blogging for merchants: attract visitors to your eCommerce site

blogging for merchants

Every store owner knows how important blogging is for his eCommerce store. It’s a perfect opportunity to attract a broader audience that might not have a clear buying intent at the moment, but that will undoubtedly come back to you after learning something useful from your blog. However, if your articles are low quality, non-informative, and just there to fill out the blank space, you’re not using the blog section’s full potential on your site. To avoid frustration with articles that don’t get any attention, we’re bringing you blogging tips for merchants that can help you boost your eCommerce website’s online performance.

1. Tailor your content to your targeted audience

It sounds pretty obvious, right? But it isn’t as easy as it seems. To tailor your content to your targeted audience, the first thing you should do is to define your user personas and explore their needs. Once you know your target, you will be able to prepare a content strategy that will attract them to your blog.

Bear in mind that your articles need to give a certain value to the readers, whether it’s information about a specific product, a user guide, or any other bits of advice related to your business. There’s no point in writing articles about the things nobody wants to read about, so take some time, do the research and prepare high-quality content for your potential buyers.

2. Size does (not) matter

It’s easy to get carried away with the amount of text when trying to impress potential visitors (and buyers), but be careful because quantity doesn’t necessarily mean quality. Large articles without a consistent theme won’t perform well within your targeted audience, but neither will short pieces that don’t bring any valuable information.

There’s no magic formula for the ideal blog post’s length. The perfect length is the one that covers your theme and gives useful information to your targeted audience. So, focus on quality, write informative articles, and stay within a theme.

3. Don’t try to trick your visitors and sell your products via blog posts

As easy as it is. Your visitors are smart enough to recognize if you’re trying to trick them by “selling your stuff” as useful information, and they won’t like it. They might never come back to you if every second word in your article is linking to a specific product in your eCommerce store. It’s OK to point them in the right direction and show them something valuable, but don’t be pushy. Be wise, respect your audience, and don’t try to trick them.

4. Don’t overstuff your article with keywords

If you’re trying to rank by focusing on keyword density, you’re doing it wrong. Stuffing blog posts with keywords almost necessarily mean creating thin, low-quality content.

It’s much more important to focus on providing valuable information to your targeted audience. Google is smart, and it can recognize quality content without keyword stuffing. Aim for the quality, and your visitors will turn into your customers.

5. Consistency is key to successful blogging

As you could already notice, consistency is essential when it comes to blogging. Don’t give up if the first couple of articles aren’t performing as expected. Stick to your plan, publish regularly, and the results will come.

Blogging isn’t an easy task, and it certainly is time-consuming, but the hard work pays off. The results may not come immediately, and not every blog post you write will be successful, but over time you will have a better insight on what works best for your business, and you’ll be able to adjust your strategy accordingly.

If you’re not certain in which direction should you go, or you need additional advice for improving the SEO of your eCommerce site, don’t worry; our team of consultants can help you. We can create a Custom SEO Audit with the best tips for your online store. Don’t hesitate; start your journey to success now.

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