Digital Marketing

Why do you need a blog on your online store?

Why do you need a blog on your online store?

If you are an online store owner that ever went seeking advice on promoting your website and gaining more targeted visitors, you’ve probably heard you need a blog. You might wonder how does blog actually help you in gaining more visitors and ultimately earn more money with your online store.

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White hat SEO link building campaign is impossible

White hat SEO link building campaign is impossible

I’ve seen lots of SEO companies offering link building services and some of them claiming they are white-hat SEOs. I’d like to explain why link building campaign is never white hat SEO. It’s always in some gray area and often completely black hat.

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Why are intro pages bad for your SEO

Why are intro pages bad for your SEO

Intro pages also known as splash pages are pages that most often serve as a welcome message on a website’s homepage. Intro pages are usually made using flash technology or featuring one big image.

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Internal link structure – PageRank flow change

Internal link structure – PageRank flow change

Internal link structure of a website is of grate importance in terms of SEO. Well architecture link structure was always able to do SEO miracles. The internal linking technique SEO’s use in order to get a better ranking for some terms is called PageRank Sculpting.

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Forums and Social Media Marketing

Forums and Social Media Marketing

For the past few days there has been some open discussions around the web professional communities about the role of forums in modern internet marketing. It appears that new marketers strongly underestimate the power of forums and look at them as an old marketing tool that will soon be extinct.

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How to SEO optimize PDF files

How to SEO optimize PDF files

I have recently stumbled upon a few nice discussions on how to optimize PDF files for search engines so I decided to sum up the knowledge into one blog post.

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23+ Ways to Promote Your Website for Free

23+ Ways to Promote Your Website for Free

There is actually no such thing as free website promotion unless you are really lucky. You always have to invest at least some time and effort, and as we all know time equals money which means no promotion is actually free.

However, if you are looking into ways to promote your website online while not spending any money, here are some ways you can do it. Most of these are generally well known but you might find something new and useful.

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Selling on eBay vs. running a web store

Selling on eBay vs. running a web store

People tend to ask this question a lot. Should I sell on eBay or should I open my own web store. There is no ultimate answer to this question and it really depends on many different factors such as your budget, your niche, the amount of time you have, number of different products and so on.

This is the list of things that might help you make up your mind on what’s the best way to go for you.

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How to track internal site search with Google Analytics?

How to track internal site search with Google Analytics?

Did you know that you can actually track what your visitors are searching for inside your website? We are going to explain you how it’s done via Google’s Analytics tool. It is possible to track your internal site searches if your internal search engine passes the search term in the query string as Google Analytics tracks everything entered in location bar of user’s browser.

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