Digital Marketing

Editing robots.txt in Magento 2 Admin

Editing robots.txt in Magento 2 Admin

In the last few versions of Magento 2 a few shiny new features regarding robots.txt appeared and they bring some interesting issues with them. In this blog post, I’ll attempt to walk you through all of the different cases you can encounter while modifying the Magento 2 robots.txt file.

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Inchoo is now a Google Premier Partner!

inchoo google premier partner

We’re very excited to announce that Inchoo has just leveled up to a Google Premier Partner status, which placed us among the top trustworthy PPC experts in the world in the eyes of the almighty Google. How did we deserve it? Well, with Google, You can never be certain, but there are a few key factors that could be the reason for this exciting upgrade. Here’s our short story on becoming a Google Premier Partner.

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Setting the Audiences for Successful Ecommerce AdWords Retargeting and Remarketing Ads

Setting the Audiences for Successful Ecommerce AdWords Retargeting and Remarketing Ads

If you don’t run retargeting and remarketing ads, your marketing efforts may not be as profitable as they could be. On average, only 2% of visitors convert during their first store visit, which leaves staggering 98% of visitors unconverted. This is why we use retargeting and remarketing strategies.

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Why you should do keyword research for your eCommerce store

Why you should do keyword research for your eCommerce store

Every time someone does a search for something on search engines such as Google, the search engine must go through thousands of pages and serve the best results that will give the user most useful information he searched for.

How does the search engine know what information to serve based on just a few words?  Well, search engines use to determine the best and most relevant information for every search term that is entered on search engine from user. Because of that, it is very important to create a strategy of keywords so that your eCommerce store could rank better every time user search for terms that are related to products that you sell. The ultimate goal is to rank on the first page of search engine and make your eCommerce more visible to users.

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Blogging for merchants: attract visitors to your eCommerce site

blogging for merchants

Every store owner knows how important blogging is for his eCommerce store. It’s a perfect opportunity to attract a broader audience that might not have a clear buying intent at the moment, but that will undoubtedly come back to you after learning something useful from your blog. However, if your articles are low quality, non-informative, and just there to fill out the blank space, you’re not using the blog section’s full potential on your site. To avoid frustration with articles that don’t get any attention, we’re bringing you blogging tips for merchants that can help you boost your eCommerce website’s online performance.

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This is why our clients never get penalized by Google

This is why our clients never get penalized by Google

Often, during an SEO audit, we figure out that the store that came to us for the audit suffered a manual or an algorithmical penalty from Google which resulted in a significant loss of organic traffic.

During the years we got pretty experienced in removing such penalties and getting the website back on the right track for clients that listened to our advice.

But, did you know our own clients who have a consulting retainer with us never got penalized by Google?

Here’s why…

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Build your 2017 Magento SEO strategy with these tips

Build your 2017 Magento SEO strategy with these tips

As we determinedly move through 2017, we decided to look into things which we’re building upon. The old saying goes “If you don’t know history, you are doomed to repeat it.” so we’d like to avoid any mistakes possible by learning from the previous happenings. Here’s what happened in the SEO world in 2016. and what you can do to make those trends work in your favour.

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Forgot about “Forgot your Password” page?

Forgot about “Forgot your Password” page?

We’ve analysed over 1.5 million sessions that happened in the last 30 days on some USA, UK, and Germany based eCommerce websites to find out the average percentage of logged-in customers that used the “Forgot your password” e-mail password reset functionality in Magento.

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Your website is a slider

Your website is a slider

Whenever you speak to a conversion rate optimization specialist or internet marketer in general regarding sliders you’ll hear a big rant about them. They’re bad for usability. But why do we still see so many sliders all around the web then?

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Google manually punishes bloggers with paid product reviews

Google manually punishes bloggers with paid product reviews

Last weekend Google sent out a batch of new manual penalty notices that mostly hit bloggers. What does this have to do with eCommerce SEO? Well, bloggers were penalized for accepting free products in exchange for a review with a link to merchant’s website or accepting paid reviews with such links.

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Why should you care about broken links on your online store?

Why should you care about broken links on your online store?

Is it bad for my site to have broken links? Some say I shouldn’t have them at all (What? How?) and some say that 404s are completely normal as my store changes and ages. Do I need to use some broken link checker?

Confused about taking the right approach? Which theory/opinion is applicable to your site/case? If 404 pages are a normal thing, you may ask yourself whether you should even bother with checking them? Keep reading and hopefully you’ll find the reasons why you should invest your time in analysis of broken URLs.

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Common Magento 2 SEO mistakes

Common Magento 2 SEO mistakes

Magento 2 has launched and on Magento’s official blog, they introduced some of the first Magento 2 featured online stores.

We took some time to analyse some common SEO mistakes in new Magento 2 stores and write them down for you in this article. Hopefuly this blog post will help you and serve as a sort of SEO checklist before you launch your own Magento 2 store – be it a new one or “upgrade” of the existing Magento 1.X store.

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Inchoo is now a Google Partner

Inchoo is now a Google Partner

Inchoo is a 7-year-old.

Pretty successful and prominent one, but still, a 7-year-old. In business years, that’s a fine number. During our lifetime, we worked on numerous projects, participated and spoke at many conferences, and earned a lot of certificates and recognition.

Newest one is the Google Partner badge.

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No words, but Instagram talks

No words, but Instagram talks

Being well aware of the fact that 300 million people exist on only one social platform isn’t enough. Instagram is taking the lead in customer retention and engagement so listen carefully when I say – if eCommerce and social media aren’t married already, they soon will be so here are a few ways, like in good ol’ times, of taking the advantage of the marriage.

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How to allocate marketing budget in eCommerce business

How to allocate marketing budget in eCommerce business

While it’s much more complicated than that, in case you need a short overview of what marketing budget in eCommerce looks like in one sentence, this would be it:

A well allocated eCommerce marketing budget is a fine balance between investing in new customer acquisition and retaining the existing customer base (churn rate reduction).

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Optimize your online store for holiday season in 6 steps

Optimize your online store for holiday season in 6 steps

The holidays are just around the corner and it’s time to prepare your online store for them. In this time of year, customers open their wallets and spend their money, so it’s crucial for every commerce business to make some kind of plan to take a ride in a train of opportunities this holiday season is bringing. In this article we will try to help your business to make a plan, so you can make good decisions on where to go and what to do next towards your business goals.

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