Magento abstract wallpaper pack

Magento abstract wallpaper pack

Check out Magento abstract wallpaper pack by Inchoo. Featuring Magento visuals and abstract backgrounds, these wallpapers would look fantastic on the desktop of any Magento fan!

Feel free to download and enjoy 😉

Magento Corner Dark
1920×1080 | 1600×1200

Magento Corner Light
1920×1080 | 1600×1200

Magento Flow Dark
2560×1440 | 2560×1024 | 1920×1080 | 1600×1200 | 1650×1050

Magento Flow Light
2560×1024 | 1920×1080 | 1600×1200 | 1650×1050

If you like the work of our designers, feel free to get in touch. They are a versatile bunch who can help you get a detailed eCommerce UX report on the usability of your store and they would love to help!

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  1. Hi Davor,

    Flow dark & light for me too! Thanks a lot!


    PS:I like Corner too, its effect is just a little bit too “strong” for me on a big monitor.

  2. Thanks for your compliments, I’m glad that you like it! 😉

    @Matthias and Ben
    Which version(s) would you like in those sizes?

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