Inchoo Blog: Your Guide to Magento

Explore our collection of informative articles, guides, success stories and more, written to empower and inspire you on your eCommerce journey. Stay ahead of the competition and follow our regular update to help you unleash the full potential of your Magento-powered online store.

Magento SEO: Check your extensions!

How to hide shipping method on Magento frontend but leave it on in admin area

3 actionable Analytics tips that will help you boost your store’s sales today

Tracking Onepage Checkout abandonment using Google Analytics

OneStepCheckout vs Magento’s Onepage Checkout – Short Case Study

Enhance Magento 404 page

Programmatically create, apply and delete Shopping Cart Price Rule in Magento

Magento SEO: Preserve rankings when switching from another platform

Solving problems with Category tree database information

7 common Magento SEO mistakes

Magento SEO: How to handle problems caused by layered navigation?

Inchoo Flickr Gallery Magento Extension

Magento mobile theme – imobile

How I survived all of the Google’s updates since 2005

Magento API v2 SOAP demystified

Injecting Variables into a Magento CMS static block

Packing bags for Imagine

How to implement rel=prev and rel=next to Magento’s pagination?

We took the road less traveled – the aftermath of Inchoo Learning Day 4

Installing & setting up PHPUnit manually without PEAR

Installation and configuration of local Mail server for Windows (hMail Server)

Automatically invoice/ship/complete order in Magento

Magento Customer Segments

Getting selected simple product id in configurable product on client side.

Adding magento attribute with custom input renderer

What is base64 encoding and how can we benefit from it

2011 infographics

Multiple configurable products with options on one page in Magento

Inchooers Wallpaper – Christmas Edition

Geocoding Customer Addresses in Magento via Google Maps