
Zend related articles

Consuming Magento REST service using Zend_OAuth_Consumer

Consuming Magento REST service using Zend_OAuth_Consumer

Ok folks. Until today, trying to cover this area completely, I wrote two articles about Magento oAuth and REST services:

This Magento REST and oAuth functionality and ways on which it could be used are so wide that I think that even in this three articles will not cover everything that I wanna share with you, so stay tuned for next articles about this topic in near future 🙂

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ZendFramework example on using Google URL Shortener service

ZendFramework example on using Google URL Shortener service

Seems like URL shorteners have gain extreme popularity with web services like Twitter. Not to mention the fact that long URLs are somewhat hard to pass along. They are also harder to verbalize in a conversation, and above all in some cases they are almost impossible to remember.

There are quite a large number of URL shorteners out there these days, mostly free. One of the freshest is Google’s URL shortener. This article is not about outlining the features that make this shortener better then the other ones (as I am sure some offer more features at the moment). This article is merely for the purpose of showing you how easy it is to use the Google URL Shortener service via your ZendFramework libraries.

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Zend framework coding style standard

Zend framework coding style standard © by rodolfoclix/sxc

Hello again! Today I’ll discuss some of the basic coding rules if your’re using Zend framework (or even Magento, which is written over Zend framework). Some might think that this is an redundant topic, but I strongly disagree – if you work in a team.

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Memory management in Zend framework

Memory management in Zend framework © by rodolfoclix/sxc

Hello everyone! Recently I’ve noticed that some developers don’t pay much attention to memory management in Zend framework. And here I’m not talking about Zend_Cache, but rather about object sizes. And if you’re thinking that I’m writing nonsenses, let me show you how to reduce memory usage by more than 100 times (in my example :D).

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MySQL transactions in Zend framework

MySQL transactions in Zend framework © by jrdurao/sxc

Hi! Today I’m going to explain a part of Zend framework DB functionality. Transactions in general are quite useful, like temporary tables, but in most of situations unnecessary. Because of that, I’m going to explain when and how to use them through Zend framework.

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The principles of SOLID programming

The principles of SOLID programming

Hello there! Today I’ll be explaining The principles of SOLID programming. When I first got serious about OOP, I jumped to design patterns, but then I realized that everyone need a good grasp of the SOLID principles before you’re ready to tackle Design Patterns – in more of an Architect role – that is. So, to conclude this short introduction, I’ll try to explain this in as low-level of knowledge as possible.

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Zend Framework navigation with breadcrumbs

Zend Framework navigation with breadcrumbs

It’s been a while since I last time played with beauty of Zend Framework.

Each time I check new features it seems to me that the things are more simplier than the last time,
I might be wrong (I wouldn’t bet on that) or I’m just getting better 🙂

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Simple Controller Plugin in Zend Framework

Simple Controller Plugin in Zend Framework

This tutorial will describe how to create own Controller Plugin.
How to set up environment for zend framework controller plugin.
How extend the library with own class and finally how to use it.

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Zend Framework Custom View Helper

Zend Framework Custom View Helper

Creating custom helper in new Zend Framework edition 1.9 in few easy steps.
Let’s assume that we need to fetch some data from database
but we do not need them in all view files.

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Zend framework notification system

Zend framework notification system

I was playing around with admin interface for one custom project and I wanted general notification system for updating, adding, deleting records in database or any other action I could imagine. Zend framework has built in notification system where you can easily call the following helper (it’s an controller action helper). I hope this code will help somebody.

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Zend Core – PHP LAMP/WAMP stack overview

Zend Core – PHP LAMP/WAMP stack overview

For all those in open source web application development, like myself, LAMP/WAMP is well known term, especially if your development is based on PHP. Imagine WAMP with commercial support available and you what to you get? You get Zend Core. I don’t mean to be harsh neither to WAMP or Zend Core with statements like these. I’m simply trying to explain as short as possible, to those interested in Zend Core what it actually is.

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Zend authentication component (Zend_Auth), database storage class

Zend authentication component (Zend_Auth), database storage class

I love Zend Framework. Sometimes it can really be overhead but most of the time it’s really nice working in well organized, documented framework. One of the components I use relatively often iz Zend_Auth component. Zend Framework documentation is quite rich so I wont get into explaining how to use Zend_Auth. There is one thing that bothered me in Zend_Auth, and that’s persistent storage. Zend_Auth (in the latest version 1.7.6, as of time of this writing) supports only Session state as it’s storage. What I needed is full database session storage.

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Getting started with REST using Zend Framework

Getting started with REST using Zend Framework

I was playing with SOAP for the last few days. I must say, it looks somewhat complicated in some areas. After some google-ing on SOAP vs REST stuff I decided to write this simple ZendFramework REST how to. Actualy this is a PHP part of tutorial since I was working on a PHP and C# solution using Mono framework for C# part can be found on my site. My desire was to create a web service in PHP environment and consume that service in C# environment.Getting started with REST using ZendFramework. Here’s the PHP REST server part.

Basic example is really, really simple. Aren’t they always. Seriously, it’s not my intention to go into outermost details.

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