How to recognize a true partner among web development agencies?

recognize true partner agency feat

Looking for the right website development agency can be very difficult. Although there are some handy tips when searching for the right eCommerce web development agency, one of the most underrated questions is: How to recognize an agency that wants to be a partner?

Let’s explain why this question is essential.

There are two types of agencies in the world. First is the one that tries to do the job you agreed upon. The second wants to go beyond that.

An agency that wants to be your partner wants to think about results that are above their “scope of work.” In simple words, they are always having in mind your broader business objective. Having that common goal allows for a deeper connection between an agency and the client that results in the best possible outcome.

How to recognize that agency?

In this blog post you can find useful information on how you can recognize an eCommerce website agency that wants to become your business partner.

1. Communication with an agency

Communication is one of the first things that can show you how an agency treats its clients. It needs to be done on time.

A person with whom you are communicating needs to “be available.” Of course, they can’t be available all of the time (you are probably not the only client, and they have other tasks any given day). It all comes to how much time is needed to answer your questions.

If the communication is almost immediate, you can be sure that you are important in the agency’s eyes. Of course, it also depends on the channel of communication.

two businessman facing each other

But, generally speaking, If it takes a couple of days to get even the basic acknowledgment of your question, you are probably not their top priority.

The partner agency will try to communicate with you regularly. They will try to inform you about important things. They will even contact you about things for which we could say that they are not part of their usual services. But, those things could have the potential to increase your business results.

The right eCommerce agency will try to communicate with you regularly on the topics they deem essential for you and your business.


2. Your issues

When communicating with an agency, pay close attention to your gut feeling.

Are you feeling comfortable? Do you have a feeling that you can talk about anything that comes to your mind?

It is essential that you feel honesty and openness from the agency. In that case, you can ask any questions and talk about the ideas you have. No matter how big or small those issues and ideas are.

The right partner agencies will listen to your questions (all of them) and answer them. They will not only give you straightforward answers, but they will also try to explain their answers. This is because they want to remove any doubts that can come in the way of fulfilling common goals.


3. Process & knowledge

The right agency will try to teach you or explain to you everything they are doing. They will communicate to you everything they did on the project, and why they did it.

The important thing to have in mind here is that the eCommerce web development agency is an expert in its field. But problems can arise if, because of their expertise, you start feeling “separated” from your development project.

The solution to that problem is that the agency will try everything in their power to keep you in the loop. And this is closely related to the next point.


4. Respect

Do you feel respected by your development agency? If you don’t, then your agency is probably not trying to be your partner.

If they did, then they would relate to you with the utmost respect. But not only you. Agency would also respect your business. Professional agencies will try to familiarize themselves with every particular aspect of your business.

respect sign paper

They will try to know your potential clients. And when they know everything about you, your business, and your potential clients – they will have a bigger chance of delivering expected results.

But this cannot be accomplished without respect towards you and your business.


5. Not just in it for money

Is the agency taking everything that happens to your business personally? If the answer is yes, then you can be assured that you have found the right partner.

Partner in every meaning of that word. A right partner would worry about your business on a more “human” level. Not just on a “financial” level.


6. Above and beyond

Faithful ally would not concentrate only on duties that are agreed on through mutual contract. A reliable partner would try to give you even beyond what’s agreed on.

You can recognize those types of agencies easily. As soon as the business relationship starts, they would begin to give you valuable insights and information. It can be simple information on something that you didn’t think of, or they can explain in great detail everything they are working on.

In the end, if you feel that you have received something that is more than you have paid for – you have just worked with a true partner agency.


7. Honesty

Your agency should NOT be afraid of saying the thing that you don’t want to hear.

For example, if you want some features that your website doesn’t need, they won’t be afraid to say that to you. Even if that means they would do less work and consequently earn less money.

In simple words, they are not afraid to confront you if they think something is not the right fit for your business goals. Real partners will always give you their honest opinion.

honesty two man

And you need someone sincere as your business partner. Not someone that hides the truth and gives you BS that you want to hear but doesn’t improve chances of meeting your goals.


8. True partnership

If you are looking for a true partnership, you also must be ready to behave in the same way. Don’t expect your agency to act as a partner if you’re not behaving like a partner to the agency.

True partnership is a two-way relationship.

Remember that fact when thinking about a relationship with your agency.

What do you think? Can this help you in recognizing a true partner agency? Leave your comments below.

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  1. Quite a fine article it is. Thanks for sharing. Yes, indeed without a Mutual benefiting relationship no client-agency connection could flourish.

    1. Hi Bill, thanks for your comment.
      We could even say that a mutually benefiting relationship is something that we strive for in all spheres of our life… Not just in business.

  2. Nice article.

    I have gone through your article and to be honest, i do provide the above qualities to my clients but what should i do so that client stays with me and return back for further assistance.

    1. Hi Tarun, thanks for your comment.
      if we treat our client in a truly “partner way” – the client will appreciate it even if he goes away from us. In other words, it’s not a problem if go goes away. The important thing is that he remembers that we treated him like real partners. The reasons why he went to another agency can be numerous, but most importantly, the reason he (eventually) comes back to us will be that sense of a real partnership he had for the first time.

    1. Thanks for your comment.
      It’s always good to see that people like what I’ve written. I will continue to write articles that, hopefully, will bring quality insights and thinking.

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