“We Are Magento” Imagine 2016 Recap

“We Are Magento” Imagine 2016 Recap

6th Magento Imagine conference held in Wynn Hotel – Las Vegas, was a blast. With over 2500 merchants, partners, developers and eCommerce experts from around the world, this biggest Magento event of the year is the place every Magento and eCommerce enthusiast should be at.


As you can see, we’ve survived the trip, barely. 🙂 Our #RoadToImagine started here in Osijek, Croatia, with 11,000 km in front of us to Vegas.

Osijek (Croatia) – Budapest (Hungary) – London (UK) – New York

New York was our first stop on the trip over the pond. We’ve visited our dear client Bryce Salvador and had a great time. NJ Devils game is something I will never forget. What a show!

NJ Devils

We also had enough time to visit the NYC. 3 – 4 celsius degrees in New York City with spring jackets on ourselves was an experience which we don’t recommend you to do. (We’ll talk to the weatherman who wrote 2 days before it will be 15). But we knew a desert is waiting for us, so that kept us going…

Saša in NYC


We were finally there, the fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada. 1st day, #PreImagine party, where Inchoo was a sponsor. A great introduction to the event and a lot of fun and beer. 🙂


We Are Magento

Magento team reminded us with this year’s theme and keynotes that we are all Magento. Merchants, developers, eCommerce managers, solution providers… Without all of us, the whole ecosystem, there would be no Magento. And we, at Inchoo, are proud to be a part of such a great community.

We Are Magento

During the keynotes, Magento executive team announced a couple of exciting ideas and plans that will keep Magento on the top:

Magento Enterprise Cloud Edition
Really soon, on May 1st, Magento merchants will have an option to host via Amazon AWS cloud solution. This platform-as-a-service solution will provide custom Magento 2 Enterprise deployment combined with the benefits of SaaS solutions like automatic software updates and patches. We heard it in theory and we can’t wait to see it working – if it will work seamlessly it will be a first time anyone has managed to do it – a truly groundbreaking feature.

Magento Marketplace
Magento Marketplace is already live and we are really happy Magento team has decided to cope with the quality of extensions and pick only the best ones for their Merchants. We, as a custom development agency have a lot of issues when Merchant comes to us with bad quality extensions, so you can imagine how our developers will be happy if they never see the bad extension again…

Magento Enterprise Edition 2.1
New Magento EE 2.1 should come out late June / early July. Beside additional speed improvements, we will also get enhanced business productivity for Merchants with Staging & Preview functionality, a shift from Solr to new ElasticSearch, Paypal enhancements for a more seamless checkout experience and a lot of admin user interface improvements so users can manage their sites more efficiently.

Commerce Order Management module
With future releases of Magento (think 2.2. maybe?), Commerce Order Management module will also get some new and exciting community demanded functionalities like Account Management with Permissions, custom catalogs, pricing, request for quote, quick reorder… Hopefully, Magento will not cover everything, so we can have some work to do 😛

So, as you can see, we really got overwhelmed by Magento team and we can’t wait to get our fingers on new Magento 2.1.

Magic Johnson & Legendary Imagine Party

I can say, a tip of the conference, Magic Johnson spent his whole session among the crowd (he didn’t need the stage to be seen), sharing his sport and entrepreneur experiences.

Magic Johnson Selfie

And afterwards, the Legendary Imagine Party with plenty of cocktails, beer, food and dance.

Legendary Imagine Party


22,000 km and 124,590 steps away ( Yeah, this is how much we walked, no need to do the cardio for a month 🙂 ) we can say we had a great experience and many new acquaintances. If you haven’t been this, make sure to come next year. Inchoo will be there…

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