
Magento 2 Webhook Notifications


Webhooks are used to indicate when an important event has occurred, usually by sending a notification in the form of a message to a specified webhook URL or endpoint. This can be really useful for certain events, like when a customer makes an order or leaves a comment.

It can also be a really handy way for developers to get instantly notified when an exception occurs, providing them with the information they need to quickly locate and fix the issue.

In this article, I will show you how to create a module that allows you to configure your very own webhooks for Magento 2, utilizing the Incoming Webhooks feature from Slack.

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How to set up taxes in Magento 2

setup taxes magento 2

We are happy to share with you the ultimate guide on how to set up and manage taxes in Magento 2. Everything you need as a merchant, consultant or developer, you’ll find right here.

This guide is based on Magento 2.3.X, however, there were no significant changes in previous versions of Magento 2 when it comes to sales tax setup, so it should be backward compatible as well.

The setup presented in this guide works the same way in Magento 2 Commerce (Enterprise), Magento 2 Open Source (Community), and Magento Commerce Cloud.

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How to add a custom columns to the Magento 2 products grid

Custom Coulmns Magento 2

It’s easy to add a column to the products grid if a value that you want to display in the column is a product attribute. They are already present in the products grid toolbar under Columns control. You just check/uncheck columns that you want to be displayed or removed from the grid. But what if you want to display values like quantity and website that aren’t product attribute? If you continue to read you will learn how to add values like this to the products grid.

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Create a multi-language store in Magento 2 – Part 2

Create a multi-language store in Magento 2 Part 2

In the first post from this series, we’ve focused more on theory and technical background behind multi-language Magento2 store. Now, we’ll create Magento2 store with additional French language. First thing is to go to the administration and create a new store view. Before we proceed, please check documentation where is explained a difference between store view, store and website, old but still relevant,

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Allow backorders on a website scope

Allow backorders on a website scope

We’re all aware of the fact that Magento handles inventory of products in a (fairly) straightforward fashion. There is only one “warehouse”, one inventory, one “number” in the database that is responsible for a final say – how much of it is in stock. A lot of other functionality is dependent on the fact that stock is global. If we check “Advanced inventory” configuration from the administration of a product, we notice that all of the options are global: Out of stock threshold, Minimum and maximum qty allowed in Shopping Cart, backorders, notifications etc.

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Create a multi-language store in Magento 2 – Part 1

Create a multi-language store in Magento 2 Part 1

Many merchants were in a situation where, upon expanding an online business, they needed to provide a localized version of their store, adjusted to local markets and languages. Creating multi-language (localized) store in Magento 2 is very much easy and in every aspect configurable.

The first step in creating a multi-language store is to download and install a language pack for Magento 2. If you need to make an adjustment on a specific language or need to adjust to a specific local situation, then you can easily make all those changes.

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Magento 2 Custom CMS page layout

Magento 2 Custom CMS page layout

We’ve had a request to add a new custom layout for CMS pages in one Magento shop.
This can be very useful and can save you a lot of time for different static pages of your shop.

In this example we’ll create a layout named Inchoo Layout.

We should focus on two xml files: layouts.xml and page_layout/inchoo-layout.xml under Magento_Theme folder.

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Adding videos to product page in Magento2

Adding videos to product page in Magento2

Today is even impossible to imagine a good product detail page without product video/s. In Magento 2, adding videos to the product details page is quite easy. The major problem is in most cases with an initial setup. Most of the product videos already exist online, either on or In the first case, it’s the most popular video publishing platform and for we can say it is more or less dedicated to professionals and photo/video enthusiast.

Google, company behind youtube, set few rules regarding sharing and embedding videos to other domains, in our case our online store. They require to have enabled youtube API key if you want to use embedding youtube videos beyond simple grabbing embed code from youtube videos page.

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Bypassing Magento 2 layout update restrictions in Admin

Bypassing Magento 2 layout update restrictions in Admin

Magento’s layout system has been vastly improved in Magento 2 to be more accessible, more powerful and to be more streamlined. But, for some reason, only a very small subset of layout functions is made available for use in Magento 2 Admin (category layout XML updates, to be more precise). In this article, we’re going to show a very simple way of bypassing this pesky restriction.

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Create Admin Menu Item in Magento 2

Create Admin Menu Item in Magento 2

When it comes to Magento customization, every now and then, there’s a need for a custom configuration option that needs to be placed somewhere in the administration menu. Magento 2 comes with well organized admin menu, but what if newly created configuration option doesn’t fit anywhere?

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File upload in Magento 2 store configuration

File upload in Magento 2 store configuration

One of the best parts in Magento is its admin interface. There is support for all kinds of input types (text fields, radio buttons, dropdowns, multiple selects, etc.), that can be stored in various ways (plain, encrypted, serialized), and displayed in numerous ways (grids, forms, simple fields, images).

What makes Magento great is the possibility to extend this default interface (especially store configuration part), and add our own fields easily. Let’s extend it with a custom file upload field.

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How to keep your CMS blocks organized (and not go insane)

How to keep your CMS blocks organized (and not go insane)

Head on over to Magento dashboard in your store and take a look at CMS blocks. How many CMS blocks have you got? Can you tell which of the blocks are being used on site and which are currently not active or can be safely removed? Can you pick a random CMS block and instantly know what it is and where to find it on site? In this article we’re going to cover a powerful way of organizing, searching and filtering CMS blocks by simply naming them in a specific way. And the best part is that it works out of the box in vanilla Magento without any extensions.

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Featured products in Magento 2 with Catalog Products List widget

Featured products in Magento 2 with Catalog Products List widget

By checking various e-commerce websites one thing which can be found in almost all of them are featured products. A list of hand-picked products, usually placed on the home page, used for promotion. So far Magento lacked that most requested feature and developers had to look for other solutions or to code one of their own. Let’s look what’s the situation like in Magento 2.

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