
Add static content in Magento Checkout address form

static content m2 checkout inchoo feat

If you are reading this, you are probably looking for an easy way to add static content to the Checkout address fieldset.

If you open the Magento Checkout module, you will notice technology complexity of the Magento Checkout. When you consider Knockout, HTML, PHTML, XML, JS – such a mix of technologies can often make a simple straightforward task seem super complicated.

Usually, if you need to edit something on the Checkout, you need to create a custom module, which will override the Layout Processor. This approach makes sense if the Checkout modification is complex and there needs to be some kind of a dynamic.

But for simple tasks, such as updating input placeholders, adding the notes to the inputs or adding the text between inputs – custom modules are an overkill.

Let me share with you a simple frontend solution for situations when we need to add some text or an image banner, for example between the Last Name input and the Company input.

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How to display CMS block in Magento 2 Checkout

How to display CMS block in Magento 2 Checkout

Working with CMS blocks was one of the reasons Magento was and is so popular. Using CMS blocks, site administrator can easily manipulate content of the store. CMS blocks can be used to display promotional banners, sale blocks, return policies, important information message on some sections of the store etc. CMS blocks can carry plain text or chunks of HTML/JS/CSS code which means they can be used for even more complex content delivery like sliders, product carousels etc.

I personally like to use CMS blocks whenever I can so that content of the store becomes more “modular” and easily manageable.

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Reorder input fields on Shipping and Billing step in Magento 2

Reorder input fields on Shipping and Billing step in Magento 2

With time we are becoming more and more familiar with Magento 2 Checkout. And we are trying to build our knowledge furthermore. Hopefully, this article will help you in that process. With this article, we’ll learn how to change inputs fields ordering on the Checkout page.

If you ever tested Magento 2 you are familiar with default Magento 2 Checkout and the default fields sort ordering. If you wish to want to recall it, check this screenshot:

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Don’t Mess with the Magento 2 Checkout

Don’t Mess with the Magento 2 Checkout

Hello! Do you hate editing Magento Checkout? I know how you feel… 😀

The checkout in Magento 2 is built up from a series of Knockout JS components which are then rendered using the Knockout JS templating system. Magneto 2 defines each one of these components and their parent/child relationship in a large XML file which can be extended or overridden in your own theme or module.

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How to use Knockout in Magento 2

How to use Knockout in Magento 2

Knockout is javascript library which is used on frontend in Magento 2. It implements Model-View-View Model (MVVM) design pattern. You can find Knockout in Magento 2 on almost every page. The place where it’s most present is the checkout page. This is the most complicated implementation in Magento 2.

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