The Role of Product Photography in eCommerce Success

The Role of Product Photography in eCommerce Success

Humans are visual beings, and we process information based on what we see. Studies show that people remember 80% of what they see and 20% of what they read.

Therefore, high-quality product images are a cornerstone of a successful online retail strategy, influencing customer perceptions, engagement, and sales. Let’s delve into why product photography is crucial for eCommerce success and how it can be effectively leveraged to boost your online business.

The Visual Nature of Online Shopping

Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar stores, eCommerce platforms lack the tactile experience. Customers cannot touch, feel, or try out products before purchasing. Therefore, they rely heavily on visual cues to make informed buying decisions. High-quality images bridge this sensory gap by providing detailed, accurate, and appealing representations of products.

Building Trust and Credibility

Trust is a critical factor in online shopping. When customers cannot physically inspect a product, they need to trust that what they see is what they will get. Professional product photography builds this trust by showcasing products in their best light, highlighting their features, quality, and craftsmanship. Clear, high-resolution images reduce uncertainty and assure customers of the product’s authenticity and value.

Enhancing Perceived Product Value

Quality product images can significantly enhance the perceived value of your merchandise. Just as well-designed packaging can make a product seem more luxurious in a physical store, high-quality images can elevate the perceived quality of a product online. Professional photography can highlight textures, colors, and fine details, making products look more appealing and desirable.

Improving Conversion Rates

Effective product photography directly impacts conversion rates. According to various studies, products with high-quality images are more likely to be added to a shopping cart and purchased. Detailed images that show the product from multiple angles and in different contexts help customers feel confident in their purchase decision, reducing cart abandonment rates and increasing sales.

Did You Know That Product Photography Can Contribute to Your SEO?

Product images also significantly affect search engine optimization (SEO). Well-optimized images with appropriate alt text can enhance your website’s visibility on search engines. Image searches are becoming increasingly popular; having your products appear in image search results can drive more traffic to your site.

There are a few ways to do it: 

  • Name your image file. Image titles like ”image01.jpg” don’t help Google or consumers. When naming photos, use words that describe the image clearly. Avoid making too long file names and stuffing them with keywords because they could have a negative impact on your ranking. 
  • Alt text on images. Search engines have a hard time interpreting images. They depend mostly on file (images) names and the alternative text. The purpose of the alt text is to describe images to Google or other search engines so they can understand them. 
  • Image size and typesJPEG is the most frequently used file type for e-commerce stores because it allows high-quality photo previews with a smaller file size. As previously mentioned, the smaller image file size can play a role in increasing the load speed. Significant page load times can decrease your ranking and can mean lost sales. 

Social Media Is All About Photography

In the age of social media, visually appealing content is key to engaging audiences. High-quality product photos are essential for creating compelling social media posts, advertisements, and marketing campaigns.

Imagine scrolling through your feed. What catches your eye? It’s those high-quality product shots, right? They’re the ones that make you pause, double-tap, or share to a friend.
But it’s not just about likes and shares. As mentioned earlier in this post, consistent and professional imagery builds trust. When your audience sees polished photos, they see a brand that cares about quality and attention to detail. It’s a subtle yet powerful message that resonates with potential customers.

And let’s not forget about storytelling. Your product photos aren’t just visuals; each image is an opportunity to showcase your brand’s personality, values, and unique offerings. It’s your chance to connect with your audience.

Best Practices for eCommerce Product Photography

To maximize the impact of product photography on your eCommerce success, consider the following best practices:

  1. Invest in a good photography service and even better photos: Invest in a skilled photographer with access to high-quality cameras, lighting equipment, and backdrops to capture your products. But, great product photos don’t mean anything if they take too much time to load. In that case, your bounce rate would be off the charts. Be careful about image size, if a customer has to wait for more than 2 seconds to load a photo you will lose your game.
  2. Consistency is Key: Maintain a consistent style and quality across all product images to create a cohesive brand image. Plan in detail what every set of photos should look like, from the background to the lighting, editing, and the creation of a unique template. Every product should be photographed in the same way and conditions. When all product photos are similar, customers can easily scan through your pages and pick the product they want.
  3. Show Multiple Angles: Provide images from various angles and close-ups to give customers a comprehensive view of the product. The more visual information a potential customer has, the more willing he or she is to buy it. Google recommends that back views and close-ups can be used for additional images but not the main image. Also, the product should take no less than 75% but not more than 90% of the full image.
  4. Contextual Shots: Include lifestyle images that show the product in use, helping customers visualize how it fits into their lives. In fact, according to Weebly research, 22% of online product returns are because the ordered items look different than in the photos. In order to solve that problem, you can show your products in lifestyle photography so that anyone can find one that meets their needs.
  5. Attention to Detail: Ensure images are well-lit, focused, and free of distractions or clutter. Your product should be in focus. Try not to put too many visual elements in one photo, just one main, which is your product. The background should be solid, white, gray, or light-colored. 
  6. Post-Processing: Use editing software to enhance images, correct colors, and remove imperfections. You should brighten the background and remove any shadows, but don’t edit the photos too much. Products have to look the same as they are in reality.

How We Practiced What We Preach – Lera Sport

Lera Sport is a Croatian merchant that represents, sells, distributes, and services sports equipment. They are an authorized representative in Croatia for several world-famous sports brands, including Fischer, Deuter, Capriolo, Adria, Olympia, Frera, Smith Optics, and many more. Given their association with high-quality brands, we had to use imagery that reflects this standard.

To support the premium quality of their brands, we employed a mixture of product and lifestyle photography. This approach showcases the intricate details and craftsmanship of the sports equipment and illustrates how these products can be integrated into customers’ lives.

By combining detailed product shots with dynamic lifestyle images, we achieved a dual effect: customers gain a clear understanding of the product’s features and can also envision themselves using the product in real-life scenarios. This strategy effectively enhances the perceived value of the products, builds trust, and increases customer engagement and conversion rates.


How Can Your eCommerce Business Leverage Product Photography?

By investing in professional product photography and following UX/UI best practices, you can create a visually appealing and trustworthy online shopping experience that drives success. If you need help, we’re here to assist you in improving customer engagement, thus increasing sales and revenue.  

And hey, if a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine how much your product photos are saying.

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  1. One can also for background removal and photoshop retouching with manual clipping path techniques. They are friendly to work with

  2. Thank you for noting that original photographs should be used in your e-commerce business in order to correctly rank and optimize images for website sales. My sister creates clothes. She also made the decision to launch an internet shop. I’ll assist her in finding an e-commerce fashion photography business so she can get unique images.

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  4. Image attract more attention than content. Thanks for sharing this article to bring this point. As a beginner digital marketer i will keep this point in mind. I generally follow for digital marketing and ecommerce tips, adding this article to the list for future reference.

  5. Nice and informative article! A good product photo always can attract more customers for e-commerce and other business. It’s a great example. Love it 🙂

  6. Great tips! Really appreciate and highly professional tips. Overall best for photography. I really inspired to take my next action. Love it 🙂

  7. Highly appreciated for sharing a nice blog, very professional tutorial. I think this company can be your right choice. They have many experts to do these job.

  8. I can say both image and keywords will play an important role, but yeah Image play a key role in ecommerce so we need to take care of overall things. Thanks for sharing this information post

  9. That’s a good point that images set you apart from the competition. I could see how that would be useful. I’ll recommend that my wife has some good photos taken of her products if she opens a boutique.

  10. There’s a forecast that by 2040, 95% of all shopping sales will be through eCommerce channels, and of course, images will play a huge part while competition rises. Product photography will be very competitive since ideas on how to take product images that will excite customers will surely be exhausted. Surely, background removal tools (e.g. remove bg, photoscissors) will play important roles as well.

  11. Good article with valid information. Thanks for sharing the knowledge.We are a team of some the best professional photographers in Kolkata along with the best image editors who live and breathe their passion. We have been involved in Product photography for several years now. And, our photography experience ranges from e-commerce photography, general white background photography for apparels to handbags to shoes and other fashion accessories. And apart from the services of product photography Kolkata, we have been also providing e-commerce cataloging services, lookbook designing services, & marketplace management service in Kolkata for Amazon & Flipkart. :-

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  13. Well, have to say quite a fine article you have shared here defining the vary importance of the Images in any product sale campaign. I guess it’s the crystal clear well-placed images that gain the attention of many eyeballs.

  14. Almost all eCommerce websites require the product photography service as well as the editing one to attract the customers. You have pointed out some good notes on this. Like your writing. I would recommend to outsource to a professional, if you can afford it, that specializes in product photography Sunshine Coast. This way you can sell and not have to worry about setting up light tents or if customers are scared away by your poor pics.

  15. Nicely Explained,
    Hence having visually impactful product images becomes extremely essential when we speak about ecommerce Business. A few product photography Tips with examples which would help to enhance your sales-

    1. Hi Carol,

      thank you for the comment. Alternative text is designed to provide specific text explanations of images. Its primary purpose is to describe images to visitors who are unable to see them. When creating alt text you should: clearly explaining what the image contains, keep it short (the most popular screen readers cut off alt text at 125 characters), use your target keyword and avoid keyword stuffing. You can read more about how should look best practice: here

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