Danijel Vrgoc
Frontend DeveloperDanijel is a Frontend Developer - his mission is to breathe in life into design and make communication with end user happen.
Unusual combination of classes he attended confirms his knowledge and familiarity with a number of perspectives one can have about web.
Before he graduated from Faculty of Electrical Engineering, he got a degree in web development from a local educational institution. He later on continued exploring classes about web design, Zend and web administration. Can you see why we mentioned various perspectives?
His passion for web development pushed him into learning how to handle different platforms and he is now Wordpress, Symfony 2 and Magento Padawan (hoping to be a Magento Jedi!).
During his college years, he was an american football referee. Nowadays, he enjoys having a barbecue with his friends and watching stand up comedies. That is his recipe for having a good time!

Latest Posts by Danijel Vrgoc

Group your Shipping Methods by Carrier on Checkout

Deep Dive into Validation Rules

Customize Currency Display in Magento 2

Reindex only required indexers in Magento 2 from CLI

Moving the validation error message, this time globally

Moving the Add to Cart validation error message on product page

Lazy load your images and iframes

Sticky Sidebar in Magento

Build your custom form validation rule

Validate a custom form in Magento 2

More/Less functionality in Magento2

How to create a custom Grunt task in Magento 2