Posts by Zoran Vorkapic

Mastering Magento Site Search: Strategies for Enhanced User Experience

Magento 2 search strategies for improved UX

In addition to the main navigation, search is typically the second most popular strategy for finding products on eCommerce websites. Customers often use the search function when they know exactly what they are looking for or when the main navigation does not yield the expected results.

How do you design and configure the search engine of your Magento site for the best usability? Keep on reading!

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Automotive Website UX Challenges Resolved

automotive parts website design

Automotive parts website design has its challenges and they are revolving around parts search & fitment. Being in this industry for a long time, we’ve learned so much from observing an infinite number of visitors, converters, and returned buyers. We will be sharing our best practices in this blog post so keep reading!

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Top 5 things to keep in mind when approaching an eCommerce website redesign

Top 5 things to think about while designing

So you’ve decided to do a complete site redesign or came to a conclusion your metrics don’t behave as you thought they would? Have you finally decided to implement that feature you’re sure will skyrocket your conversions?

Here are some common eCommerce design pitfalls we often see in the wild you think about when considering taking the next step in growing your eCommerce business.

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Getting started with eCommerce personalization

Getting started with eCommerce personalization

At the most basic level, personalization is a way of delivering specific content to different customer groups to increase conversion rate and revenue and enhance user experience. When done right, personalization can improve user experience by providing the right content at the right time.

That user-related benefit can easily translate to company benefits such as growth in conversions, revenue, customer engagement, and loyalty.

Keep in mind: personalization is not to be confused with customization. The main difference between the two is that personalization doesn’t require user’s active engagement. You personalize the experience for them. On the other hand, customization requires user’s active involvement.

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Best practices for Magento cart page design

Best practices for Magento cart page design

The shopping cart sits near the end of the shopping flow – just a step before the actual checkout and payment process. It’s the place where totals, discounts, taxes, and shipping costs get calculated. Most importantly, it is a magical place where the final purchase decision often happens.

Besides providing an order overview, the cart page is also an ideal place to show some vital purchase information that can weigh in the purchase decision. It can also offer products for impulse shopping to increase the average cart value.

However, we often see shopping cart pages having high abandonment rates. There are many disappointments customers can face on the cart page and leave the store before completing the purchase. Here are some tips for Magento cart page design to lower those abandonment rates and push your customers to the checkout!

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Best practices for Magento product page design

Best practices for Magento product page design

Product pages are the center stages of any web store. They carry significant weight in the purchase decision, and they are often the landing pages for people coming from search engines. It’s, therefore, important that product pages perform flawlessly for the customers.

Magento’s product page layout comes with several key elements, such as product name, product gallery, descriptions, pricing, CTAs, reviews, and upsells. Still, it leaves plenty of room for enhancements that can be incorporated into the product page design.

We’ll cover some of the fundamentals of Magento product page design and see how we can utilize existing elements and expand them to achieve more benefits for both your customers and your eCommerce business!

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Best practices for Magento category page design

Best practices for Magento category page design

Category pages serve as a bridge between the homepage and the product pages, bringing the customers one step closer to finding the right products.

They are an essential step in a customer purchase path for customers browsing the store using the main navigation as opposed to search. They are also among the top pages customers will land on. It means that a lot of users will start their browsing and shopping process here. This makes them even more critical.

Read on to see the best practices for category page design in Magento.

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Best practices for Magento homepage design

Best practices for Magento homepage design

Did you know that customers are more likely to land on a category or a product page of your Magento store than on the homepage? Nevertheless, the homepage remains an essential part of an eCommerce store for many customers who start their shopping process. It also acts as an anchor to refer back to throughout the shopping experience.

The homepage introduces the website, explains what it sells, and sets some expectations. It should convey brand values, inspire customers to explore, display product ranges – and accomplish that without visual clutter.

It acts as a shop window to an online store, so cramming things inside might result in a lower perceived value. You wouldn’t clutter your shop window, would you?

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Best practices for Magento theme design

Best practices for Magento theme design

This article is the first from a series of articles that will address the concepts and best practices for creating Magento theme design. In this one, we’re talking about prerequisites for designing a custom Magento theme, the difference between custom and off-the-shelf themes and the decoupled approach for Magento theme design and development.

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Common UX annoyances and misconceptions in mobile eCommerce

Common UX annoyances and misconceptions in mobile eCommerce

It’s been over a decade we’ve been surfing using our mobile phones. Gone are the days we browsed the internet on mobile phones in a hurry, used it to kill some time while waiting (or riding) the bus or to check the weather for the day.

Over the years, our mobile phones became fierce rivals to our desktop device, and they are slowly and surely taking over.

In 2018, mobile sales accounted for nearly 40% of all retail eCommerce in the US, and projections are, that this will surpass 50% by 2021.

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Research and analyse your competition to expose your opportunities

Competitive Analysis

Research is like peeling an onion – the more layers you peel – the more you reveal. You may even find that your idea isn’t as unique as you thought, but still, wouldn’t you like to beat the competition sooner rather than later? Don’t risk learning the hard way – get to know your competition on time. Knowledge is power!

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Navigation – structure, usability and trends

Navigation – structure, usability and trends

Whether it’s a website, an app navigation, your mobile phone menu or the menu in your car – navigation is one of the fundamental features of every digital product. By providing clear and well-structured navigation, you relieve your users of confusion. This makes it easy for them to find what they’re looking for. If users can’t find their way around your product it will frustrate them.

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Importance of style guides in design

Importance of style guides in design

One may call it Graphics Standard Manual, Identity Style Guide, Brand and Graphics Manual, Branding Manual, Brand book… People call it differently, but they all usually mean the same thing (although we should be careful about using “brand” in naming, cause brand books/manuals dictate not only visual and graphic representation, but the brand as a whole).

We’re basically talking about a set of standards and rules by which we enforce a certain style to be applied on company’s documents, presentations, visuals like posters and flyers, communication strategies or even photos.

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