Inchoo Blog: Your Guide to Magento

Explore our collection of informative articles, guides, success stories and more, written to empower and inspire you on your eCommerce journey. Stay ahead of the competition and follow our regular update to help you unleash the full potential of your Magento-powered online store.

Create Windows virtual hosts for your Magento projects

Create Windows virtual hosts for your Magento projects

How to put Magento in maintenance mode with IP filters

How to put Magento in maintenance mode with IP filters (the easy way)?

Inchoo 2012 in review

Osijek Software City

How to add Currency selector to Magento’s header

Create unique coupon code in Magento

SEO for Tabs on eCommerce Product Pages

Google Image indexing and Magento [robots.txt]

Changing default category sort order in Magento

What to do when your online store’s traffic volume is too small for split testing?

Setup automatic per-folder subdomains on your local linux based computer

Magento automatic gender recognition plugin

How to setup GIT for Magento extension development

Simple social sharing buttons in Magento

Simple social sharing buttons in Magento

Magento form field AJAX validation

Prepared filter for Magento admin grids

Inchooers of the round table

How to multiselect and filter in magento admin grids – IN and NOT IN

Case study – Implementing Google Custom Search – 338% revenue increase!

Our latest launch from Australia: Australian Gifts Online

YouTube SEO – How to rank higher in YouTube search?

Prevent PO Boxes in shipping address field on Checkout

Prevent PO Boxes in shipping address field on Checkout

Adding product image lightbox effect using jQuery plugin (a better way)

Adding product image lightbox effect using jQuery plugin (a better way)

Your online store was hit by Panda or Penguin?

Magento: Date format troubles

The Ultimate Guide to E-commerce Content Marketing

Tracing Magento from “Export CSV” to “Save File – OK” button

Custom router in Magento

Building Magento marketplace for

Translation is not Localization – Multi Country E-Commerce Tips