Dev Talk

Installing & setting up PHPUnit manually without PEAR

Installing & setting up PHPUnit manually without PEAR

If there is one thing I hate in PHP world then that’s PEAR. With full respect to it, but it simply does not work for me. I usually jump around from Linux, Windows, OSX on a monthly basis and honestly I have never had it work out of the box. There where always some installation issues with PEAR itself then with the packages. Experience I’m describing here is completely subjective so please do not look at it as me trashing the PEAR. If it works for you, then great. If not, then here is s little HowTo on installing the PHPUnit manually without PEAR.

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Using custom php.ini file with php CLI

Using custom php.ini  file with php CLI ©

Considering that I have never been real Linux user before, there was few things that I had to learn to successfully handle my code on server through SSH.

One of these things is forcing php CLI to use my custom php.ini file on server.

Let me start this story from beginning …

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Create simple mobile ready search page

Create simple mobile ready search page

Idea is to create one page which will be ready for mobile devices and serve like mobile app. We will use google ajax search API and jQuery to enhance experience. Also we will have script which will notice visitors how to add shorcut for iOs devices and use search like standalone app.

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New Croatian version of our website

New Croatian version of our website

Yesterday we launched a new, redesigned version of our Croatian website – The new design follows the’s look and feel with a little twist in the header to improve the differentiation of the two websites. The difference is obvious in the color scheme and contour of our hometown Osijek that can be seen in the header.

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ZendFramework example on using Google URL Shortener service

ZendFramework example on using Google URL Shortener service

Seems like URL shorteners have gain extreme popularity with web services like Twitter. Not to mention the fact that long URLs are somewhat hard to pass along. They are also harder to verbalize in a conversation, and above all in some cases they are almost impossible to remember.

There are quite a large number of URL shorteners out there these days, mostly free. One of the freshest is Google’s URL shortener. This article is not about outlining the features that make this shortener better then the other ones (as I am sure some offer more features at the moment). This article is merely for the purpose of showing you how easy it is to use the Google URL Shortener service via your ZendFramework libraries.

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How difficult is Git branching?

How difficult is Git branching?

Well, in short – it isn’t! But, when it comes to branching, it comes to “merging problem”. I say problem although it isn’t, and if you’re interested, I’ll show you why.

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Our New Design is Nominated for CSS Design Awards

Our New Design is Nominated for CSS Design Awards

Hi Everyone,

After all the work we have done to get our new website up and running, we are now trying to get the attention of the design community and show that we do design in the same way we do development; with distinctive passion and quality. If you want to help us to win this award, all you have to do is to go to hover the image and vote for us!

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Basic Git usage from console

Basic Git usage from console

Hi! Today I’m going to write an article about basic Git usage in practice. I’m not going to go into depth of Git repository setup, but rather on developer’s side – what’s important to understand to start using it?

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New Design

New Design

Hi Everyone. Since I started working at Inchoo – in fact since my interview, Tomislav (our CEO) has been talking about the revamping of In Brazil we have a popular saying: “In a blacksmith’s house, the skewer is made of wood”, which can be applied to almost all types of businesses. You know the drill, unless something is really hurting, we keep our non-billable projects on the back-burner and keep the focus on our clients and opportunities for new projects. Thankfully, we found a gap in between projects and I was the designer responsible.

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Zend framework coding style standard

Zend framework coding style standard © by rodolfoclix/sxc

Hello again! Today I’ll discuss some of the basic coding rules if your’re using Zend framework (or even Magento, which is written over Zend framework). Some might think that this is an redundant topic, but I strongly disagree – if you work in a team.

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How to limit web services so they don’t kill CPU

How to limit web services so they don’t kill CPU © by groenmen/sxc

Hi! As any developer, I’ve encountered a small problem when working with PHP under Apache. It’s all good until you have to test the “real life” situations. For example – if you use imagemagick library in your application. It can get quite heavy on server load. So if you want to read a solution for it, read on.

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Memory management in Zend framework

Memory management in Zend framework © by rodolfoclix/sxc

Hello everyone! Recently I’ve noticed that some developers don’t pay much attention to memory management in Zend framework. And here I’m not talking about Zend_Cache, but rather about object sizes. And if you’re thinking that I’m writing nonsenses, let me show you how to reduce memory usage by more than 100 times (in my example :D).

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MySQL transactions in Zend framework

MySQL transactions in Zend framework © by jrdurao/sxc

Hi! Today I’m going to explain a part of Zend framework DB functionality. Transactions in general are quite useful, like temporary tables, but in most of situations unnecessary. Because of that, I’m going to explain when and how to use them through Zend framework.

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Dynamic grids anyone?

Dynamic grids anyone?

For my second 🙂 article I’m again writing about Ext.js. Ext.js has one great part for showing data – grids. These look really nice and you can style them pretty easily. It all works like a charm when you’re using them for static data. But what when things get dynamic? What when you don’t know the number of the headers that you need in the table and not just rows? Here’s where this article will help.

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PhpStorm IDE overview

PhpStorm IDE overview

Developing sites and applications demands the best tool you can afford. PhpStorm is by far the best friend you can get when dealing with web development. Here’s why.

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Git vs SVN A.K.A. Everyone likes control

Git vs SVN A.K.A. Everyone likes control

Hi! Today I’ll try to make an objective overview of both SVN’s and Git’s pros and cons from developer side. I won’t go into depth of configuration of any of them neither will discuss specific commands, but rather functionality itself.

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Magento LightSpeed Extension – Review

Magento LightSpeed Extension – Review

In the last 7 years of my involvement with web development I have had an opportunity to open a great number of different “boxes“ when looking for web site improvement. After opening these “boxes” things often didn’t seem as it was specified – luckily this is not a case with Magento Lightspeed extension : )

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The principles of SOLID programming

The principles of SOLID programming

Hello there! Today I’ll be explaining The principles of SOLID programming. When I first got serious about OOP, I jumped to design patterns, but then I realized that everyone need a good grasp of the SOLID principles before you’re ready to tackle Design Patterns – in more of an Architect role – that is. So, to conclude this short introduction, I’ll try to explain this in as low-level of knowledge as possible.

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Understanding PHP’s OOP – basic terms explained

Understanding PHP’s OOP – basic terms explained

Hello there! I’ll explain some basic terms of PHP’s Object Orientated Programming terms that any developer needs to know. Perhaps you already use all of those, but if you don’t know which is which, you will have a problem in team communication. If so, please read on.

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Zend Framework navigation with breadcrumbs

Zend Framework navigation with breadcrumbs

It’s been a while since I last time played with beauty of Zend Framework.

Each time I check new features it seems to me that the things are more simplier than the last time,
I might be wrong (I wouldn’t bet on that) or I’m just getting better 🙂

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Usage of temporary tables in MySQL databases

Usage of temporary tables in MySQL databases

Hi! My recent project had some specific requirements regarding the work with database. Since DB server had some limitations (regarding number of queries), and fairly big number of queries that needed to be executed I created a solution that included temp tables. And now, I’d like to explain how to use them and why.

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How to set up DNS records manually

How to set up DNS records manually

Hi! Today I’ll explain some basic terms and show you on a simple example how to set up DNS records manually. First of all, let me start by explaining some basic terms.

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