Our first Magento Store :: TeraFlex Suspensions

Our first Magento Store :: TeraFlex Suspensions

After many weeks of work, our 1st Magento project hit the Web: TeraFlex Suspensions. As the purpose of the site in not primarily selling, but also branding and community development, we decided to use WordPress and Magento combination to accomplish the client’s goals.


The Magento portion is visible at http://www.teraflex.biz/products/. We created an original and custom theme from scratch since we did not want it to look like the default one or to have a feel similar to the default one.  It was not an easy task as the learning curve for Magento template system is quite steep compared to other solutions. However, it is worth the time.

We added featured products to products page, the lightbox to products info page, and numerous styles that made this store quite unique.


All the menu elements outside Products tab are run by WordPress. We have stuff like:

All of these elements turn WordPress into a feature-rich CMS suitable for larger projects.

How do you like the new site? Feel free to post a comment.

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  1. This is by far the most seamless integration between the two products that I’ve seen! Kudos on a job well done!

    If you don’t me asking… how are you integrating the two? A custom solution? Lazzymonks WordPress Integration 2.61? A modded version of the plugin?

  2. Hi,

    Can you please tell me how to set tag of cart. In my website when I am viewing my cart page “http://www.myweb.biz/products/checkout/cart/” then it only displays “[my store name]” but i want it like “Shopping Cart” only, as you people has done in your store “http://www.teraflex.biz/products/checkout/cart/”

    Please tell me what to do for this?


  3. I like your theme/website layout.
    Could you tell us if you had to add anything special to the htaccess files to get the URL rewrites of WordPress and Magento to work together?

  4. Bravo

    Amazing theme, perfect solutions.

    One could even smell the burning of Gas and Rubber.

    Further Details about the implemenation of Magento+WordPress Combo will really go a long way in the Open Source Community to promote these two wonders.


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