eCommerce Talk

Ultimate Magento Robots.txt File Examples

Ultimate Magento Robots.txt File Examples

Extremely common question when it comes to eCommerce – and for that matter Magento SEO – is how a robots.txt file should look and what should be in it. For the purpose of this article, I decided to take all of our knowledge and experience, some sample robots.txt files from our clients sites and some examples from other industry leading Magento studios to try and figure out an ultimate Magento robots.txt file.

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How to put Magento in maintenance mode with IP filters (the easy way)?

How to put Magento in maintenance mode with IP filters ©

This is probably the most useful quick tip I can think of that I use all the time. Putting Magento in maintenance mode is an essential part of every site launch and it is used in lots of other situations. Although there are many different ways to do this I found that using a few simple lines of code in the root htaccess file is, by far, the easiest solution I could think of. On top of that, this solution enables you to put all the files needed for the maintenance page (html, images, etc.) into one folder. One more advantage of this method is that if you forget to add your IP address to the filter (whitelist) you can do that at any time through FTP so you will not be locked out of your own site 😉

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Google Image indexing and Magento [robots.txt]

Google Image indexing and Magento [robots.txt]

There are many Magento robots.txt templates floating around, with tens of instructions for crawlers. Most of them deal with preventing crawlers to access some of many Magento’s directories. But sometimes these instructions can be too restrictive and might prevent Google from indexing your images.

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YouTube SEO – How to rank higher in YouTube search?

YouTube SEO – How to rank higher in YouTube search?

To this day little was known about YouTube’s search engine ranking factors compared to what we as an industry know about Google’s ranking factors. This is pretty sad since YouTube is the world’s 2nd largest search engine. There were lots of practical advice and wild guesses thrown out there from common sense but till now we had little actual data and case studies of YouTube optimization, and nothing even remotely similar to this data we have for Google.

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Adding product image lightbox effect using jQuery plugin (a better way)

Adding product image lightbox effect using jQuery plugin (a better way)

This is not a copy-paste kind of tutorial. It is made for beginners so please try to understand what is going on before you start copying the code. If you are an experienced developer you can skip to the end and inspect the final code.

Nowadays every client wants some kind of lightbox effect for product images on the product page. Although there are a lot of ways to do it, I often stumble upon Magento stores that have a buggy and sometimes useless implementation of this feature. In my opinion, it should be simple, fast, easy to use and above all intuitive.

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The Ultimate Guide to E-commerce Content Marketing

The Ultimate Guide to E-commerce Content Marketing

As e-commerce is continuing to grow at astonishing rates worldwide, the PPC and SEO competition is becoming stronger every day. It is much harder to get a positive ROI out of your advertising today than it was just a few months ago, all thanks to incredible growth in the sector and new software, tools and services that allow people to build professional online stores with relatively humble investments.

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Inchoo Flickr Gallery Magento Extension

Inchoo Flickr Gallery Magento Extension © By Wholtone (Own work) [CC-BY-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Inchoo Flick Gallery is an easy-to-use Magento extension that will integrate any Flickr gallery into your Magento website. It is fully customizable using a simple Magento back-end configuration page and it uses Flickr API to get all the required information and data. Extension is tested on Magento 1.6 and 1.7 but it’s still the first version so be careful if you decide to use it on your live site.

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Creating your own web shop – Part 1: Where to start

Creating your own web shop – Part 1: Where to start

Creating your own web shop can be a tedious task, both technically and time consuming. Not to mention there are tens of quality PHP based web shop systems out there available for free. One of the best if you ask me is Magento, which exceeds the term web shop system by even bigger term “platform”. However, regardless of how some much a given system/platform is feature rich there are always those special clients with special requests which exceed the possibilities of even the mightiest eCommerce systems/platforms out there.

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Doing Business with Croatian Software Exporters

Doing Business with Croatian Software Exporters

Last Friday Inchoo attended the first official meeting of a newly established association of Croatian independent software exporters – CISEx. The meeting was held in Zagreb with 40 odd members of the association present.

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Why rel=nofollow in eCommerce menus is a bad idea

Why rel=nofollow in eCommerce menus is a bad idea

First of all, I’d like to say that GetElastic is usually an awesome and very useful blog for anyone that does anything related to eCommerce. Linda wrote hundreds of extremely good posts over there, but this new guest post at GetElastic was kind of dangerous for site owners and I’ll try to explain why, putting it as simple as possible.

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Importance of product presentation

Importance of product presentation

We all now that image is everything, especially when you’re selling the product online. There are some obvious facts that need to be taken into concern. This post will include some (IMHO) valuable reminders and a checklist for the shop owners willing to reevaluate their product presentation.

Also, let’s remind ourselves that eCommerce product photography is probably one of the most important steps in “optimizing” the performance of your eCommerce online store.

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Is it time for the 1st Croatian eCommerce client?

Is it time for the 1st Croatian eCommerce client?

As some of you may know, our team is located in lovely small country called Croatia (it is in Europe). Our mission is to create a microbrand for  eCommerce development services. Since we were using Magento as a platform of choice, we ended up creating a microbrand for a Magento development services. On the long run, our goal is to be recognized in eCommerce community and not just Magento’s. There is a long way to go to achieve this, but here we are: working in the international world, with clients all over the globe. From US ones, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, France, United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong. Only one Croatian client hired us for iPhone development services. Is it time for first Croatian eCommerce client?

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Etrgovina ecommerce conference

Etrgovina ecommerce conference

Inchoo team attended a great ecommerce conference called “Etrgovina“. This was the 9th time this conference was organized and it lasted for three days. It was held on Palic lake in Serbia.

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What is the best shopping cart?

What is the best shopping cart?

If you try to ask this question on some forum or newsgroup, you will surely get many replies. Everyone will present you his favorite. My first developed online store was created with standard osCommerce platform. After three or four projects, I started to work with CRE Loaded and used it frequently for years.  Although it was also an osCommerce fork, it had many advantages. I switched to Magento™ early this year and this is my final choice.

Let’s look at the popularity of those platforms now.

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