
Evaluating and improving accessibility of eCommerce websites

Evaluating and improving accessibility of eCommerce websites

Sir Tim Berners-Lee once said that “Access (to the Web) by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect”. We, as developers, always strive to create a website which looks and feels good on a wide range of devices, resolutions, operating systems, network speeds, etc., but how often do we consider designing or creating a website for a wide range of people? In this article, we’re going to cover some basic frontend principles of improving accessibility and what that means in context of a Magento website.

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CSS preprocessing in Magento 2

CSS preprocessing in Magento 2

Magento 2 has been out in the wild for some time now. Most developers I know haven’t worked on Magento 2 project yet. However, most of them installed it and played around with it, learning and experimenting.

From the comments on github and social media, and from chats with developers, conclusion is that Magento 2 Frontend has a lot of issues, one being the most important: CSS preprocessing.

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Add qty increment buttons to product page

Add qty increment buttons to product page

As you probably know, Magento is using a plain text field to handle quantity on product page. This is the bulletproof solution – it is simple and covers all needs. But, sometimes, merchants want to use something more appealing, and many of them settle for quantity increment buttons (those + and buttons next to the quantity input field). Adding this kind of behaviour will be the topic of this post.

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Running cron jobs in Magento 2

Running cron jobs in Magento 2

When it comes to Magento 2 and cron jobs, there are some improvements comparing to Magento 1.

It is still abstract in the way that you don’t really run jobs directly, instead, you use cron syntax to setup periodical method execution via Magento scheduler that works on top of system’s cron utility.

Here are some useful hints to help you get started with setting up your own.

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Developers Paradise – a safe haven for true heroes of Magento community

Developers Paradise – a safe haven for true heroes of Magento community

We’re less than a month away from an amazing Croatian experience that will be Developers Paradise 2016.

We’re thrilled to be able to welcome more than 200 community members from over 30 countries for an event packed with everything you want from a dev conference – amazing speakers, laid back atmosphere, workshops, hackathon – wrapping it all up in a tagline that’s become much more than just that – lots of code and fun in the sun!

Here are some cool insights into #DevParadise and a reminder of why this event is as close as it gets to a real-life paradise for developers – read on!

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Featured products in Magento 2 with Catalog Products List widget

Featured products in Magento 2 with Catalog Products List widget

By checking various e-commerce websites one thing which can be found in almost all of them are featured products. A list of hand-picked products, usually placed on the home page, used for promotion. So far Magento lacked that most requested feature and developers had to look for other solutions or to code one of their own. Let’s look what’s the situation like in Magento 2.

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How to use Knockout in Magento 2

How to use Knockout in Magento 2

Knockout is javascript library which is used on frontend in Magento 2. It implements Model-View-View Model (MVVM) design pattern. You can find Knockout in Magento 2 on almost every page. The place where it’s most present is the checkout page. This is the most complicated implementation in Magento 2.

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Add new console command in Magento 2

Add new console command in Magento 2

Remember that time when you wanted to create a Magento shell or php script to perform some action, but didn’t know where to put it?
Remember the /shell folder in root Magento installation (or root folder, for that matter)?
Remember how it used to have, like, 50 shell and php scripts all mixed up, and you get a headache just by looking at them?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Those were good old times, and like all good times, they have now come to pass. There’s a new kid on the block, more powerful and way cooler, and the best part is – it’s integrated into Magento 2.

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Magento 2 New Relic Reporting

Magento 2 New Relic Reporting

One of the new features that you get out of the box with Magento 2 is New Relic reporting.
New Relic has been around for about the same amount of time as Magento. I always liked projects that were using New Relic for performance analysis because it was much easier to identify preformance bottlenecks – especially on production systems where you have little bit less debugging possibilities. That’s why I’m really excited to have it in the new Magento version.

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How to add custom javascript in Magento 2 with requireJS

How to add custom javascript in Magento 2 with requireJS

Magento 2 brings some new features in javascript. One of them is “requireJS” (javascript file loader) and second is “jQuery“, a very popular js library. One of the biggest benefits is using requireJS which means that Magento 2 is ready for the upcoming HTTP2 protocol. In the next few steps we will explain how to create valid javascript code for use in requireJS. Let’s start with an example.

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Interactive Bash script for managing themes in Magento 2

Interactive Bash script for managing themes in Magento 2

Do you remember, how many times you did something that was time consuming and/or required certain amount of steps to achieve your goal? After some time you had to repeat the whole process… And again… And again… I am pretty sure you came to an idea, “Wouldn’t it be really useful if I can somehow simplify the process?” Yes, you are correct, the same question troubled me when trying to figure out how the make my life easier when creating a custom theme. Unlike Magento 1, Magento 2 has a different (and more complex) way of setting up themes, so I started developing a Bash script that will make my life easier. Hopefully, yours as well.

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All I want for Christmas is a new Magento Solution Partner Program

All I want for Christmas is a new Magento Solution Partner Program

Magento relies heavily on its network of Solution Partners. We are here to get our hands dirty and work with merchants on daily basis, helping them grow their businesses, share success stories and enable Magento to stay on top of the open source eCommerce game.

This is my take on the current Magento Solution Partner program, what works, what doesn’t and what are some of the main areas it should be improved on, based on our 5 years experience with the program.

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Magento 1 vs Magento 2 – should I stay or should I go?

Magento 1 vs Magento 2 – should I stay or should I go?

The Clash put it nicely: “If I go there will be trouble… and if I stay it will be double.” Do these lyrics hold true for merchants planning their move from 1.x to Magento 2?

What’s involved and how to make a good decision on when is the right time to plan a move? We bring you three most common questions merchants are asking. And answers, of course.

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Common Magento 2 SEO mistakes

Common Magento 2 SEO mistakes

Magento 2 has launched and on Magento’s official blog, they introduced some of the first Magento 2 featured online stores.

We took some time to analyse some common SEO mistakes in new Magento 2 stores and write them down for you in this article. Hopefuly this blog post will help you and serve as a sort of SEO checklist before you launch your own Magento 2 store – be it a new one or “upgrade” of the existing Magento 1.X store.

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Magento 2: launched and available!

Magento 2: launched and available!

There’s a new kid on the block – a brand new version of Magento eCommerce platform was released yesterday to enable (even more) omnichannel shopping experiences.

Global ecosystem of merchants, partners and developers has been getting ready for this since 2010.

What does Magento 2.0 stand for them?

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Inchoo is a Magento 2 Trained Solution Partner!

Inchoo is a Magento 2 Trained Solution Partner!

We’re all eagerly expecting Magento 2.

It’s a long awaited version of Magento, eCommerce platform, announced for the first time way back in 2010. And as the General Availability announcement is getting closer day by day, Magento is doing everything it can to make sure its Solution Partners are ready for the big date.

And we got our official confirmation of readiness – we are happy to announce that we are Magento 2 Trained Solution Partner!

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Magento 2 Controllers

Magento 2 Controllers

Controllers in Magento 2, like on other PHP MVC frameworks, are important part of Mvc flow. In Magento 2 there are lots of changes in controllers, for example; how they are structured and how they work compared with Magento 1. If you are familiar with Magento 1 controllers, then you know they can have multiple actions (class methods). In Magento 2 controllers have only one method (execute) that will be called by front controller. This article covers controller basics, matching flow, controller types (admin and frontend), changes on existing controllers, instructions to create custom controllers and an example how to create a few controllers.

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Routing in Magento 2

Routing in Magento 2

We can say that routing in Magento is one of the most important parts. Complete application (Magento 2) flow depends on processing URL request and router classes which are responsible for matching and processing that requests. This article covers routers flow in Magento 2 and analyses some routers that come with default installation. Also it will be shown how to create one custom router. It will be mentioned how routers match action (Controller class), and more info about Controllers will be covered in a separated article.

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Magento 2 Luma Theme Under The Scope

Magento 2 Luma Theme Under The Scope

Magento 2 brings new default theme under the name “Luma”. Luma is a very clean, easy on the eyes and elegant theme that has adopted better usability practices than it’s predecessor, Magento 1 default “Madison Island” theme.

In this blog post I’ve prepared an overview of the main differences between these two themes and the crucial UX issues that were found in Beta version of Luma theme. As Magento 2 is still in the development phase, this article will be updated when some major changes occur.

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Talking Merchant: migrating to Magento 2

Talking Merchant: migrating to Magento 2

Delivering a top notch web shop is never easy.

Factors such as requirements or desires (because, there is a difference!) accompanied with resources, experience and dedication make for the challenge of creation. Choosing the right partner now, thanks to Magento, comes with a new set of factors which should be looked after. All of them are connected with Magento’s new baby – Magento 2.

Since we’ve seen a lot of questions connected with the before mentioned factors (probably due to the fact that Magento officially published the date of Magento 2 release and we are talking about 15th of November now), we’ve decided to tone down the tension with telling you all about “what to expect when you’re expecting”.

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Implementing payment gateway in Magento 2

Implementing payment gateway in Magento 2

This is a revised article originally written in September 2014 when I started to play with Magento 2 for the first time. Since there were a lot of changes in Magento 2, this article also needed some refreshment. We will glance over the backend, and proceed with the development of a simple module. For this task, I picked up the payment gateway API integration. This relatively simple task will help us demonstrate some key changes in Magento 2.

More precisely, we will be focusing on implementation of Stripe payment gateway. Even though Stripe has a rich set of features, here we will be focusing only on most basic functionalities to get you started with Magento 2 extension development.

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Basics of dependency injection and its usage in Magento 2

Basics of dependency injection and its usage in Magento 2

One of the biggest changes in Magento 2 is the usage of dependency injection design pattern. With this pattern, a lot has been changed inside codebase, and many new things have been introduced. In this article, I will try to explain the very basics of this design pattern, and its implementation in Magento 2 to help those who are beginners in the field of dependency injection.

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Magento 2 frontend architecture

Magento 2 Logo

Although still in development phase, Magento 2 comes with a distinctive set of changed/improved frontend approaches compared to its predecessor Magento 1.X. The big difference is that frontend is now updated with newer technologies such as HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery.

There are also significant changes/improvements to overall layout manipulation, file structure and a brand new introduction to Magento UI library heavily based on LESS preprocessor with built in compiler.

One of the main goals besides performance and scalability was to serve RWD out of the box. In this article I’ll try to cover some of the main differences, dive into development and demonstrate some practical examples.

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