
Avoid Account Suspensions With Google Merchant Center Feed Rules

How to use Merchant Center Feed Rules to Avoid Account Suspension

Let’s face it; if you’re running shopping ads, the reality is that you’ve probably gone through product disapprovals and maybe even account suspension warnings in Google Merchant Center. Sometimes the solutions are straightforward and easy, but oftentimes – that isn’t the case. It requires a lot of patience and work, and since the clock until account suspension is ticking, it can get really frustrating and stressful. That’s where Google Merchant Center feed rules can come in handy and provide a quick fix until the core of the issue is completely resolved.

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Guide: How to Create GA4 Audience

Guide: How to Create GA4 Audience

As the 1st of July approaches, now is the last call to set up Google Analytics 4. For those still unfamiliar with the new property, it may be confusing when it comes to creating segments, audiences, etc. If you want to know more about GA4 audiences and how to set them up so they can be useful, keep reading.

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We Came a Long Way: 15 Years Of Inchoo

15 years of Inchoo featured image

Last week, on May 7th, we celebrated our 15th birthday. Choosing the beautiful Orlov Put as our birthday location in nature allowed us to truly relax and enjoy our celebration. You’ll get the details of our birthday celebration, but first, we’d like to reflect on our previous 12 months.

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SEO Health Check Competition

Employees discussing the SEO of the webshop

You probably got a few hints from the headline, but you must have been wondering what’s going on here. The spring served us more energy this year, as some unusual things are going on in the office. Here’s a quick introduction.

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Magento 2 SEO Expert Advice Straight To Your Fingertips

Employees that are in interview

Everyone already knows that in order to bring traffic to your site, you have to work hard. Having put so much effort into a site, who would want it to turn into a ghost town? We’re betting no one… If you agree, your options go in two ways (more or less), you can pay for your traffic or work on optimization a bit harder. Both PPC and SEO bring their value. That means you need the best of both worlds.

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What To Track For CRO of Your Automotive Website

What to track for CRO of your Automotive Website

When it comes to automotive sites (eg. webshops that sell vehicle parts), it’s good to track additional events that can give more insights into visitor behavior, their actions, and needs. In this article, we will summarize and explain additional tracking events that we use in automotive eCommerce sites as a foundation for conversion rate optimization of those sites.

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Why Should You Add Google Tag Manager to Your Magento?

What's a Google Tag Manager

Almost every webshop owner heard about Google Analytics, if not using it already as many of them do. And it’s obvious why the Google Analytics tool is so widely used. It’s free, it’s easy to connect to the webshop, and relatively easy to use. It can give the webshop owner/merchant insightful data on user behavior and answers to many questions like who their visitors are and what’s going on in their webshop in general. But, the full benefit of Google Analytics comes together with the use of Google Tag Manager.

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Automotive Website UX Challenges Resolved

automotive parts website design

Automotive parts website design has its challenges and they are revolving around parts search & fitment. Being in this industry for a long time, we’ve learned so much from observing an infinite number of visitors, converters, and returned buyers. We will be sharing our best practices in this blog post so keep reading!

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A Complete Automotive SEO Guide


As we all know, marketing is important for every possible business but especially for competitive industries like the automotive industry. Besides old fashion marketing channels, we can’t forget digital marketing and especially Search Engine Optimization. Having so much experience specifically in automotive eCommerce development, design, and digital marketing, we’ve prepared an ultimate SEO guide for everyone who finds themself at the start of this journey.

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Difference Between GA4 and Universal Analytics [GA4 vs UA]

Google Analytics 4 vs Universal Analytics

When was the last time when you embraced big change easily? Even more so if it was forced upon you? As it happens Google has made it clear that we won’t have an option but to migrate to Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Of course, this is true if we plan to continue using their analytics tool. There’s really no point debating whether this is good or bad. It’s happening nevertheless.

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What is Measurement Plan and Why Your Webshop Really Needs One?

What is Measurement Plan and Why Your Webshop Really Needs One?

Big data has revolutionized the way businesses work. One of the biggest advantages of online stores is the ability to track anything customers do. You can even track what customers almost do at your store. A recent Forrester survey shows that 70% of data decision-makers gather data faster than they can analyze and use it. Still, 67% constantly need more data. This trend will likely accelerate in the years ahead. As a decision-maker, it can be pretty daunting trying to make sense of all that data. Most important thing is to create proper data infrastructure – starting with a measurement plan, but what is a measurement plan?

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Manually Enable Enhanced Conversions in GTM

Include user-provided data from your website

If you’re trying to manually activate Google Ads enhanced conversions with Google Tag Manager there’s a chance you’ll be stuck at the 4th step in the Instructions for manually Enabling enhanced conversions in the Google Tag Manager tag that says: Click Include user-provided data from your website. Well, that happened to me (and to my unknown friend here :)) when I tried to activate enhanced conversion in several GTM containers. Some tags in some containers did have that option but some didn’t. 

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How to upgrade to Google Analytics 4?


There are many how-to blog posts out there, so this will not be yet another one. Instead of the technical step-by-step guidance, I’ll share my experience with implementing Google Analytics 4 with Google Tag Manager (GTM) on Magento 2 store and what to keep in mind when activating the GA4 property.

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How to get ready for Black Friday


Magento merchants (and other eCommerce business owners) all over the world are starting the holiday season with one big (probably red) mark on their calendar – THE Black Friday. Here are a bunch of helpful tips on setting up your eCommerce store, SEO & PPC strategy, and making important hosting adjustments in order to go through this period as smoothly as possible.

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How much does an eCommerce site cost?

How much does an ecommerce website cost?

We have been getting so many questions on how much an online store cost? Let us give you a short overview of all factors influencing online store pricing to clarify things.

First of all, there is no one size fits all solution. So be aware there is no short answer to the question. How come?

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3 best open-source eCommerce platforms in 2021

top 3 open-source platforms

If you are a business owner who has decided to start an online business, one of the most important things you need to decide on which platform you will begin your eCommerce store.

Every business is a story for itself, and the beauty of eCommerce is that almost everybody can find the best solution and platform for themselves. Every merchant has their preferences regarding the choice of software to set up their store.

Before choosing the right platform, you need to take a step back and understand the fundamental differences between the SaaS and Open-source models.

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Technology trends in eCommerce for 2021

technology trends ecommerce 2021 inchoo

At this moment, in all corners of the world, someone is either buying something online for the first time or casually scrolling through a product feed, doing the research before making a purchase in a brick and mortar shop, or completing their third order of the day. We have come to a long way, customers and merchants alike, from the beginning of online shopping and selling in 1995.

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Reindex only required indexers in Magento 2 from CLI

Reindex only required indexers

Don’t you just love it when you change some config option or switch to another branch or something similar and all of a sudden, a warning message pops up in Admin, saying:

One or more indexers are invalid. Make sure your Magento cron job is running.

Well, if you “love” it as much as I do, I’m going to show you how to address the particular indexer(s) without any hassle of knowing which one caused the warning to appear in the first place.

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Google shopping optimization: How to scale while maintaining ROAS

Google shopping optimization: How to scale while maintaining ROAS

While optimizing my clients’ campaigns, I often find myself browsing other people’s blog posts and researching their campaign optimization tactics. 

One of my recent hybrid tactics proved to work pretty well on some of my accounts, so I wanted to share it with you. It’s about scaling the shopping campaigns with automated bidding while keeping the same ROAS. I hope some of you will find it helpful to create your own hybrid tactic.

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Auto Applying Ad Suggestions in Microsoft Ads

Auto Applying Ad Suggestions in Microsoft Ads

Well, it did happen. After Google implemented auto applying ad suggestions, the time now has come for Microsoft to do the same. Of course, this is something that Microsoft is telling us is a good thing for your campaigns.

Now, you may ask yourself why is this a good thing?

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Top 5 things to keep in mind when approaching an eCommerce website redesign

Top 5 things to think about while designing

So you’ve decided to do a complete site redesign or came to a conclusion your metrics don’t behave as you thought they would? Have you finally decided to implement that feature you’re sure will skyrocket your conversions?

Here are some common eCommerce design pitfalls we often see in the wild you think about when considering taking the next step in growing your eCommerce business.

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Build & optimize the FAQ page on your online store

Build & Optimize FAQ page

2020 was a year that brought significant changes to retail. The coronavirus pandemic spread across the world, and most countries introduced lockdowns to combat the spread of COVID-19. Due to lockdown and in order to survive the pandemic’s economic impact, many retailers decided to move their business online.

Along with that, there’s been a major shift in consumer behavior, where even people who never considered online shopping started to buy online. To make their purchasing journey as smooth as possible, It became more important than ever to provide accurate and detailed information that answers all their questions. The easiest way to do so is through the FAQ page.

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