Inchoo Blog: Your Guide to Magento

Explore our collection of informative articles, guides, success stories and more, written to empower and inspire you on your eCommerce journey. Stay ahead of the competition and follow our regular update to help you unleash the full potential of your Magento-powered online store.

Unit testing in Magento 2

Unit testing in Magento 2

GDPR compliant Magento 2 database dump

Meet Magento Italy Inchoo recap

Meet Magento Italy recap: fantastic time, amazing conference, awesome people!

What Inchoo did to prepare for GDPR

Inchooers going to Meet Magento Italy

Italian Job, well sort of… It’s #MM18IT time!

Symfony templating with Twig

Magento Imagine 2018

This isn’t your typical Magento Imagine recap


Inchoo just turned 10!

Valet Plus

Local development with Valet+

Inchoo and Sylius partnership

Inchoo is a Sylius Solution Partner! To celebrate, here’s an interview with Sylius’ Founder, Pawel Jedrzejewski

Navigation – structure, usability and trends

Antonija goes to Imagine - Inchoo

On the road again – heading off to Imagine!

Inchoo office manager's role

Office manager’s role at a software development company

Symphony PHP Inchoo

Symphony of PHP – Symfony 4

Meet Magento Croatia MM18HR

Ready for 2nd Meet Magento Croatia with agenda focused on PWA? Book the dates!

PWA Reacticon

Review: Reacticon – Power to the front-end developers!

Sticky sidebar

Sticky Sidebar in Magento

Klevu with Magento 2 Template

Klevu with Magento 2 Template

How to display CMS block in Magento 2 Checkout

The process of improving online store usability and design your customers will enjoy

Progressive web apps – the future default

Reorder input fields on Shipping and Billing step in Magento 2

Reorder input fields on Shipping and Billing step in Magento 2

Create a multi-language store in Magento 2 Part 2

Create a multi-language store in Magento 2 – Part 2

How to improve usability for Magento 2 add to cart process

How to improve usability for Magento 2 add to cart process

Allow backorders on a website scope

Allow backorders on a website scope

How Inchoo developed Morris 4x4 Center

How we developed a new Morris 4×4 Center store – case study

Pick the right notes with your team - project management Inchoo

Picking the right notes with your clients and your team

Editing robots.txt in Magento 2 Admin

Create a multi-language store in Magento 2 Part 1

Create a multi-language store in Magento 2 – Part 1

Magento 2 Widgets – gallery widget explained – client testimonials showcase