Inchoo Blog: Your Guide to Magento

Explore our collection of informative articles, guides, success stories and more, written to empower and inspire you on your eCommerce journey. Stay ahead of the competition and follow our regular update to help you unleash the full potential of your Magento-powered online store.

Magento 2 with Slick Carousel

Adding custom entries to admin system configuration

Importance of style guides in design

Magento 2 Custom CMS page layout

Why you should do keyword research for your eCommerce store

Validate a custom form in Magento 2

CSS Media queries in Magento 2

Adding videos to product page in Magento2

Override Magento 2 Layout: Product page example

Klevu – search engine that will increase revenue, self-learn and improve UX

blogging for merchants

Blogging for merchants: attract visitors to your eCommerce site

Managing My Account Navigation Links in Magento 2

Why so Sylius?

Ground zero – planning phase

Inchoo won The Golden Marten Award

Inchoo won The Golden Marten Award

Bypassing Magento 2 layout update restrictions in Admin

How to set Error / Maintenance page in Fastly CDN

Learning and adrenaline – Inchoo Learning Day #9

Version control systems in UI design

Are you in for some RWD workshop? Vitaly Friedman from Smashing Magazine is coming to Osijek, Croatia

More/Less functionality in Magento2

A Developer’s Guide to Communicating With Clients

Pagination with rel=”next” and rel=”prev” in Magento 2

This is why our clients never get penalized by Google

Magento 2: How to display static block content in modal overlay

magento external database connection

External database connection in Magento

Javascript Bundling in Magento 2

Making FedEx api show shipping estimate

Wireframing a successful design for your online store

Configure Origin shielding and timeout settings in Fastly