Life at Inchoo

FOWD NYC 2011 – Day One

FOWD NYC 2011 – Day One

Inchoo was very lucky to be at the “Future of Web Design” #FOWD conference this year in New York City and here’s what we experienced among some of the very best and talented in both web design and web development.

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New Croatian version of our website

New Croatian version of our website

Yesterday we launched a new, redesigned version of our Croatian website – The new design follows the’s look and feel with a little twist in the header to improve the differentiation of the two websites. The difference is obvious in the color scheme and contour of our hometown Osijek that can be seen in the header.

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Inchooers strike back (with a golf club)

Inchooers strike back (with a golf club)

Pop-quiz: Where can you listen to high-level Magento development lectures, experience amazing cuisine that caters to vegetarians and meatlovers alike, and then swing away on the golf course for as long as you can – all in the same day?

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Inchoo Learning Day 2 – Surviving the Blizzard

Inchoo Learning Day 2 – Surviving the Blizzard

Inchoo Learning Day is fast becoming something you won’t want to miss. This time, even though it’s only our second such event, we already went international. Here is a brief story of what went on last Friday in a small village on the outskirts of Baranja.

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New Design

New Design

Hi Everyone. Since I started working at Inchoo – in fact since my interview, Tomislav (our CEO) has been talking about the revamping of In Brazil we have a popular saying: “In a blacksmith’s house, the skewer is made of wood”, which can be applied to almost all types of businesses. You know the drill, unless something is really hurting, we keep our non-billable projects on the back-burner and keep the focus on our clients and opportunities for new projects. Thankfully, we found a gap in between projects and I was the designer responsible.

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1st Inchoo Learning Day

1st Inchoo Learning Day

Check our images on FlickrWe’re hoping to start a new tradition with the event we organized today. 1st Inchoo Learning Day took place in Zlatna Greda, Croatia where the group of geeks (Inchooers) gathered to discuss and learn about programming best practices. The idea is simple. We will take one Friday every two months to go somewhere in the nature and spend a day working on education and knowledge sharing.

We knew it will be a fun event, but we weren’t sure if it will be as useful as we hoped. Now, few days after, things are clear. It was a great thing to have a day like this where developers will move away from computers and share knowledge between each other.

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Croatia on my mind

Croatia on my mind

It took me 19 hours to come to Osijek from Kazan, my hometown – 2 trains, one plane, one bus ride, couple of metro stations in Moscow and I was finally here! I arrived one Wednesday and was lucky to catch last days of the Summer on the local Copacabana beach, before I started my work here in Inchoo.

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2 years of Inchoo, 1 year of Magento Enterprise Edition

2 years of Inchoo, 1 year of Magento Enterprise Edition

Last Friday, Inchoo team celebrated two years of our company and one year of Magento Enterprise Edition. We prepared a traditional meal that’s often cooked for such events called cobanac. We give you a behind the scenes video, so that you can feel some of the fun we had.

To all of our community and clients, thank you for sticking with us for these long two years of Magento design and development and lets hope for many more to come. For the Varien team, congratulations on one year of excellent product and lets look forward to the future releases!

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Is it time for the 1st Croatian eCommerce client?

Is it time for the 1st Croatian eCommerce client?

As some of you may know, our team is located in lovely small country called Croatia (it is in Europe). Our mission is to create a microbrand for  eCommerce development services. Since we were using Magento as a platform of choice, we ended up creating a microbrand for a Magento development services. On the long run, our goal is to be recognized in eCommerce community and not just Magento’s. There is a long way to go to achieve this, but here we are: working in the international world, with clients all over the globe. From US ones, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, France, United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong. Only one Croatian client hired us for iPhone development services. Is it time for first Croatian eCommerce client?

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What’s up with web developers and coffee?

What’s up with web developers and coffee?

If you are a web developer or have had an honor to work with one of these creatures, you probably noticed their strange addiction to coffee. Developers surrounding me start their day by drinking the morning coffee before the working hours start, then, at the beginning of their working day they make one in the office. They drink numerous cups of coffee during the working day, and when they go out for a break they order… guess what… coffee.

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We have a new design

We have a new design

Bye bye old site! Today we launched a new design where we wanted to make the text more readable, interesting and also we wanted to invite you, our dear visitors to contact us if you need some help with your projects.  We do hope you will like the new design as much as we do.  Inchoo has over 21.000 monthly visitors according to Google Analytics and a 15-30% monthly growth. We hope this trend will continue in the future and that you will keep coming back.

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