
SEO Checklist for Magento 2 Migration

SEO Checklist: Magento 2 Migration

Whether you’re considering building a new store on Magento 2, or you have already started the transition, there are (more than) a few things to keep in mind to ensure your traffic and (more importantly) revenue don’t get lost during the migration.

Migration to Magento 2 is stressful for every store owner, but the change is inevitable. We have already prepared a list of the most common SEO mistakes during the migration, but we wanted to do more, so we decided to create this SEO checklist to make your transition as smooth as possible.

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Top challenges and best practices in ERP and eCommerce integration

Top challenges and best practices in ERP and eCommerce integration

For every serious eCommerce business, there comes a time to invest in implementing an ERP solution. For every serious business that already operates with an ERP system, there comes a time to open up a new sales channel, an eCommerce website.

In each of those cases, they need strong support from both ERP and eCommerce sides, and finding quality partners that can work together can be a hassle.

We are happy to have found a top notch ERP solutions integrator we can happily work with and recommend to our clients. We talked to Josip Penavić of Adacta, Gold ERP and CRM Microsoft Partner. Read on to learn firsthand some of the challenges and best practices of integrating eCommerce website with an ERP system.

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Calling out all Magento developers who want to improve their testing skills – visit MageTestFest!

Inchoo Magetestfest testing Magento

Magento. Software Testing. Party. That pretty much sums up 4 crazy days that are expecting developers who’ll go to MageTestFest. Florence (Italy) will host developers who are ready to get blown away by knowledge and expertise of speakers who worked hard to be able to stand in front of us all and share valuable insights! We know the value of this specialized event, that’s why we’re sending our Stjepan Udovicic and Tomislav Nikcevski to get in-depth knowledge and tips & tricks of testing.

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Behind the scenes with one Magento PWA Studio contributor

Behind the scenes with one Magento PWA Studio contributor

To kick off the year, I’ve talked to Adrian Bece, one of our frontend developers who has been delving deep into PWAs and is among the most active contributors to Magento’s official PWA Studio. Take a look at what he had to say about the state of PWA in the world of Magento and eCommerce, his analysis of the solutions that are already out there, and a reflection on how contributing to open source projects helps him hone his development skills.

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Meet Magento Croatia 2018 recap with presentations and photos

Meet Magento Croatia 2018 recap with presentations and photos

The words, the photos, the video – not even all those things combined could sufficiently convey the incredible atmosphere that was created around Meet Magento Croatia 2018! This year, almost 230 delegates from 17 countries came to Osijek! Developers, agencies, merchants, we all gathered to meet Magento and to meet and greet each other. We at Inchoo are beyond honoured to have had the privilege to welcome everyone in our hometown!

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Magento PWA Studio: Routing and Root Components

Magento PWA Studio: Routing and Root Components

Routing in React is quite complex, and trying to adapt it to work with Magento 2 can be a very challenging task, considering how many URL-related functionalities (like URL rewrites) Magento 2 offers. Luckily, Magento PWA Studio comes with a built-in solution for handling Magento 2 URL-s which is very flexible. In this article, we are going to take a look at the Magento PWA Studio routing and Root Components concept.

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Zvonimir Buric is a speaker at MM18HR with a Case study: Emma Mattress – Magento on the AWS Cloud and he has a piece of advice for Magento developer wannabes

Zvonimir Buric is a speaker at MM18HR with a Case study: Emma Mattress – Magento on the AWS Cloud and he a piece of advice for Magento developer wannabes

Back in the days, Zvonimir was an Inchooer. He was a part of a team that developed one of the Inchoo’s first responsive sites for our clients! It was for Zee & Co. We feel like it was a century ago! Zvonimir found his new home in Germany in 2013, so we were really excited when he contacted us for a speaking position at Meet Magento Croatia.

He always showed a deep understanding of the Magento platform, and with his special skill where he can explain complex matters in a simple way, we’re sure you will enjoy his Case study of Emma Mattress and challenges they had with moving it to the AWS colud.

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eCommerce solutions worldwide: working with local markets

Alexander Kosarau

Alexander Kosarau is a Magento Support Manager at Amasty, as his job involves analyzing stats and collecting product improvement features where some cases are specifically challenging since they are narrowly local based he will be talking about “eCommerce solutions worldwide: working with local markets“. The combination of people-related skills and studying to become Master of Science in Mathematics puts him in his own league. How does he incorporate those two together, what did he want to be when he was young, and why you don’t want to miss his presentation – read in the interview!

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Victoria Yashchuk from Atwix is coming to #MM18HR stage and is ready to discuss “Latest eCommerce trends and popular features for your Magento store”

Victoria Yashchuk

Victoria is a Magento Solution Specialist and a project manager at Atwix whose greatest joy comes from working with others. She is coming to Meet Magento to share her thoughts on the “Latest eCommerce trends and popular features for your Magento store” which is why we are recommending this presentation to both business owners and developers. Before Magento became a big part of her life she tried many different things like singing, dancing, writing, and teaching, but not to reveal everything she said, read it in the interview.

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Magento Master, Óscar Recio from Interactiv4 is coming to #MM18HR and will be talking about “Zero Downtime in Magento 2, It’s Possible?”

Oscar Recio

This year, Óscar Recio got his recognition and award as a Magento Master in the Maker category which makes him the 1st Spanish to receive this prestigious award. Besides being “the Kingfish” in the Magento community, he is also a Magento Technical Director at Interactiv4 which is why his presentation will be “Zero Downtime in Magento 2, It’s Possible?”. During the interview, he talked about his journey to becoming the person he is today, what impact did the Magento Master title had on his life and about the topic that he is going to cover on the Meet Magento stage.

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At MM18HR, Miguel Balparda will teach us how to effectively communicate with Support

At MM18HR, Miguel Balparda will teach us how to effectively communicate with Support

In our series of articles in which we’re presenting speakers at Meet Magento Croatia event, the time has come to find out more about Miguel Balparda who will join us with “A day in Support” presentation.

As a Magento 2 Maintainer, Core contributor, and avid Magento supporter, Miguel is also known in the community as a passionate traveler. He’s probably on the beach coding, while you’re reading about his career, and his opinion on how important is it for a developer to understand client’s needs from a business perspective, rather than “just” the technical one.

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Jisse Reitsma will be sharing his knowledge on “Connecting GraphQL to your own React project” – MM18HR will be burning from hot PWA topics!

Jisse Reitsma will be sharing his knowledge on “Connecting GraphQL to your own React project” - MM18HR will be burning from hot PWA topics!

For a second year in the row, Jisse will be joining us on the stage of Meet Magento Croatia, this time with “Connecting GraphQL to your own React project”. His expertise in driving innovation throughout the Magento ecosystem and dedication to delivering best-in-class implementations earned him the Mover title in Magento Masters program.

We are lucky his spy career didn’t work out!

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How to add a custom columns to the Magento 2 products grid

Custom Coulmns Magento 2

It’s easy to add a column to the products grid if a value that you want to display in the column is a product attribute. They are already present in the products grid toolbar under Columns control. You just check/uncheck columns that you want to be displayed or removed from the grid. But what if you want to display values like quantity and website that aren’t product attribute? If you continue to read you will learn how to add values like this to the products grid.

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Magento deployment with Deployer

Magento deployment with Deployer

Remember those days when you could easily deploy something to production without executing each time a number of commands and clearing cache a few times meanwhile? Yeah, me neither.

Every modern framework or platform has their own individual perks that shape our development and deploying process. Magento is no different here and its deployment process can be a challenge for newcomers.

In this post, we will introduce Deployer, automated deployment tool for PHP.

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Unit testing in Magento 2

Unit testing in Magento 2

Magento 2 comes pre-installed with PHPUnit, an automated testing framework for PHP. It is included as one of the dependencies in Magento 2. Covering the basics of PHPUnit is out of the scope of this tutorial, after a short introduction we are going to focus on the practical example of using PHPUnit with Magento 2. For those who are interested in PHPUnit basics, I would recommend reading documentation or tutorials on the web since it is a very well documented topic.

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Meet Magento Italy recap: fantastic time, amazing conference, awesome people!

Meet Magento Italy Inchoo recap

Five of our Inchooers went to support, network and learn something at Meet Magento Italy. Inchooers Hrvoje, Ivan, Zelimir, Nenad, and Tomislav packed their bags and visited the dreamy city of Venice.

Nenad even had a special mission – to get on the #MM18IT’s stage and talk about PWA. He was explaining PWA as a concept in the context of Magento.

In this interview with the guys, you can read about the trip, the takeaways from Nenad’s lecture and about Inchoo’s plans with PWA. For this last matter, if it’s TLDR; we’re dedicating almost the entire development track of Meet Magento Croatia to PWA! 🙂

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On the road again – heading off to Imagine!

Antonija goes to Imagine - Inchoo

Every year, Imagine is aiming for the new heights. I mean, 150+ speakers with top names from the industry, 3000 attendees and Phillip Jackson as Master of Ceremonies? What could beat that?!

Twitter feed is filled with #MagentoImagine and #RoadToImagine posts, and they are a delight to watch. The community is showing its strength once again. We can’t say this enough, but there is no community like Magento community! Am I right or am I right?

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Ready for 2nd Meet Magento Croatia with agenda focused on PWA? Book the dates!

Meet Magento Croatia MM18HR

Reserve 28th and 29th of September 2018 for the second Meet Magento Croatia!

Last year we hosted a crowd of more than 200 participants from 18 countries at first ever Meet Magento in Croatia! If you were there, you had the opportunity to learn from and mingle with developers, merchants, and eCommerce specialists. And attend an awesome party, because at Inchoo – we know how to have fun!

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Review: Reacticon – Power to the front-end developers!

PWA Reacticon

Ever since Magento announced their PWA (Progressive Web App) Studio and PWA solutions like Deity started gaining traction, people were more than eager to learn more about how PWA would affect Magento platform and the world of eCommerce in general. Reacticon sought to provide some more in depth information about technologies that will become integral part of our workflow in the near future.

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Sticky Sidebar in Magento

Sticky sidebar

An idea for writing this blog post inspired me for implementing this feature on two Magento 1 projects, on first project it was one of many changes that were part of A/B testing, on the second one it was part of creating a new visual identity for clients store.

So, what basically is sticky sidebar and why should it be used to improve your conversion rate? Well, just like sticky header, the purpose of sticky sidebar is to have the sidebar element displayed in the viewport at all times (or an at least, when some conditions are met). This is ideal place to move the product options (configurable dropdowns, image swatches etc), add to cart button or any other element that is important for your product. With this being said, your customer is free to browse all of the content on your product and once the decision has been made to purchase the product, the add to cart button is just waiting to be clicked on!

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Klevu with Magento 2 Template

Klevu with Magento 2 Template ©

We have talked about Klevu in one of our previous articles – what it is, how to install and use it, and most important, how it can improve your store. In this article we are going to focus on Search Results Page. Make sure you have at least Klevu Premium pricing plan to have the ability to chose template at all. 🙂

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How to display CMS block in Magento 2 Checkout

How to display CMS block in Magento 2 Checkout

Working with CMS blocks was one of the reasons Magento was and is so popular. Using CMS blocks, site administrator can easily manipulate content of the store. CMS blocks can be used to display promotional banners, sale blocks, return policies, important information message on some sections of the store etc. CMS blocks can carry plain text or chunks of HTML/JS/CSS code which means they can be used for even more complex content delivery like sliders, product carousels etc.

I personally like to use CMS blocks whenever I can so that content of the store becomes more “modular” and easily manageable.

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