Digital Marketing

Google shopping optimization: How to scale while maintaining ROAS

Google shopping optimization: How to scale while maintaining ROAS

While optimizing my clients’ campaigns, I often find myself browsing other people’s blog posts and researching their campaign optimization tactics. 

One of my recent hybrid tactics proved to work pretty well on some of my accounts, so I wanted to share it with you. It’s about scaling the shopping campaigns with automated bidding while keeping the same ROAS. I hope some of you will find it helpful to create your own hybrid tactic.

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Auto Applying Ad Suggestions in Microsoft Ads

Auto Applying Ad Suggestions in Microsoft Ads

Well, it did happen. After Google implemented auto applying ad suggestions, the time now has come for Microsoft to do the same. Of course, this is something that Microsoft is telling us is a good thing for your campaigns.

Now, you may ask yourself why is this a good thing?

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Build & optimize the FAQ page on your online store

Build & Optimize FAQ page

2020 was a year that brought significant changes to retail. The coronavirus pandemic spread across the world, and most countries introduced lockdowns to combat the spread of COVID-19. Due to lockdown and in order to survive the pandemic’s economic impact, many retailers decided to move their business online.

Along with that, there’s been a major shift in consumer behavior, where even people who never considered online shopping started to buy online. To make their purchasing journey as smooth as possible, It became more important than ever to provide accurate and detailed information that answers all their questions. The easiest way to do so is through the FAQ page.

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SEO vs. PPC: Structured data markup for product variants

SEO vs PPC Structured Data Markup For Product Variants

You did it – you finally did it! You’ve implemented all recommended types and properties throughout your Magento store only to see Google Merchant Center warning you for “Insufficient match of microdata price information”. Let’s admit it – we’ve all been there at least once.

Although we don’t usually face this issue on simple product pages (since product markup on these pages is pretty straightforward), we can often find it on product variants.

Since setting up correct structured data markup on grouped and configurable products isn’t always easy as it seems, I’ve prepared this short guide that should serve you for both SEO and PPC purposes.

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Google is concealing your search terms, and it is bad

google concealing search terms feature picture

Let’s first read the following premise: For successful optimization and revenue-generating Google Ads campaigns, you need access to ALL search terms for which users clicked on your ads.

It’s simple logic. You want to know what users searched for when they clicked on your ads, and then converted. Am I right?

Not if you ask Google about it. Read on and find out why Google is behaving f…[CENSORED] bad with this one.

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How does Google calculate the monthly budget of your campaigns?

google monthly budget inchoo

In Google Ads campaigns we can set only daily budgets. Not monthly budgets. But the monthly budget is dependent on the daily budget in more ways than one.

There are situations in which Google can spend over double your daily budget. Not only that, but it can also be spent several times over. In that case, don’t be scared if you see the “monthly charging limit reached” message.

Here we’ll describe how Google calculates your monthly budget. This is essential to understand if you have some overspent budget on your campaigns.

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Schema Markup for eCommerce Websites

Schema Markup for eCommerce Websites

Each time someone searches a particular product online, they end up on a SERP that (in most cases) includes a gazillion results.

Since the chances of browsing through all of these links are little to none, it’s essential to make your business stand out.

The best way to do it is to add structured data markup throughout your online store.

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Not in Buy Box – Status Meaning

Not in Buy Box – Status Meaning

What happens when you decide to check your advertising campaigns on Amazon, finding a message for one of your products saying “Not in Buy Box”?

Do you need to worry when you see that there are no impressions for that product?

The answer is straightforward.

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Impressions in Amazon Advertising Are Not All The Same – Meet The Differences

Impressions in Amazon Advertising Are Not All The Same – Meet The Differences

To do meaningful Amazon PPC optimization, we have to have the necessary data to analyze and improve.

This post is going to be about Impressions metrics on Amazon Sponsored Product ads.

Its main goal is to save you some time and show you that Amazon advertising impressions on different reports really are different and you aren’t delusional 🙂 

Long story short: The impressions metrics you found are different. The data you are looking at is correct.

In case you want to understand what’s the difference, continue reading. 

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Getting started with eCommerce personalization

Getting started with eCommerce personalization

At the most basic level, personalization is a way of delivering specific content to different customer groups to increase conversion rate and revenue and enhance user experience. When done right, personalization can improve user experience by providing the right content at the right time.

That user-related benefit can easily translate to company benefits such as growth in conversions, revenue, customer engagement, and loyalty.

Keep in mind: personalization is not to be confused with customization. The main difference between the two is that personalization doesn’t require user’s active engagement. You personalize the experience for them. On the other hand, customization requires user’s active involvement.

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How to Check Buy Box Eligibility on Amazon?

How to check Buy Box eligibility on Amazon?

You probably understand the importance of the Buy Box on the Amazon product page and its impact on sales.

Here’s a fact that might surprise you – almost 90% of all sales on Amazon go through the Buy Box.

This is not a blog post about how to get Buy Box on your product landing pages or what metrics can influence eligibility.

This is a blog post about how to check Buy Box eligibility for single products.

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Monthly Charging Limit Reached in Google Ads?

Monthly Charging Limit Reached in Google Ads?

What happens when you suddenly see a message in your Google Ads account that says “Your monthly charging limit is reached”?

You might think at first that your monthly budget is depleted. But then you realise: there is no monthly budget. Google Ads campaigns work on a daily budget.

You can’t set a monthly budget on your Google Ads campaigns.

You again read the full message. This time you might notice the word “charging”. Now, this could be the sign of a big problem when it comes to charging your credit card.

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When is the time to start selling online?

When is the time to start selling online?

Traditional buyer journey was quite predictable. It used to have clear cuts which most customers followed – you could actually draw a linear line in between their needs and final conversions. From awareness stage, to consideration and final decision all they needed was information.

The rise of the internet completely transformed entire buyer journey, creating research driven individuals who have a completely non-linear and unpredictable path to you. Suddenly the fact that there are no information about your business or that your products can’t be ordered online makes much difference for a massive part of buyers – online shoppers. After everything we learned about how people interact with internet before finally making that buying decision, it’s almost business suicide for any retailer not to sell online.

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Are you ready for Gen Z eCommerce?

Are you ready for Gen Z eCommerce?

The next wave of consumers is here. And they are on their way to becoming the biggest group of all. Maybe it’s enough to say that this group has never known a world without the internet or mobile phones.

Given only that, they will certainly make the world of eCommerce change its “old ways.” It is becoming crucial to reveal the habits and attitudes of your future customers – without understanding them, you are losing potential future revenue.

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How to configure your Google Shopping Feed in Magento

How to configure Google Shopping Feed in Magento

If you’re running an online shop, you know how important it is to be present when your customers are researching the market to find their desired products. Since Google has just announced that Google Shopping opens up for free product listing ads, we’re bringing you a brief guide on setting up and optimizing your product feed through Magento and Google Merchant Center.

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Customer Value Report in Google Ads & How To Use It

customer value report google ads inchoo

What is customer value reporting in Google Ads? This is a new report found in Google Ads that can help us understand our customers better. And with a better understanding of who our customers are – we can make even better campaigns with ads designed just for them.

Read on to learn how to read and analyze this report and how to use it to improve your campaign results.

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Target ROAS & Google Shopping – Optimizing Campaigns for the Sale Season

Target ROAS & Google Shopping – Optimizing Campaigns for the Sale Season

Are you looking for ways to optimize your Google Shopping campaigns for a holiday season? Or do you have some non-niche related sale that has been happening only on your site, and you want to make the best of it?

If your campaigns have been using some of the smart bidding strategies like Target ROAS or Target CPA – read on and find out how to fine-tune your Google Ads campaigns to make the most of your sale season.

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How popular is Magento in 2020?

How popular is Magento in 2020?

Inchoo was founded in 2008. Around the same time, the Magento came to life as one of the eCommerce platforms and solutions for online stores. We have been with Magento right from the start, following all its iterations, ups and downs.

It had its share of fame during the years. But now, 12 years later, the question is – How popular is Magento in 2020?

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How to achieve triple-digit growth for your eCommerce business? Learn from us at ad:tech London!

Vanja Bunjevac - ad:tech

At the time when new technologies are emerging almost every week, it is quite difficult to keep up with everything that helps us grow. In almost every field, digital marketing has triumphed over traditional advertising channels, and this is especially true in data gathering and measurement.

Today, with the rise of machine learning, we are again at the brink of a revolution, and digital marketing expertise is becoming more important than ever to those that want to stay or become competitive.

At ad:tech London, our Digital Marketing Team Leader, and eCommerce Consultant Vanja Bunjevac will give a talk named: Data-driven decision making: Embracing technology for triple-digit growth. For those wanting to catch a glimpse of the topic before the main event, I had a little chat with him to share his views on the future of digital marketing in eCommerce.

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Implement search intent keywords for better eCommerce results

Implement search intent keywords for better eCommerce results

Behind every online search, there is a user’s intent – the information they are looking for, the product they want to buy or the service they want to use. If you are looking to improve the results of your eCommerce PPC and SEO efforts, you should create and optimize your content with your users’ and potential buyers’ search intent keywords.

To clarify, keyword intent represents one of the most important elements of SEO and paid search. This is why you should know how to properly identify it and make the best out of it.

Keep reading to learn how can you boost your traffic and sales with proper identification and implementation of intent-driven search keywords.

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Meet our team at ad:tech London!

Meet our team at ad:tech London

ad:tech in London is an event for all marketers and advertisers on the lookout for self-development, business growth, upskilling, and having a great time in the company of thousands of enthusiastic industry peers. Co-located with eCommerce Expo and two other events, this is a unique opportunity to learn from the best and establish new contacts.

We will be there too – more specifically Maja, Vanja, and Dražen! To meet us and see how we can help your business, find us at our stand and come to our talk about data-driven decision making. You can also order your FREE tickets for the event! Read on to get all the details!

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How to set up Google Shopping promotion: Magento 2 & Google Merchant Center side

How to set up Google Shopping promotion: Magento 2 & Google Merchant Center side

Thinking about how to make your products stand out from the crowd and be more visible on Google Shopping? You are already familiar with that “special offer” link that can be added to Google Shopping listing but aren’t really sure how to set everything up to get one?

Digging for some meaningful, usable and easy to follow guide that would cover all the steps you need but won’t overwhelm you at the same time because of tons of options? Search no more!

We have been in Magento and Google Ads business for quite some time. That’s why we know how time-consuming it can be to set the promotion you want while staying aligned with Google’s guidelines.

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SEO Checklist for Magento 2 Migration

SEO Checklist: Magento 2 Migration

Whether you’re considering building a new store on Magento 2, or you have already started the transition, there are (more than) a few things to keep in mind to ensure your traffic and (more importantly) revenue don’t get lost during the migration.

Migration to Magento 2 is stressful for every store owner, but the change is inevitable. We have already prepared a list of the most common SEO mistakes during the migration, but we wanted to do more, so we decided to create this SEO checklist to make your transition as smooth as possible.

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Google Ads Local Action Conversions

Google Ads Local Action Conversions

What happens when you check your conversion action tab and see new ones that you haven’t set up yourself? You may think at first that someone has unauthorized access to your campaigns, but then, you see that source for these conversions is “Google hosted”.

You have just discovered Local Actions Conversions in your Google Ads account. Google system has set up these automated conversions. Let’s dig in and learn a little more about them, shall we?

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Can We Optimize Google Ads Negative Keywords?

negative keywords feautred picture

This is going to be a strange blog post. Why? Because there are two kinds of people. Firsts are those adding negative keywords in their Google Ads campaigns (in mostly) exact match. The second group of people are the ones that are adding negative keywords using more logical, one could say even strategic, way. 

Which one are you?

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B2B Marketing Expo – where marketing meets eCommerce

B2B Marketing Expo – where marketing meets eCommerce

B2B Marketing Expo is one of the leading digital marketing events in the UK. With us mostly being present at eCommerce and Magento conferences so far, we took ourselves out of our comfort zone.

This was also a good opportunity to present some of our own achievements in the digital marketing area. 2019 event took place in London on March 28-29, and we had a 4-person team representing Inchoo.

What did we learn about exhibiting at this type of an event? How did we present ourselves and what are we bringing home? Take a look at our event review below.

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How can machine learning improve your B2B online sales?

How can machine learning improve your B2B online sales?

B2C eCommerce saw amazing growth and global adoption over the last decade. However, global B2B eCommerce market is a much larger pie, several times the size of the retail one.

With businesses struggling to reach, attract, and retain customers, digital marketing expertise is becoming one of the most sought-after skills with many eCommerce merchants.

And with the latest technology trends, there is significant push towards marketing and sales automation. How can B2B businesses leverage machine learning to improve their results? We have some of the answers right here.

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Meet us in London at B2B Marketing Expo!

Meet us in London at B2B Marketing Expo!

B2B Marketing Expo in London is one of the most sought after marketing events for B2B businesses. Knowledge sharing, latest trends in marketing technology, and new business opportunities – that’s what you’ll find at ExCel London on March 27-28, 2019.

And we will be there – see who’s coming and what you can expect from us at this event! You can also schedule a meeting with our team below.

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