
15 Tips For Choosing An eCommerce Development Agency

choose ecommerce agency

“If you build it, they will come.” In the case of an eCommerce website that’s not exactly true? Or is it?

I know that some of you are afraid of this answer but – it all depends. If your store is slow (loading times), difficult to navigate, or if it makes you think how to make the next (or any) step – I have bad news for you.

But, if your eCommerce website follows all of the UX (user experience) or UI (user interface) best practices, as well as development best practices – I have good news for you.

Now, the question is – is it really that difficult to choose the right eCommerce development agency?

To help you answer that question we have collected some of the most important points to discuss and to check with the potential agency for your future eCommerce business.

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SEO Checklist for Magento 2 Migration

SEO Checklist: Magento 2 Migration

Whether you’re considering building a new store on Magento 2, or you have already started the transition, there are (more than) a few things to keep in mind to ensure your traffic and (more importantly) revenue don’t get lost during the migration.

Migration to Magento 2 is stressful for every store owner, but the change is inevitable. We have already prepared a list of the most common SEO mistakes during the migration, but we wanted to do more, so we decided to create this SEO checklist to make your transition as smooth as possible.

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Google Ads Local Action Conversions

Google Ads Local Action Conversions

What happens when you check your conversion action tab and see new ones that you haven’t set up yourself? You may think at first that someone has unauthorized access to your campaigns, but then, you see that source for these conversions is “Google hosted”.

You have just discovered Local Actions Conversions in your Google Ads account. Google system has set up these automated conversions. Let’s dig in and learn a little more about them, shall we?

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Can We Optimize Google Ads Negative Keywords?

negative keywords feautred picture

This is going to be a strange blog post. Why? Because there are two kinds of people. Firsts are those adding negative keywords in their Google Ads campaigns (in mostly) exact match. The second group of people are the ones that are adding negative keywords using more logical, one could say even strategic, way. 

Which one are you?

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eCommerce UX Scorecard – what is it and how to use it?

eCommerce UX Scorecard – what is it and how to use it?

Are your optimizing for conversions? How do you measure the impact of UX design and incremental changes on an eCommerce website? What are the key metrics (KPIs) you should track to effectively monitor your website’s performance?

Is there a one-size-fits-all type of a report that can give you good enough clues on just how successful are all the efforts you (or an agency you are working with) are putting in? To see the results your optimization efforts brought in?

Here is a really good solution we’re introducing in working with our clients. An eCommerce UX Scorecard – check it out!

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Inchoo recognized as Top Magento Developers by Clutch

Inchoo recognized as Top Magento Developers by Clutch

We have been named Top Magento Developers in 2019 by Clutch, an independent review and ratings company. While this is a great honour, it is also a recognition of the hard work all of our teams have been putting in.

And it feels great to be acknowledged, especially since the biggest weight in Clutch rankings comes from unbiased interviews with our clients, conducted by Clutch team.

Take a look at how Clutch works and what our clients shared about working with us.

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First designers from Croatia trained by Nielsen Norman Group

Nielsen Norman UX certified designers Inchoo

With great pride, we can announce that our designers Marko and Zoran have earned their UX certification after a demanding and exhausting program with the leaders in user experience, Nielsen Norman Group! And we must state that they are the first designers from Croatia who can proudly wear their NN/g UX certification badge.

Want to know more about the whole training and certification program, and the key benefits it brings to our designers and our clients?

Read on!

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B2B Marketing Expo – where marketing meets eCommerce

B2B Marketing Expo – where marketing meets eCommerce

B2B Marketing Expo is one of the leading digital marketing events in the UK. With us mostly being present at eCommerce and Magento conferences so far, we took ourselves out of our comfort zone.

This was also a good opportunity to present some of our own achievements in the digital marketing area. 2019 event took place in London on March 28-29, and we had a 4-person team representing Inchoo.

What did we learn about exhibiting at this type of an event? How did we present ourselves and what are we bringing home? Take a look at our event review below.

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Introducing BrexitCart by Inchoo – a new cart abandonment solution

Introducing BrexitCart by Inchoo – a new cart abandonment solution

We’re happy to announce the pending rollout of the greatest ever cart abandonment solution for your Magento stores, BrexitCart.

Exhaustive testing conducted in controlled environment saw a staggering 96,4% drop in cart and checkout abandonment rates across all desktop and mobile sessions combined. This means in 27 out of 28 cases the customers REMAINed throughout the entire cart and checkout process, with only 1 out of 28 eventually deciding to LEAVE.

Check out the details below.

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How can machine learning improve your B2B online sales?

How can machine learning improve your B2B online sales?

B2C eCommerce saw amazing growth and global adoption over the last decade. However, global B2B eCommerce market is a much larger pie, several times the size of the retail one.

With businesses struggling to reach, attract, and retain customers, digital marketing expertise is becoming one of the most sought-after skills with many eCommerce merchants.

And with the latest technology trends, there is significant push towards marketing and sales automation. How can B2B businesses leverage machine learning to improve their results? We have some of the answers right here.

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Top challenges and best practices in ERP and eCommerce integration

Top challenges and best practices in ERP and eCommerce integration

For every serious eCommerce business, there comes a time to invest in implementing an ERP solution. For every serious business that already operates with an ERP system, there comes a time to open up a new sales channel, an eCommerce website.

In each of those cases, they need strong support from both ERP and eCommerce sides, and finding quality partners that can work together can be a hassle.

We are happy to have found a top notch ERP solutions integrator we can happily work with and recommend to our clients. We talked to Josip Penavić of Adacta, Gold ERP and CRM Microsoft Partner. Read on to learn firsthand some of the challenges and best practices of integrating eCommerce website with an ERP system.

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Calling out all Magento developers who want to improve their testing skills – visit MageTestFest!

Inchoo Magetestfest testing Magento

Magento. Software Testing. Party. That pretty much sums up 4 crazy days that are expecting developers who’ll go to MageTestFest. Florence (Italy) will host developers who are ready to get blown away by knowledge and expertise of speakers who worked hard to be able to stand in front of us all and share valuable insights! We know the value of this specialized event, that’s why we’re sending our Stjepan Udovicic and Tomislav Nikcevski to get in-depth knowledge and tips & tricks of testing.

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Meet us in London at B2B Marketing Expo!

Meet us in London at B2B Marketing Expo!

B2B Marketing Expo in London is one of the most sought after marketing events for B2B businesses. Knowledge sharing, latest trends in marketing technology, and new business opportunities – that’s what you’ll find at ExCel London on March 27-28, 2019.

And we will be there – see who’s coming and what you can expect from us at this event! You can also schedule a meeting with our team below.

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Behind the scenes with one Magento PWA Studio contributor

Behind the scenes with one Magento PWA Studio contributor

To kick off the year, I’ve talked to Adrian Bece, one of our frontend developers who has been delving deep into PWAs and is among the most active contributors to Magento’s official PWA Studio. Take a look at what he had to say about the state of PWA in the world of Magento and eCommerce, his analysis of the solutions that are already out there, and a reflection on how contributing to open source projects helps him hone his development skills.

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(Why) should your designer be Magento certified?

(Why) should your designer be Magento certified?

If you have been involved in building your eCommerce website on Magento, you’ve probably come across some frictions between designers, frontend developers and online marketing team (I’ll leave out all other possible connections for the time being). Why?

Because, more often than not, the UX/UI designers on the project are “outsiders” who may have some great work behind them, but lack eCommerce and, in particular, Magento knowledge.

Now, is that even important? Should a designer understand the platform they’re designing for? And, let’s push that even further – should your designer be Magento certified?

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ERP and eCommerce platform integration

eCommerce & ERP integration featured

The benefits of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and eCommerce integration are immense when the process is done the right way. ERP presents the “backbone” of your business and a powerful software system designed to integrate and unify the main functional areas of your organization. What should companies keep in mind when planning the integration of two key systems in their business operations – ERP and eCommerce platform?

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Sylius custom theme development – Setting up workflow powered with webpack and Symfony 4 best practices

Sylius custom theme development – Setting up workflow powered with webpack and Symfony 4 best practices

Hi everyone, in my first-ever article, I’ll show you how to setup your custom theme workflow in the latest Sylius release (1.3.0), powered with webpack and with latest Symfony 4 standards. If you haven’t read Stanislav’s articles about Sylius frontend overview and setting up a custom theme, go check it out so you can understand this part completely. 🙂

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Sylius custom theme development – Create a theme

Sylius theme development - custom theme

To continue contributing to the series of blog posts about Sylius theme development, I would like to dig deeper in creating and modifying the custom theme. I’ll write about the scenario where the client wants to implement a custom design and use their own theme for the frontend experience. There are also a few things to explain in term of Sylius theming, customizing template, and creating and using new custom theme, so I’ll cover that too.

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Meet Magento Croatia 2018 recap with presentations and photos

Meet Magento Croatia 2018 recap with presentations and photos

The words, the photos, the video – not even all those things combined could sufficiently convey the incredible atmosphere that was created around Meet Magento Croatia 2018! This year, almost 230 delegates from 17 countries came to Osijek! Developers, agencies, merchants, we all gathered to meet Magento and to meet and greet each other. We at Inchoo are beyond honoured to have had the privilege to welcome everyone in our hometown!

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Sylius custom theme development – initial setup

Sylius custom theme development – initial setup

This post is for you if you are a frontend developer working on Sylius eCommerce platform and you want to build a custom theme for your client. Sylius is mostly oriented towards backend developers and frontend part is only necessary to show what can be built on top of the platform. Frontend segments don’t come with much documentation or guidance, and what is available will help you with the kick start, but after that, you are on your own.

But wait, please, don’t be scared, this platform is actually very easy to use and modify once you master it. In the end you will be able to create anything what you or your client wants. In the very near feature in one of the next releases we are looking forward to seeing a new default theme for Sylius that has all out of the box functionalities which will show the true power of Sylius and what can be built on top of it.

In the meantime, read on…

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Magento PWA Studio: Routing and Root Components

Magento PWA Studio: Routing and Root Components

Routing in React is quite complex, and trying to adapt it to work with Magento 2 can be a very challenging task, considering how many URL-related functionalities (like URL rewrites) Magento 2 offers. Luckily, Magento PWA Studio comes with a built-in solution for handling Magento 2 URL-s which is very flexible. In this article, we are going to take a look at the Magento PWA Studio routing and Root Components concept.

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Sherrie Rohde’s “How to Avoid Burnout While Contributing” presentation will be an eye-opener at Meet Magento Croatia

Sherrie Rohde’s “How to Avoid Burnout While Contributing” presentation will be an eye-opener at Meet Magento Croatia

It is our pleasure to welcome Sherrie Rohde as a keynote speaker at Meet Magento Croatia! Sherrie is the Community Manager at Magento where she is responsible for Magento Masters, the Magento Forums, and Magento Meetups. On a mission to help the Magento community be successful in their own roles, she is focused on improving mental health and creating an inclusive environment.

This passion of hers intertwines with everything she does regarding Magento community, and we’ll have the chance to learn more about it in her “How to Avoid Burnout While Contributing” speech. In the meantime, here’s Sherrie’s story on her Magento beginnings and thoughts about the community.

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6 things to have in mind when accepting the project

6 things to have in mind when accepting the project

As almost in every business, things in eCommerce tend to happen very fast. On a daily level, we need to analyze a lot of things, make a lot of decisions and decide on a bunch of models, approaches etc. Off course, some of those are small things which are a part of our daily routine. But some of those are rather big and tend to have a major effect on us, as well as on our company. I am talking about the projects which are the bread and butter of our business, and the focus of our work. More precisely, I am talking about our efforts to evaluate projects and decide whether to accept the project or not.

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Zvonimir Buric is a speaker at MM18HR with a Case study: Emma Mattress – Magento on the AWS Cloud and he has a piece of advice for Magento developer wannabes

Zvonimir Buric is a speaker at MM18HR with a Case study: Emma Mattress – Magento on the AWS Cloud and he a piece of advice for Magento developer wannabes

Back in the days, Zvonimir was an Inchooer. He was a part of a team that developed one of the Inchoo’s first responsive sites for our clients! It was for Zee & Co. We feel like it was a century ago! Zvonimir found his new home in Germany in 2013, so we were really excited when he contacted us for a speaking position at Meet Magento Croatia.

He always showed a deep understanding of the Magento platform, and with his special skill where he can explain complex matters in a simple way, we’re sure you will enjoy his Case study of Emma Mattress and challenges they had with moving it to the AWS colud.

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Magento 1 official PHP 7.2 patches

Magento 1 official PHP 7.2 patches

You probably noticed that Magento PHP 7.2 support patches are available for download HERE (Magento Open Source version).

For Magento Commerce customers, you should find the patches under Magento Commerce 1.x > Support Patches and Security Patches > PHP Compatibility patches in the Downloads section of your account.

We at Inchoo worked on this contribution, so we decided to share a few more words about it, especially because we noticed that Magento released patches in somewhat different format than usual.

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eCommerce solutions worldwide: working with local markets

Alexander Kosarau

Alexander Kosarau is a Magento Support Manager at Amasty, as his job involves analyzing stats and collecting product improvement features where some cases are specifically challenging since they are narrowly local based he will be talking about “eCommerce solutions worldwide: working with local markets“. The combination of people-related skills and studying to become Master of Science in Mathematics puts him in his own league. How does he incorporate those two together, what did he want to be when he was young, and why you don’t want to miss his presentation – read in the interview!

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Victoria Yashchuk from Atwix is coming to #MM18HR stage and is ready to discuss “Latest eCommerce trends and popular features for your Magento store”

Victoria Yashchuk

Victoria is a Magento Solution Specialist and a project manager at Atwix whose greatest joy comes from working with others. She is coming to Meet Magento to share her thoughts on the “Latest eCommerce trends and popular features for your Magento store” which is why we are recommending this presentation to both business owners and developers. Before Magento became a big part of her life she tried many different things like singing, dancing, writing, and teaching, but not to reveal everything she said, read it in the interview.

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Magento Master, Óscar Recio from Interactiv4 is coming to #MM18HR and will be talking about “Zero Downtime in Magento 2, It’s Possible?”

Oscar Recio

This year, Óscar Recio got his recognition and award as a Magento Master in the Maker category which makes him the 1st Spanish to receive this prestigious award. Besides being “the Kingfish” in the Magento community, he is also a Magento Technical Director at Interactiv4 which is why his presentation will be “Zero Downtime in Magento 2, It’s Possible?”. During the interview, he talked about his journey to becoming the person he is today, what impact did the Magento Master title had on his life and about the topic that he is going to cover on the Meet Magento stage.

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