eCommerce Talk

Introducing BrexitCart by Inchoo – a new cart abandonment solution

Introducing BrexitCart by Inchoo – a new cart abandonment solution

We’re happy to announce the pending rollout of the greatest ever cart abandonment solution for your Magento stores, BrexitCart.

Exhaustive testing conducted in controlled environment saw a staggering 96,4% drop in cart and checkout abandonment rates across all desktop and mobile sessions combined. This means in 27 out of 28 cases the customers REMAINed throughout the entire cart and checkout process, with only 1 out of 28 eventually deciding to LEAVE.

Check out the details below.

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How can machine learning improve your B2B online sales?

How can machine learning improve your B2B online sales?

B2C eCommerce saw amazing growth and global adoption over the last decade. However, global B2B eCommerce market is a much larger pie, several times the size of the retail one.

With businesses struggling to reach, attract, and retain customers, digital marketing expertise is becoming one of the most sought-after skills with many eCommerce merchants.

And with the latest technology trends, there is significant push towards marketing and sales automation. How can B2B businesses leverage machine learning to improve their results? We have some of the answers right here.

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Top challenges and best practices in ERP and eCommerce integration

Top challenges and best practices in ERP and eCommerce integration

For every serious eCommerce business, there comes a time to invest in implementing an ERP solution. For every serious business that already operates with an ERP system, there comes a time to open up a new sales channel, an eCommerce website.

In each of those cases, they need strong support from both ERP and eCommerce sides, and finding quality partners that can work together can be a hassle.

We are happy to have found a top notch ERP solutions integrator we can happily work with and recommend to our clients. We talked to Josip Penavić of Adacta, Gold ERP and CRM Microsoft Partner. Read on to learn firsthand some of the challenges and best practices of integrating eCommerce website with an ERP system.

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Meet us in London at B2B Marketing Expo!

Meet us in London at B2B Marketing Expo!

B2B Marketing Expo in London is one of the most sought after marketing events for B2B businesses. Knowledge sharing, latest trends in marketing technology, and new business opportunities – that’s what you’ll find at ExCel London on March 27-28, 2019.

And we will be there – see who’s coming and what you can expect from us at this event! You can also schedule a meeting with our team below.

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(Why) should your designer be Magento certified?

(Why) should your designer be Magento certified?

If you have been involved in building your eCommerce website on Magento, you’ve probably come across some frictions between designers, frontend developers and online marketing team (I’ll leave out all other possible connections for the time being). Why?

Because, more often than not, the UX/UI designers on the project are “outsiders” who may have some great work behind them, but lack eCommerce and, in particular, Magento knowledge.

Now, is that even important? Should a designer understand the platform they’re designing for? And, let’s push that even further – should your designer be Magento certified?

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ERP and eCommerce platform integration

eCommerce & ERP integration featured

The benefits of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and eCommerce integration are immense when the process is done the right way. ERP presents the “backbone” of your business and a powerful software system designed to integrate and unify the main functional areas of your organization. What should companies keep in mind when planning the integration of two key systems in their business operations – ERP and eCommerce platform?

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6 things to have in mind when accepting the project

6 things to have in mind when accepting the project

As almost in every business, things in eCommerce tend to happen very fast. On a daily level, we need to analyze a lot of things, make a lot of decisions and decide on a bunch of models, approaches etc. Off course, some of those are small things which are a part of our daily routine. But some of those are rather big and tend to have a major effect on us, as well as on our company. I am talking about the projects which are the bread and butter of our business, and the focus of our work. More precisely, I am talking about our efforts to evaluate projects and decide whether to accept the project or not.

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How to tame the new Google Keyword Planner?


Keyword research is the cornerstone of almost every digital marketing activity like search engine optimization, PPC campaigns, website launch or redesign, as well as competitor analysis (which Zoran wrote about in one of his blog posts). If it’s properly done, it can prove itself as one of the highest return activities in the field of search advertising. In fact, you shouldn’t start any digital marketing activity without proper research, simple as that.

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3 things to know when landed in the middle of the project

3 things to know when landed in the middle of the project

A few months ago, I’ve started working at Inchoo as a project manager.  This eCommerce company serves many different businesses worldwide through 10-year history and I was keen to know which project I will get first. While waiting, I’ve gotten to know my colleagues, learned about some of the key processes, tools and how to tweak the coffee machine. Initially, I expected I’ll have a clean start with a project, and that the whole process will have a linear learning curve for both me and the client. I was wrong.

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Are you ready for new Google Ads experience?

New AdWords Features

When new Adwords interface first launched, everyone had an opinion on it. Some people liked it because it was cleaner and had some amazing new features, other just hated it because it was still in beta and had some pretty annoying bugs, but all of us just tried to learn to navigate through it before it’s too late. We knew that the day will come when Google will replace the old interface with this new AdWords experience (and also rebrand its service into Google Ads).

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Meet Magento Germany 2018 impressions (or how do Hungarian dogs bark)

Meet Magento Germany 2018 impressions (or how do hungarian dogs bark)

From the very start, this journey was meant to be great and sure it was! We have heard only the best about both Leipzig and previous Meet Magento conferences, and Antun, Aron, Dunja and I made a great trip team. I was given the honor of writing a recap of it so as a Meet Magento first-time-participant I will do my best. 🙂 Just a short overview to make it all clear before we start.

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Meet Magento Italy recap: fantastic time, amazing conference, awesome people!

Meet Magento Italy Inchoo recap

Five of our Inchooers went to support, network and learn something at Meet Magento Italy. Inchooers Hrvoje, Ivan, Zelimir, Nenad, and Tomislav packed their bags and visited the dreamy city of Venice.

Nenad even had a special mission – to get on the #MM18IT’s stage and talk about PWA. He was explaining PWA as a concept in the context of Magento.

In this interview with the guys, you can read about the trip, the takeaways from Nenad’s lecture and about Inchoo’s plans with PWA. For this last matter, if it’s TLDR; we’re dedicating almost the entire development track of Meet Magento Croatia to PWA! 🙂

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Inchoo is a Sylius Solution Partner! To celebrate, here’s an interview with Sylius’ Founder, Pawel Jedrzejewski

Inchoo and Sylius partnership

For a long time, our only platform of choice was Magento. It was simply the best match for SOHO, SMB and Mid Sized businesses, especially in the Magento 1 era. Ecosystem recognised this and embraced the platform fully, which empowered high growth. It gave our clients a great starting point, security and lots of options. But, a new generation of eCommerce platforms has matured, and we at Inchoo are excited with the possibilities they open.

Magento 2 positioned itself higher on a SMB scale and this created some new gaps/needs in the market. Now, we’re working with two platforms: Magento and Sylius and we feel that these are not direct competitors. Each one has a specific niche to fill. We will always consult our clients towards the selection of platform that is more tailored to their needs. It makes the whole creative process more efficient and the end results are better.

Sylius eCommerce Framework is the newest member of our partner family and platforms that we build stores with, and we couldn’t be more thrilled with that! Its founder, Paweł Jędrzejewski, held a three-day workshop at Inchoo for our specially chosen development team.

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How we developed a new Morris 4×4 Center store – case study

How Inchoo developed Morris 4x4 Center

In 2017, we had a challenging task in front of us. It all started with an inquiry from a potential new client, Morris 4×4 Center, that was looking for a partner to help them address and solve website stability issues.

From that, it developed into a whole new project with the deadline of delivering a new site in under 2 months! Backend and frontend developers, design team, eCommerce consultants – we were all in it!

Let me tell you more about this project.

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Keeping an eye on small things in eCommerce projects

Keeping an eye on small things in eCommerce projects

When managing projects, one usually focuses on big things: biggest costs, biggest features, biggest risks, etc. The same is with building an eCommerce site – the biggest, most important things are, well, most important.

But large topics are not the be-all and end-all of the project.

In this post, we will illustrate how tiny issues can have an outsized influence on the project. Through analysis of several examples from our experience, we will try to understand how small perturbations shape the course of the project.

So let’s start with something totally relevant, let’s start with – Napoleon.

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How to keep design library in sync across the team? Welcome Sketch Libraries!

How to keep design library in sync across the team? Welcome Sketch Libraries!

The buzz these days is all about design systems, but design system by itself is not enough to ensure consistency through all designs. When working with design systems, the main challenges are ongoing maintenance and informing everyone about the changes.

For a long time, there wasn’t a thorough solution for designers who design in Sketch which would provide easy access to the latest styles and propagate changed assets to team members. Yeah, we had the ability to share symbols via plugins for a while (Craft’s Library), but there were too many problems, and sharing library is too important to rely on a third-party plugin.

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Inchoo is now a Google Premier Partner!

inchoo google premier partner

We’re very excited to announce that Inchoo has just leveled up to a Google Premier Partner status, which placed us among the top trustworthy PPC experts in the world in the eyes of the almighty Google. How did we deserve it? Well, with Google, You can never be certain, but there are a few key factors that could be the reason for this exciting upgrade. Here’s our short story on becoming a Google Premier Partner.

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Importance of style guides in design

Importance of style guides in design

One may call it Graphics Standard Manual, Identity Style Guide, Brand and Graphics Manual, Branding Manual, Brand book… People call it differently, but they all usually mean the same thing (although we should be careful about using “brand” in naming, cause brand books/manuals dictate not only visual and graphic representation, but the brand as a whole).

We’re basically talking about a set of standards and rules by which we enforce a certain style to be applied on company’s documents, presentations, visuals like posters and flyers, communication strategies or even photos.

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Why you should do keyword research for your eCommerce store

Why you should do keyword research for your eCommerce store

Every time someone does a search for something on search engines such as Google, the search engine must go through thousands of pages and serve the best results that will give the user most useful information he searched for.

How does the search engine know what information to serve based on just a few words?  Well, search engines use to determine the best and most relevant information for every search term that is entered on search engine from user. Because of that, it is very important to create a strategy of keywords so that your eCommerce store could rank better every time user search for terms that are related to products that you sell. The ultimate goal is to rank on the first page of search engine and make your eCommerce more visible to users.

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Klevu – search engine that will increase revenue, self-learn and improve UX

Klevu – search engine that will increase revenue, self-learn and improve UX

One of most important parts of every store is its Search functionality. Implementing a more advanced search solution can have positive and big impact on search function, which leads to significant increase in conversion rate. After all, visitors trust in search results. If your store’s search experience is good, users will use it more than browsing by clicking through categories.

With artificial intelligence and self learning processes, search engines became even more powerful and provide us with features that were not possible before.

Klevu is one of those search engines – it is fast (really fast), it provides high level of customisation and most important – it learns from your customers and self-improves which results in more accurate search results and increase in revenue.

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Why so Sylius?

Why so Sylius?

Inchoo went to a Sylius meetup, and all you got… is an overview of this Symfony-based open source eCommerce platform in the making. We all love PHP, and with the growing Symfony community in Croatia, we wanted to see what all the fuss is about. Here is our take on Sylius as an eCommerce platform and, more importantly, its ecosystem.

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Ground zero – planning phase

Ground zero – planning phase © Pexels / Free images

If you have plans to start a new website on Magento and don’t know where to start, or if you already have an existing website and you’re thinking of revamping it, then you might find this article interesting.

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A Developer’s Guide to Communicating With Clients

A Developer’s Guide to Communicating With Clients

If you are a developer that does not always feel comfortable to communicate with the clients and all you want to do is just code and more code, then this article is created with you in my mind.

While working with clients on daily basis, monitoring the communication between clients and developers and occasionally assisting developers in complicated dialogues, I have collected a good understanding of what’s the good way to communicate in given situation. And although each situation requires an individual approach, it was possible for me to standardize it a bit and share with you few situations and examples on how I think communication should go.

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