eCommerce Talk

Automotive Aftermarket Industry – eCommerce Challenges for Merchants

communication problems

What’s the state of Automotive Aftermarket eCommerce in 2020? What are some of the common pain points of businesses in the aftermarket auto parts industry?

How are they solving challenges with large catalog handling, product fitments, and user experience? Are they making it easy for their customers to find exactly what they are looking for?

Read on to learn more about the trends and most common issues merchants are trying to solve.

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Choose the best eCommerce platform for auto parts

Mechanic choosing a tool in a repair shop

What is the best eCommerce platform for automotive industry? How to find the one that meets your needs? What is more important – time to market, ease of use, customizability? How can you be sure you made a good decision? And why don’t you just use Amazon instead?

Read on to find out how to choose the best platform for your business and download our automotive marketing success guide.

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How Many eCommerce Sites are Powered by Magento in 2020?

Magento stores 2020 inchoo feat

From time to time we encounter a question that sounds something like this: “How many eCommerce sites out there are built on Magento?

The answer to this question is not easy to give. This is because the data needed to give this answer is in a way both easy and hard to find.

But, we will try to give you some sense of the general number of the Magento eCommerce sites in this post.

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How to configure your Google Shopping Feed in Magento

How to configure Google Shopping Feed in Magento

If you’re running an online shop, you know how important it is to be present when your customers are researching the market to find their desired products. Since Google has just announced that Google Shopping opens up for free product listing ads, we’re bringing you a brief guide on setting up and optimizing your product feed through Magento and Google Merchant Center.

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When is the right time to talk about eCommerce development costs?

When is the right time to talk about eCommerce development costs?

When is the right time to talk about eCommerce project costs in communication with potential clients? How soon do you share your hourly rates? What to do when the only thing the client is interested in talking about is the price?

See how we handle project negotiations and let’s learn from each other’s experiences!

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90% of Magento websites are running on unsupported PHP versions. Why is this a problem and how can you (we) solve it?

90% of Magento websites are running on unsupported PHP versions. Why is this a problem and how can you (we) solve it?

The large majority of Magento stores globally are still running on an outdated and unsupported PHP version. If you are on anything below version 7.2, chances are you are missing out on some performance improvements. However, more importantly, you are exposing your store to an increased risk of potential exploits.

Why is this important? Why should you update the PHP version? How to do it with as little friction as possible? Read on!

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Is local web development agency a must-have?

local web dev agency must have

When someone is looking for an eCommerce development agency, it is quite common for that person to think that it’s the best option to go with a local agency. But, is it really true?

Are there important reasons to give a local eCommerce web development agency an advantage over a global one?

No. Not really. While some of the decisions are based on personal preferences, from a business growth perspective, there are several important reasons why working with global agencies is a better choice.

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What Questions to ask an eCommerce Development Agency

Questions ask eCommerce development agency

Building a new eCommerce web store, or upgrading an old one?

The challenge is to find a good eCommerce web development agency. Although there are handy tips for choosing an eCommerce development agency, sometimes it is difficult to come up with a set of questions to ask the agencies, so that you can compare them and, ultimately, make a good decision.

Because of that, we have thought of some that should be of great help to you.

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And The Winner is… Zee & Co! Best Mobile eCommerce 2019

And The Winner is… Zee & Co! Best Mobile eCommerce 2019

We are proud to share that our lovely client Zee & Co, an independent fashion retailer operating from the UK, but selling globally through their Magento online store, won Best Mobile eCommerce Award 2019 at prestigious eCommerce Expo & Awards ceremony in London this Wednesday (September 25). Read on to find out more about these awards and how we helped our client get there.

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How to achieve triple-digit growth for your eCommerce business? Learn from us at ad:tech London!

Vanja Bunjevac - ad:tech

At the time when new technologies are emerging almost every week, it is quite difficult to keep up with everything that helps us grow. In almost every field, digital marketing has triumphed over traditional advertising channels, and this is especially true in data gathering and measurement.

Today, with the rise of machine learning, we are again at the brink of a revolution, and digital marketing expertise is becoming more important than ever to those that want to stay or become competitive.

At ad:tech London, our Digital Marketing Team Leader, and eCommerce Consultant Vanja Bunjevac will give a talk named: Data-driven decision making: Embracing technology for triple-digit growth. For those wanting to catch a glimpse of the topic before the main event, I had a little chat with him to share his views on the future of digital marketing in eCommerce.

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Implement search intent keywords for better eCommerce results

Implement search intent keywords for better eCommerce results

Behind every online search, there is a user’s intent – the information they are looking for, the product they want to buy or the service they want to use. If you are looking to improve the results of your eCommerce PPC and SEO efforts, you should create and optimize your content with your users’ and potential buyers’ search intent keywords.

To clarify, keyword intent represents one of the most important elements of SEO and paid search. This is why you should know how to properly identify it and make the best out of it.

Keep reading to learn how can you boost your traffic and sales with proper identification and implementation of intent-driven search keywords.

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Meet our team at ad:tech London!

Meet our team at ad:tech London

ad:tech in London is an event for all marketers and advertisers on the lookout for self-development, business growth, upskilling, and having a great time in the company of thousands of enthusiastic industry peers. Co-located with eCommerce Expo and two other events, this is a unique opportunity to learn from the best and establish new contacts.

We will be there too – more specifically Maja, Vanja, and Dražen! To meet us and see how we can help your business, find us at our stand and come to our talk about data-driven decision making. You can also order your FREE tickets for the event! Read on to get all the details!

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Common UX annoyances and misconceptions in mobile eCommerce

Common UX annoyances and misconceptions in mobile eCommerce

It’s been over a decade we’ve been surfing using our mobile phones. Gone are the days we browsed the internet on mobile phones in a hurry, used it to kill some time while waiting (or riding) the bus or to check the weather for the day.

Over the years, our mobile phones became fierce rivals to our desktop device, and they are slowly and surely taking over.

In 2018, mobile sales accounted for nearly 40% of all retail eCommerce in the US, and projections are, that this will surpass 50% by 2021.

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Zee & Co are eCommerce Awards 2019 finalists!

Zee & Co are eCommerce Awards 2019 finalists!

We are delighted to share that our client Zee & Co, a UK independent fashion retailer, made it all the way to the finals at this year’s eCommerce Awards.

Best Fashion eCommerce, Best Mobile eCommerce and Best Use of a Multichannel – those are the 3 categories where they excelled and earned their seat at the table with other amazing UK businesses. Read on to get the details on how they got here and how we helped along the way.

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How to set up Google Shopping promotion: Magento 2 & Google Merchant Center side

How to set up Google Shopping promotion: Magento 2 & Google Merchant Center side

Thinking about how to make your products stand out from the crowd and be more visible on Google Shopping? You are already familiar with that “special offer” link that can be added to Google Shopping listing but aren’t really sure how to set everything up to get one?

Digging for some meaningful, usable and easy to follow guide that would cover all the steps you need but won’t overwhelm you at the same time because of tons of options? Search no more!

We have been in Magento and Google Ads business for quite some time. That’s why we know how time-consuming it can be to set the promotion you want while staying aligned with Google’s guidelines.

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15 Tips For Choosing An eCommerce Development Agency

choose ecommerce agency

“If you build it, they will come.” In the case of an eCommerce website that’s not exactly true? Or is it?

I know that some of you are afraid of this answer but – it all depends. If your store is slow (loading times), difficult to navigate, or if it makes you think how to make the next (or any) step – I have bad news for you.

But, if your eCommerce website follows all of the UX (user experience) or UI (user interface) best practices, as well as development best practices – I have good news for you.

Now, the question is – is it really that difficult to choose the right eCommerce development agency?

To help you answer that question we have collected some of the most important points to discuss and to check with the potential agency for your future eCommerce business.

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eCommerce UX Scorecard – what is it and how to use it?

eCommerce UX Scorecard – what is it and how to use it?

Are your optimizing for conversions? How do you measure the impact of UX design and incremental changes on an eCommerce website? What are the key metrics (KPIs) you should track to effectively monitor your website’s performance?

Is there a one-size-fits-all type of a report that can give you good enough clues on just how successful are all the efforts you (or an agency you are working with) are putting in? To see the results your optimization efforts brought in?

Here is a really good solution we’re introducing in working with our clients. An eCommerce UX Scorecard – check it out!

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Inchoo recognized as Top Magento Developers by Clutch

Inchoo recognized as Top Magento Developers by Clutch

We have been named Top Magento Developers in 2019 by Clutch, an independent review and ratings company. While this is a great honour, it is also a recognition of the hard work all of our teams have been putting in.

And it feels great to be acknowledged, especially since the biggest weight in Clutch rankings comes from unbiased interviews with our clients, conducted by Clutch team.

Take a look at how Clutch works and what our clients shared about working with us.

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B2B Marketing Expo – where marketing meets eCommerce

B2B Marketing Expo – where marketing meets eCommerce

B2B Marketing Expo is one of the leading digital marketing events in the UK. With us mostly being present at eCommerce and Magento conferences so far, we took ourselves out of our comfort zone.

This was also a good opportunity to present some of our own achievements in the digital marketing area. 2019 event took place in London on March 28-29, and we had a 4-person team representing Inchoo.

What did we learn about exhibiting at this type of an event? How did we present ourselves and what are we bringing home? Take a look at our event review below.

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Introducing BrexitCart by Inchoo – a new cart abandonment solution

Introducing BrexitCart by Inchoo – a new cart abandonment solution

We’re happy to announce the pending rollout of the greatest ever cart abandonment solution for your Magento stores, BrexitCart.

Exhaustive testing conducted in controlled environment saw a staggering 96,4% drop in cart and checkout abandonment rates across all desktop and mobile sessions combined. This means in 27 out of 28 cases the customers REMAINed throughout the entire cart and checkout process, with only 1 out of 28 eventually deciding to LEAVE.

Check out the details below.

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How can machine learning improve your B2B online sales?

How can machine learning improve your B2B online sales?

B2C eCommerce saw amazing growth and global adoption over the last decade. However, global B2B eCommerce market is a much larger pie, several times the size of the retail one.

With businesses struggling to reach, attract, and retain customers, digital marketing expertise is becoming one of the most sought-after skills with many eCommerce merchants.

And with the latest technology trends, there is significant push towards marketing and sales automation. How can B2B businesses leverage machine learning to improve their results? We have some of the answers right here.

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Top challenges and best practices in ERP and eCommerce integration

Top challenges and best practices in ERP and eCommerce integration

For every serious eCommerce business, there comes a time to invest in implementing an ERP solution. For every serious business that already operates with an ERP system, there comes a time to open up a new sales channel, an eCommerce website.

In each of those cases, they need strong support from both ERP and eCommerce sides, and finding quality partners that can work together can be a hassle.

We are happy to have found a top notch ERP solutions integrator we can happily work with and recommend to our clients. We talked to Josip Penavić of Adacta, Gold ERP and CRM Microsoft Partner. Read on to learn firsthand some of the challenges and best practices of integrating eCommerce website with an ERP system.

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Meet us in London at B2B Marketing Expo!

Meet us in London at B2B Marketing Expo!

B2B Marketing Expo in London is one of the most sought after marketing events for B2B businesses. Knowledge sharing, latest trends in marketing technology, and new business opportunities – that’s what you’ll find at ExCel London on March 27-28, 2019.

And we will be there – see who’s coming and what you can expect from us at this event! You can also schedule a meeting with our team below.

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(Why) should your designer be Magento certified?

(Why) should your designer be Magento certified?

If you have been involved in building your eCommerce website on Magento, you’ve probably come across some frictions between designers, frontend developers and online marketing team (I’ll leave out all other possible connections for the time being). Why?

Because, more often than not, the UX/UI designers on the project are “outsiders” who may have some great work behind them, but lack eCommerce and, in particular, Magento knowledge.

Now, is that even important? Should a designer understand the platform they’re designing for? And, let’s push that even further – should your designer be Magento certified?

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ERP and eCommerce platform integration

eCommerce & ERP integration featured

The benefits of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and eCommerce integration are immense when the process is done the right way. ERP presents the “backbone” of your business and a powerful software system designed to integrate and unify the main functional areas of your organization. What should companies keep in mind when planning the integration of two key systems in their business operations – ERP and eCommerce platform?

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6 things to have in mind when accepting the project

6 things to have in mind when accepting the project

As almost in every business, things in eCommerce tend to happen very fast. On a daily level, we need to analyze a lot of things, make a lot of decisions and decide on a bunch of models, approaches etc. Off course, some of those are small things which are a part of our daily routine. But some of those are rather big and tend to have a major effect on us, as well as on our company. I am talking about the projects which are the bread and butter of our business, and the focus of our work. More precisely, I am talking about our efforts to evaluate projects and decide whether to accept the project or not.

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How to tame the new Google Keyword Planner?


Keyword research is the cornerstone of almost every digital marketing activity like search engine optimization, PPC campaigns, website launch or redesign, as well as competitor analysis (which Zoran wrote about in one of his blog posts). If it’s properly done, it can prove itself as one of the highest return activities in the field of search advertising. In fact, you shouldn’t start any digital marketing activity without proper research, simple as that.

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