Life at Inchoo

Meet Magento Italy recap: fantastic time, amazing conference, awesome people!

Meet Magento Italy Inchoo recap

Five of our Inchooers went to support, network and learn something at Meet Magento Italy. Inchooers Hrvoje, Ivan, Zelimir, Nenad, and Tomislav packed their bags and visited the dreamy city of Venice.

Nenad even had a special mission – to get on the #MM18IT’s stage and talk about PWA. He was explaining PWA as a concept in the context of Magento.

In this interview with the guys, you can read about the trip, the takeaways from Nenad’s lecture and about Inchoo’s plans with PWA. For this last matter, if it’s TLDR; we’re dedicating almost the entire development track of Meet Magento Croatia to PWA! 🙂

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Inchoo just turned 10!


Ten years ago, Croatian Commercial Court published a statement that Inchoo is registered as a legal entity. Oh boy, it was an adventure since. That 2008 was very exciting for the eCommerce ecosystem. Recession was in the news all over the world. Many businesses started to optimise their costs and many merchants opened their online sales channels. On top of that, many new eCommerce businesses started to appear.

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Inchoo is a Sylius Solution Partner! To celebrate, here’s an interview with Sylius’ Founder, Pawel Jedrzejewski

Inchoo and Sylius partnership

For a long time, our only platform of choice was Magento. It was simply the best match for SOHO, SMB and Mid Sized businesses, especially in the Magento 1 era. Ecosystem recognised this and embraced the platform fully, which empowered high growth. It gave our clients a great starting point, security and lots of options. But, a new generation of eCommerce platforms has matured, and we at Inchoo are excited with the possibilities they open.

Magento 2 positioned itself higher on a SMB scale and this created some new gaps/needs in the market. Now, we’re working with two platforms: Magento and Sylius and we feel that these are not direct competitors. Each one has a specific niche to fill. We will always consult our clients towards the selection of platform that is more tailored to their needs. It makes the whole creative process more efficient and the end results are better.

Sylius eCommerce Framework is the newest member of our partner family and platforms that we build stores with, and we couldn’t be more thrilled with that! Its founder, Paweł Jędrzejewski, held a three-day workshop at Inchoo for our specially chosen development team.

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On the road again – heading off to Imagine!

Antonija goes to Imagine - Inchoo

Every year, Imagine is aiming for the new heights. I mean, 150+ speakers with top names from the industry, 3000 attendees and Phillip Jackson as Master of Ceremonies? What could beat that?!

Twitter feed is filled with #MagentoImagine and #RoadToImagine posts, and they are a delight to watch. The community is showing its strength once again. We can’t say this enough, but there is no community like Magento community! Am I right or am I right?

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Office manager’s role at a software development company

Inchoo office manager's role

When thinking about the ideal job, it is the one that allows you to use your talent the best way possible, where your virtues can come forward, and peculiarities aren’t considered weaknesses. You’ll know it’s worthwhile if you have the will to get up from your warm and cosy bed on a cold, dark Monday morning.

The office manager position at Inchoo gave me the opportunity to put some of my most prominent characteristics to use and take joy in doing so. Even though this position is not new in business world, many people don’t know what its real purpose is, what are the daily responsibilities, and what the position’s requirements and expectations are.

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Ready for 2nd Meet Magento Croatia with agenda focused on PWA? Book the dates!

Meet Magento Croatia MM18HR

Reserve 28th and 29th of September 2018 for the second Meet Magento Croatia!

Last year we hosted a crowd of more than 200 participants from 18 countries at first ever Meet Magento in Croatia! If you were there, you had the opportunity to learn from and mingle with developers, merchants, and eCommerce specialists. And attend an awesome party, because at Inchoo – we know how to have fun!

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Review: Reacticon – Power to the front-end developers!

PWA Reacticon

Ever since Magento announced their PWA (Progressive Web App) Studio and PWA solutions like Deity started gaining traction, people were more than eager to learn more about how PWA would affect Magento platform and the world of eCommerce in general. Reacticon sought to provide some more in depth information about technologies that will become integral part of our workflow in the near future.

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Why you should go to MageTestFest if you are a Magento developer

Why you should go to MageTestFest if you are a Magento developer © Meet Inchooers Luka and Stjepan at MageTestFest

When a conference is advertised as “Magento. Software Testing. Party.” and Yireo stands behinds its organization, there is really not much left to say in order to convince you to attend MageTestFest that’s happening November 15th – 18th 2017!

There are no doubts – you must clear your schedule and head off to this international developer oriented event that has one single focus: TESTING! Vital for clean coding, testing is a topic that can always break the unbearable silence among developers that are just meeting each other.

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“It takes a village” to raise an active local IT community – 2 Inchooers take the stage at #MM17ES


Inchooers at Magento conference? That’s nothing new. But 2 women Inchooers on the stage of Meet Magento Spain? Well, that’s something!

IT has always been a predominantly male industry. However, women are playing a huge part too! It is no longer such a huge surprise to see a woman in tech. Although they are still generally unrepresented in hardcore technology jobs, women are mostly finding their place in business development, HR, consultations, marketing and design fields of IT companies.

Let’s face it – men are from Mars and women are from Venus. We are alike, but again, we’re different in values that we bring to the company and ways that we are handling business, especially on soft skills level. Research show that women are better at using soft skills that are crucial for effective leadership and superior business performance.

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Meet Magento Greece and Athens at its finest

Meet Magento Greece and Athens at its finest

The whole of September has been rather hectic, so we barely realized that the date of Meet Magento Greece conference has approached. So my colleague Adrian and my self needed to plan and prepare everything, and start packing fast. Our office manager Nandino set us up with the accommodation in Athens and flight tickets and we were good to go.

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eCommerce (Ro)mania

eCommerce (Ro)mania

We are happy to anounce 4 Inchooers will be attending this year’s Meet Magento Romania – a two-day conference that will be held in beautiful Cluj, the unofficial capital of Transylvania, on 16th and 17th October. Our delegates Ivana, Andreja, Ivan and Goran (who we’re proud to present as a speaker) are excited because this is their first Magento event.

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Belarus meets Inchoo: IAESTE summer internship

Belarus meets Inchoo: IAESTE summer internship

7 years ago, Kamilla from Russia did a summer internship at Inchoo. This year, we had the opportunity to host Ulyana Kiklevich from Belarus on an internship that was organised through IAESTE. We’ve prepared an interview to get to know Ulyana, see how her days as frontend developer intern at Inchoo went, what she learned, and why she decided to travel back to the Croatian coast with her parents.

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Inchoo is now a Google Premier Partner!

inchoo google premier partner

We’re very excited to announce that Inchoo has just leveled up to a Google Premier Partner status, which placed us among the top trustworthy PPC experts in the world in the eyes of the almighty Google. How did we deserve it? Well, with Google, You can never be certain, but there are a few key factors that could be the reason for this exciting upgrade. Here’s our short story on becoming a Google Premier Partner.

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See you at Meet Magento Poland 2017!

See you at Meet Magento Poland 2017!

We have an internal process at Inchoo, where each Inchooer applies for the conference he would like to visit, and with a set of rules we decide who is going. Fair and square.

When we opened up an application for Meet Magento Poland, that will take place in Krakow on Sept 18th and 19th, within minutes (!) we had 2 speakers – Tomislav Bilic and Nenad Andrakovic, and 2 speaker’s chaperones – Nandino Loncar and Toni Pap.

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The Inchooers Comic Series

inchooers comic

Welcome to the page where you can find all of our The Inchooers comics. Yes, all of them.

Here you can find all our problems (well, not really, we are too embarrassed to show some of them) we encounter in daily work and some of the solutions we come up with. Some of those are very… well, interesting. So, we have asked ourselves – why not make fun of those situations?

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Inchoo won The Golden Marten Award

Inchoo won The Golden Marten Award

After 9 years in business, Inchoo won The Golden Marten Award (Zlatna kuna), traditionally given to the most successful local companies by the Croatian Chamber of Economy. We received it as the best small company in Osijek-Baranja County. Why did we win it for 2016? There were 21 distinct areas that were rated and Inchoo had very high scores in employment increase, average salary, non-material assets, financial stability and self-funding.

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Learning and adrenaline – Inchoo Learning Day #9

Learning and adrenaline – Inchoo Learning Day #9

We had another Inchoo Learning Day in Baranja on Friday, May 26. It is a day when all of us Inchooers collectively leave our offices and enjoy the beauties of Slavonia and Baranja, and combine learning with team building activities.

This was the 9th Inchoo Learning Day (ILD) in a row. This time; Zlatna Greda, an eco center about 30 km from Osijek, in the middle of forest. Zlatna Greda is an organized concept that provides a practical experience of coexistence with nature as a place to learn, but also as a place to have fun; you can visit the adrenaline park, take a walk, or see the animals. It’s like a house in nature which functions through practical examples of sustainable growth, such as the renewable energy sources, waste separation, social entrepreneurship and responsible business conduct.

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Are you in for some RWD workshop? Vitaly Friedman from Smashing Magazine is coming to Osijek, Croatia

Are you in for some RWD workshop? Vitaly Friedman from Smashing Magazine is coming to Osijek, Croatia

We are proud to announce an awesome Responsive Web Design workshop by one and only Vitaly Friedman! This writer, speaker, author and editor-in-chief of Smashing Magazine will get up on stage at Inchoo’s hometown Osijek with smashing workshop “New Adventures in Responsive Web Design”.

Faculty of Economics at Osijek will be the main point of this event on June 17 from 9AM to 6PM.

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A Developer’s Guide to Communicating With Clients

A Developer’s Guide to Communicating With Clients

If you are a developer that does not always feel comfortable to communicate with the clients and all you want to do is just code and more code, then this article is created with you in my mind.

While working with clients on daily basis, monitoring the communication between clients and developers and occasionally assisting developers in complicated dialogues, I have collected a good understanding of what’s the good way to communicate in given situation. And although each situation requires an individual approach, it was possible for me to standardize it a bit and share with you few situations and examples on how I think communication should go.

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