
The process of improving online store usability and design your customers will enjoy

The process of improving online store usability and design your customers will enjoy

The only point of contact your customer has with your online store, is the designed interface. Ever wondered exactly what they think of it? Long gone are the days when the design was purely a visual discipline. It shifted into a responsibility, where designers are also to be valued for their understanding of the product being built. Design doesn’t just paint the building, it builds the stairs to an overall better usability and collaboration of everyone included. It is necessary to update our processes with thorough understanding of end users, colleagues and stakeholders to make responsible and risk-reduced design decisions. Change through user testing is what keeps the design process relevant and competitive.

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Reorder input fields on Shipping and Billing step in Magento 2

Reorder input fields on Shipping and Billing step in Magento 2

With time we are becoming more and more familiar with Magento 2 Checkout. And we are trying to build our knowledge furthermore. Hopefully, this article will help you in that process. With this article, we’ll learn how to change inputs fields ordering on the Checkout page.

If you ever tested Magento 2 you are familiar with default Magento 2 Checkout and the default fields sort ordering. If you wish to want to recall it, check this screenshot:

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Create a multi-language store in Magento 2 – Part 2

Create a multi-language store in Magento 2 Part 2

In the first post from this series, we’ve focused more on theory and technical background behind multi-language Magento2 store. Now, we’ll create Magento2 store with additional French language. First thing is to go to the administration and create a new store view. Before we proceed, please check documentation where is explained a difference between store view, store and website, old but still relevant,

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How to improve usability for Magento 2 add to cart process

How to improve usability for Magento 2 add to cart process

Magento 2 introduced a new and improved way for adding products to the cart. The system now offers complete asynchronous (ajax) process, although the process itself is not activated in default application state. It requires some manual adjustments in the script call inside the templates. Someone would think, ok, we will simply modify the template script calls and that’s it! We successfully improved the process. Unfortunately, not so fast! There is still more room left for improvement. If you’re interested, let’s find out what’s left on the table.

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Allow backorders on a website scope

Allow backorders on a website scope

We’re all aware of the fact that Magento handles inventory of products in a (fairly) straightforward fashion. There is only one “warehouse”, one inventory, one “number” in the database that is responsible for a final say – how much of it is in stock. A lot of other functionality is dependent on the fact that stock is global. If we check “Advanced inventory” configuration from the administration of a product, we notice that all of the options are global: Out of stock threshold, Minimum and maximum qty allowed in Shopping Cart, backorders, notifications etc.

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Editing robots.txt in Magento 2 Admin

Editing robots.txt in Magento 2 Admin

In the last few versions of Magento 2 a few shiny new features regarding robots.txt appeared and they bring some interesting issues with them. In this blog post, I’ll attempt to walk you through all of the different cases you can encounter while modifying the Magento 2 robots.txt file.

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Create a multi-language store in Magento 2 – Part 1

Create a multi-language store in Magento 2 Part 1

Many merchants were in a situation where, upon expanding an online business, they needed to provide a localized version of their store, adjusted to local markets and languages. Creating multi-language (localized) store in Magento 2 is very much easy and in every aspect configurable.

The first step in creating a multi-language store is to download and install a language pack for Magento 2. If you need to make an adjustment on a specific language or need to adjust to a specific local situation, then you can easily make all those changes.

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Magento 2 Product Quick View

Magento 2 Product Quick View

What I’m about to share is still somewhat experimental, so it might be wise to test it and adjust according to your needs before you add it to production.

Those who doesn’t want to read whole article, can access extension directly on github here.

Everyone else, continue reading!

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Magento 2 Widgets – gallery widget explained – client testimonials showcase

Magento 2 Widgets – gallery widget explained – client testimonials showcase

Further to our previous post about Magento gallery widget (in which we explained how to build image gallery) we’d like to show another possible use of this widget. Because it’s based on Fotorama plugin, gallery widget is able to work not just with images but with other HTML content as well. And we’ll demonstrate how by building a client testimonials gallery which we’re going to display in the footer of our web shop.

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Adding Voice Search to Magento 2

Adding Voice Search to Magento 2

Introduction of Web Speech API to Chrome and Firefox opens up some new possibilities in general interaction with websites and, more importantly, accessibility. Web Speech API includes two main components: Speech Recognition and Voice Synthesis. In this article, we are going to use the Speech Recognition API to implement basic Voice Search in Magento 2 header search.

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Magento Coding Standards

Magento coding standards

Everyone has their own style of writing code and there’s always a debate which one’s is the correct one or which one’s makes the most sense. For that reason rules are brought that need to be followed that define code standards and enhance source code readability.

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Magento Solution Partners readiness and expertise with Magento 2

Magento Solution Partners readiness and expertise with Magento 2

With more and more projects being migrated to Magento 2, and showcased by partners and Magento themselves, what’s the status of Magento 2 adoption within the partner ecosystem?

Is there any way merchants can tell “heaven from hell” when deciding what partner to go with when planning and delivering a Magento 2 project?

Did you know that (only) 72% of Magento solution partners are Magento 2 trained?

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Why you should go to MageTestFest if you are a Magento developer

Why you should go to MageTestFest if you are a Magento developer © Meet Inchooers Luka and Stjepan at MageTestFest

When a conference is advertised as “Magento. Software Testing. Party.” and Yireo stands behinds its organization, there is really not much left to say in order to convince you to attend MageTestFest that’s happening November 15th – 18th 2017!

There are no doubts – you must clear your schedule and head off to this international developer oriented event that has one single focus: TESTING! Vital for clean coding, testing is a topic that can always break the unbearable silence among developers that are just meeting each other.

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Keeping an eye on small things in eCommerce projects

Keeping an eye on small things in eCommerce projects

When managing projects, one usually focuses on big things: biggest costs, biggest features, biggest risks, etc. The same is with building an eCommerce site – the biggest, most important things are, well, most important.

But large topics are not the be-all and end-all of the project.

In this post, we will illustrate how tiny issues can have an outsized influence on the project. Through analysis of several examples from our experience, we will try to understand how small perturbations shape the course of the project.

So let’s start with something totally relevant, let’s start with – Napoleon.

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Customising product info tabs in Magento 2

Customising product info tabs in Magento 2

Whether horizontal (which are more common) or vertical, tabs are a great way to avoid information overload by organizing large content into easily digestible chunks of data. When done right they provide all the information (related to one specific subject) without overwhelming users, allowing them to quickly navigate through the content by showing data from just one tab at a time. From the UX standpoint tabs’ main purpose is to simply facilitate access to information and it’s also useful to know that they don’t have any negative effect on your SEO and site ranking in any way.

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Empower Magento2 UI library

Empower Magento2 UI library

Magento2 came with very “controversial” frontend architecture approach. We will not discuss that but we will try to explain how to empower current Magento2 UI library to achieve most common frontend task.

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Magento 2 with Slick Carousel

Magento 2 with Slick Carousel

Slick is a great Carousel plugin good for any product list like Most Popular, Featured, Upsell, Cross sell products, or any other custom product list. I will guide you with step by step on how to add Slick Carousel and apply it on product list widget on Homepage.

Lets get started!

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Magento 2 Custom CMS page layout

Magento 2 Custom CMS page layout

We’ve had a request to add a new custom layout for CMS pages in one Magento shop.
This can be very useful and can save you a lot of time for different static pages of your shop.

In this example we’ll create a layout named Inchoo Layout.

We should focus on two xml files: layouts.xml and page_layout/inchoo-layout.xml under Magento_Theme folder.

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Validate a custom form in Magento 2

Validate a custom form in Magento 2

This article will cover the fundamentals of validating any form in Magento 2.

The contact form on Contact us page will be used and modified for the purpose of the article. The form itself can be found in the following paths, depending on the type of installation you are using:

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CSS Media queries in Magento 2

CSS Media queries in Magento 2

It’s highly unlikely that there are some frontend developers involved in a responsive website development who are not familiar with the concept of CSS Media queries. In this post, I’ll be looking at Magento 2 way of implementing this functionality in its default theme development workflow.

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Adding videos to product page in Magento2

Adding videos to product page in Magento2

Today is even impossible to imagine a good product detail page without product video/s. In Magento 2, adding videos to the product details page is quite easy. The major problem is in most cases with an initial setup. Most of the product videos already exist online, either on or In the first case, it’s the most popular video publishing platform and for we can say it is more or less dedicated to professionals and photo/video enthusiast.

Google, company behind youtube, set few rules regarding sharing and embedding videos to other domains, in our case our online store. They require to have enabled youtube API key if you want to use embedding youtube videos beyond simple grabbing embed code from youtube videos page.

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Klevu – search engine that will increase revenue, self-learn and improve UX

Klevu – search engine that will increase revenue, self-learn and improve UX

One of most important parts of every store is its Search functionality. Implementing a more advanced search solution can have positive and big impact on search function, which leads to significant increase in conversion rate. After all, visitors trust in search results. If your store’s search experience is good, users will use it more than browsing by clicking through categories.

With artificial intelligence and self learning processes, search engines became even more powerful and provide us with features that were not possible before.

Klevu is one of those search engines – it is fast (really fast), it provides high level of customisation and most important – it learns from your customers and self-improves which results in more accurate search results and increase in revenue.

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